The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1834: Blood sea swallow home

The Longwangshan Zhang family is also a bit famous in hell. However, when the geeks shot, they killed Zhang Yu and also smashed his head in public. The method was so hot and spicy, even the soul-eater snake on his side was The color change, when it is really unappealing, can become the guest of Yang De, but there is something extraordinary.

Under the crowd, everyone suddenly snorted, and in the face of merciful people, who dared to say a little more rumors.

The ancient Qing is pretty chilly and does not dare to speak again.

In fact, the two of them don’t understand how Zhang Yu’s life is lost.

"Awesome geeks, this strange body is really unprecedented." Ye Fei said.

"The law of the soil, nothing can be said."

Qin Hao smiled lightly.

"Qin brother, you have to boast Haikou, this is to eat Rao guys, appeal, no comment, no comment."

Ye Fei scared the color change, and quickly reminded Qin to shut up.

"Don't be nervous, he really just wants to marry a wife."

"If I am there, you will pull him out of his teeth and he will not care about you."

Qin Xiao looked at the dwarf gnome, and the smile on his face was mild.

Under the speed of the next, there are really few people who can follow this person, and few people can keep him.

Qin Lan is one of them!

"Bet the cows again, the ghosts believe you, who do you think you are, is Qin Guangwang? People can listen to you."

Gu Qing licked his mouth and sneered.

"You are wrong, Qin Guangwang absolutely does not move him, the next person who can make him move, only me." Qin Xiaoran laughed.


The two brothers and sisters of the ancient Qing Dynasty glanced at each other, and the unbelief of the face was naturally not taken seriously.

"Everyone, let me introduce you, this brother is..." Yang German gas is a stagnation, in fact, he does not know who this geek is, only know that he is recently voted, repaired as a sly.

This time he was originally acting, so it is the evil that is lazy. These three people are the ones who are chosen to be the highest.

"My name is big, everyone will call me a big head."

The geek had already smashed Zhang Yu’s head, and there was no hair left. He wiped the blood of his mouth and smiled.

"Cough, now introduce everyone to the third master, this is..."

Yang De discovered that the third chair was always empty. It was a smashing, and a **** figure rushed from the valley. From afar, it was like a **** red train in the clouds, just a blink of an eye. Everyone only felt a flash in front of him, and the man had already appeared in the center.

But seeing this person's face is white, quite handsome, a black hair neatly shawl, his eyes deep and sultry with a cold murderous, a red cloak bursting with a red flame, as soon as he appeared the entire venue temperature rose sharply, repaired to a slightly lower Ye Fei, this is even difficult to breathe.

"Lovely son, you are here." Although Yang De is a distinguished person, his face is also slightly arched.

There are few people who can let him admire each other, which makes everyone can't help but be curious about this young Rao.

"I introduce to you, this is the sentimental son Yan Yan. Yan family is the hidden family in the blood sea and the mantle palace, Yan family ancestors are rare under the top master, repair is not under the four high ""

"Yan Yan Gongzi as the leader of this generation of Yan family, repaired it, he is sitting in the town, everything is safe."

Yang Delang introduced, but his heart was secretly swearing a numb batch, he came to find someone to act, Yan Yan ran here to join in the fun, if the sect was lost, it would be inevitable to hurt the face. However, since it is an alliance, he has no right to refuse Yan Yan, and he can only accept it with a smile.

"Yan is obsessed with Xianle. It is natural to be obedient to listen to the fairy. The Yang Gong also does not want to engage in any alliance. There is a certain person in Yan, and Zong Zong is only a group of ants, enough to deal with it."

Yan Yan's thin lips move, very cold and proud.

When he said this, everyone in the field naturally suffered a lot of damage, but once he heard that his ancestor was a character who coexisted with the four highs, no one dared to refute it. After all, it was a passing character, not the average person. Raised.

"Hey, son, are you a little crazy? You have to have this skill. Why don't you just kill Liang Shuo and run this show?" Li Qifeng was dissatisfied.

"I am here, I want you to know these mediocrities, what is highland!"

Yan Yan's sword and eyebrows sink, and the body will burst out.

Yang De quickly stepped forward to dissuade him: "The two are all coming together, why bother to hurt."

"Cough, tomorrow's competition, it's not too late to see the true chapter on the ring. Everyone, today's meeting ends here. In the morning, let's gather to go to Yunyun Mountain and fight with Liang Shu."

Yang De was afraid of guilt, and quickly made a round and announced the adjournment.

"This Yan Yan is really crazy, as if he is invincible, what Yan family, anyway, I have not heard." Ye Fei squeezed in the crowd, while walking and shouting.

When he came here, his self-esteem was hardly hit, as if he could stand up alone and hang his ancient swordsman, and he would inevitably swear a few words.

"Where is it, you are not very powerful? Why don't you dare to compare this with Yan Yan."

Gu Qing is also a stomach, just see Qin Qin hand in slow, just rushing to him.

"He is not qualified enough. I am interested in his ancestors."

Qin Hao touched the bridge of the nose and meditated.

At this time, he was thinking about Yan Dongyang. This time, before his death, he used the strange characters left by the Yan family's ancestors to lead to the reincarnation, and finally the soul escaped from his hand.

If the mortal Yan family has a relationship with the Hell Yan family, it is interesting.

It is impossible to open the soul directly from the mortal. This kind of means, even Qin Yu is not possible now. It seems that the Yan family ancestors are indeed a must.

Of course, Yan Yan’s ability, he really did not look at it.

However, there is a kind of hunch in Qin Yu. This time, there may be unexpected gains in the league. At least there is a swallow, and at least the emperor has to send a master of the elders to sit down. Otherwise, I am afraid that no one can stop this. Well, one of you is more than a mad, tomorrow is the meeting, when you see how you can deal with the ancestors. ”

Qin Lan’s arrogance can only be salted on her wounds. Gu Qing looked for no interest, smashed his feet, and took a leaf and flew away.

Mysterious Valley!

A black beast, from the dense road like a wind, rolled out of the valley, went straight to the city of worry-free.

Moonlight sky.

A young man wrapped in a black trench coat hurried to the gate of the city, raising a token, and the guard immediately opened the door.

Yang De rushed to the worry-free palace at the fastest speed.

What is the soul-splitting, big head, he is not in the heart, but this Yan Yan really a little disrupted his plan, he must re-consult with Liang Shu, so as not to go out of time.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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