The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1835: Tianzong’s post-trick

In the city of worry-free, Liang Shu is in the hall to entertain the guests of the ancestors.

At this time, Liang Shuming is no longer the former nephew. Instead, he is a navy blue tiger robe. The reason why he did not wear the robe is because he has not been recognized by Qin Guangwang and Xiong Xiong.

Liang Shun has three years of age, four generations, and he is a burly, wide-faced, long-haired, and hegemony. There are quite a few tigers that will be majestic.

At the moment, in the palace, the dancers danced and the music was intoxicating. Although Liang Shu is the owner of the worry-free hell, he did not dare to live in the same place. He sat with the two people in the same row and respectfully toasted.

Sitting on the left and right of him, the left side of the position is a ruddy complexion, with a black and white mixed long hair, cold and proud old man.

The old man's temple is high and high, and there is a vague electric light flow between the eyes. If you breathe and breathe smoothly, you will see the top level master.

The old name is Chen Taikang, who is the elder of Mou Zong, who is good at yin and yang taiji. He can run yin and yang, and he has already reached the late stage of returning to the truth. He is a famous master in hell.

The person sitting on the right side of Liang Shu is almost the same age as him. His body is still a bit burly. Although he is sitting cross-legged, he is still a mountain. The broad, majestic chest of the shoulders is full. The two are thick, and suddenly they are a master of the martial arts.

The name of this strong man is Jiang Zhong, inheriting Chen Taikang's method of yang cultivation, and cultivating Yang to the extreme. He is a well-known master of external repairs. He is hard as iron and has the courage of Wanfu.

Liang Shuming was also a disciple of Chen Taikang. Liang Shu was a master brother. He left Zongmen very early and entered the ranks. Although Jiang Zhong began to cultivate himself, he was still a long-term Liang Shuo, but he also called Liang Shuming according to the rules. Brother.

"Master, the apprentice did not expect to dream, your old man and Jiang Shidi will come personally."

"In fact, it is some private transactions made by Yang De and his apprentices. It is expected that there will be no real guns. What about the elderly and the younger brothers?"

Liang Shuo apologized.

"Liang, for the teacher to go down the mountain, it is one for you to sit in the town. Now you are a well-deserved real power in the worry-free hell. There are countless disciples who have been in the ranks of Wu Zong for so many years, but the highest status and the greatest achievement. The lord is very valued to you. I am afraid that there is no dissatisfaction in the worry-free hell. I specially sent us to fight this battle. I also want to show it to others. You are the reliance on you forever. No matter who you are, dare to question you. Against you, it is with me."

"Liang, you have a good anti-Zhao family this time. Master’s prestige on the Lushan Mountain is also rising. So, the teacher also wants to take time to look at you, to be full of our mentoring, and to be born."

Chen Taikang quickly toasted and touched Liang Shu, and laughed loudly.

Although he is the master of Liang Shuming, today Liang Shuming is soon the ghost king of worry-free hell. The ghost king is the identity of direct dialogue with the sovereign, and this world has always been the strong.

Liang Shuming now sits on tens of thousands of troops, and his men will be countless. On the influence, it is indeed not what he can compare with an elder.

"Yeah, brother, the lord has repeatedly praised you at the sect of the sect. It is even more important for me to wait for you to be an example. I am actively enlisted in the army, and I am a minister. I am not a king. door."

"Senior brother, please accept me."

Jiang Zhongjian’s masters were so polite to Liang Shu, and quickly got up and toasted.

Liang Shuo’s heart was greatly used. He was still afraid that Master would come here to gesticulate. Now he sees that the two are so respectful to themselves, and the hung heart has relaxed a bit. Immediately, he said: “Master, younger brother, don’t want to I am a teacher, a teacher for life, and a lifelong father. Liang Shu’s life is unforgettable. The success of this coup is successful. It’s nothing more than the influence of Master and Zongmen. Otherwise, can you have Liang Shu today?”

"Liang, Master did not teach you white, did it."

Chen Taikang was overjoyed, and the three of them had a toast.

While chatting, the guards came in and reported: "The handsome man, Yang Gong is coming, it seems that there is an urgent meeting."

"Yang Gong is not an outsider, fast pass."

Liang Shuo raised his hand.

Yang De hurriedly made an order, and Liang Shu three personally got up and greeted each other. After drinking and retreating, they sat down. After Liang Hao introduced it, he asked: "Yang Gong, what happened?"

They were plotting between them. At this time, if they were arrested, they would have an impact on Yang De’s and Liang Shu’s statement. Yang Dezhen can not know this truth, but he can't take care of it. He is so boring and blunt: "There are some things that are not good. I originally picked two masters who are a bit of a skill to fight, but I didn't expect blood. The Yanyan of the Haiyan family also came to join in the fun, I am afraid that you are not prepared, when the time is planted.

"Yan Yan?"

As soon as he mentioned this name, Chen Taikang changed his face and his brow was locked.

"Master, is this person very big?" Jiang Zhong asked coldly.

"Yes, this person comes from the blood sea Yan family. According to Yan Jia's third child, like Yale, listening to the Yan family ancestors will soon have a long life, I guess he came this time, afraid to win the non-smoke to Yan Old magic Qingshou."

Chen Taikang Road.

Yan family ancestors.

No one remembers his name. This person was once a singular talent. It is one of the most dazzling stars in this land. Because he is not blind, he is also evil. He is called Yan Laomo in Hell. .

There is no one underneath, even if it is the patriarch of the ancestor, he will never dare to marry the old devil.

The Yan family rarely bleeds into the sea. Yan Yan is known as the passionate son. It is one of the few Yan family members who walked in Hell. For his existence, Chen Taikang did not dare to have any intention.

"Yang Gong, do you have a way to let the surname Yan go out?" Liang Shuo did not want to make extra-budgets and asked directly.

"Difficult~ I am playing the flag of Meiling. At this time, it is not a suspicion?" Yang De frowned.

"Afraid of what, his surname Yan's dare to come, I punched his head with a punch." Jiang Zhong screamed at the table.

"You are not his opponent."

"But you don't panic, you can fight for the old man and Yan Yan, and we have an invincible trump card to ensure that the war is not famous."

Chen Taikang caressed a smile, mysterious.

"Oh, there are more people than Master?" Liang Shu was shocked.

"Of course, our young master Ouyang Rong has already gone out of the mountain. The young master has been secretly trained by the sects since he was a child. When I went down the mountain, I heard that he had been repaired as a great man. The lord wanted him to go down the mountain. Now Yan Yan is coming out. Come, the young master will miss such a trial opponent?"

Chen Taikang’s mouth is full of arrogance, and it is obviously full of confidence in the Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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