The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1842: Under the holy environment, all are ants

Ouyang Rong compromised!

If this is before Yang De’s death, everyone will be very surprised.

But now it seems that all this is normal, anyone can see that this young man who has been born around the world has stabilized Ouyang Rong.

The one who can't be a singer is like a student in front of him. It is so respectful and dare not pick up the slightest wave.

"If you win, can you tell me that your name is a good name, so that Ouyang will remember it."

Ouyang Rong bit his teeth and asked coldly.

"Qin Hao!"

Qin Yudao.

In his view, the identity of the Eighteen Prison Qinhou has become a thing of the past. From today on, Qin Lan is the name that makes this place change!

"Well, Qin Hao, I remember you."

"This time you win, I will admit defeat, and you can go up the mountain, and you will be told by Liang."


Ouyang Rong's knowledge of the time is Junjie. Since he thinks it, he simply clicks on it, and he will leave with a slight sullen face.

Just as he resisted humiliation, he thought that everything would be alive. When he came to Japan to repair and report the humiliation of today, Qin Xiaobo’s unspeakable voice once again sounded behind his ears.

"I can you go now?"


Just when everyone thought that the play was peacefully over and it was about to celebrate the Qin dynasty, this sudden sound made the nerves tighten again.

I want to know that I can recognize him as the only son of Ouyangxiong, one of the four highs.

This guy is so close, what does he want to do?

"What are you?"

Ouyang Rong did not dare to believe his own ears, turned and frowned.

"You want to go, have you asked me?"

Qin Hao smiled with a negative hand.

"What do you want to do, do you really want to be enemies with me?"

"Don't forget, my ancestral students are all over the world. Under one call, the entire 18-story **** is like a landslide and tsunami. My father is one of the four highs, and he has become a saint."

"You are very strong, but the energy of my ancestors is not something you can afford. Before I advise you, I would like to think clearly."

Ouyang Rong shouted almost insanely.

"It's very good. If you are an ordinary person, I can give the same dog, but you are not. You are the son of Ouyang Xiong, so you are destined to die."

Qin Hao touched the nose and the smile on his face was more brilliant.

"Maniac, you are a madman."

Ouyang Rong took a deep breath and shook his head and cursed.

He really didn't want to fight for life and death with a person he couldn't wear, but now the other person named him for his life. If he retreats, it will not only make him shameless, but also worse for his morale.

Since there is no way to retreat, then fight.

As the top master of the younger generation, Ouyang Rong has already reached the stage of the robbery. The sacred place, the quasi-holy, the saints and the saints in the late period of the robbery are also a matter of time.

"Okay, let me see, what do you have in the end, let me die here."

Ouyang Rong slowly took off his cloak and threw it away. The voice just fell, and the whole body broke out, hehe!


The moment is overcast, and the blue lightning of the road has descended from the nine miles. The gods thundered and the whole piece was blown up!

In the face of this top robbery period, the power of the top masters is ten times better than that of the newly-expanded Yan Yan. The people dare not blindly watch again. They have retreated several times and chose a higher mountain. The whole body, until it is determined that it will not be affected, this dare to focus on the crowd.

Ouyang Rong burst into the air, the whole person vacated and went to Zheng

A thunder and lightning constant blessing in his body, combined into a pair of Shenweihehe lightning armor!

When it was time to land, Ouyang Rong was like a mech-warrior. The whole body was wrapped in a rune-filled Lejia. The electric light flashed dozens of feet, and it was like a god.

"Sword is coming!"

Ouyang Rong raised his right hand, domineering and drinking, and finally the thick thunder of the bucket suddenly turned into a ten-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-throat sword. When Lei Jian pointed out, the ground color changed, everything was killed, and everything was incomprehensible.

In the violent thunder and hurricane, the Qin dynasty fluttered, the cold face did not change at all, and there was still a faint smile.

He now has a limitless amount of mixed-race gas, and there are not many people with the inter-digit number!

Ouyang Rong’s life is amazing, but in front of a fairy, lightning is only the lowest level of play.

This is the gap between the horizon and the realm!

Before he got the next product, Qin Xiao did not know, what is the real law in this world, the real surgery!

"Under the supreme, no more than force, no more than Wu!"

"Today, I would like to ask Lei Jian to sneak up and smash the earth!"

Ouyang Rong felt the call from the blood of the ancestors, and the extremely solemn back screamed, and the smashing sword in his hand was full of infuriating and slammed into the bottom.

The earth that suddenly took Ouyang Rong as the center violently trembled, which is several times more powerful than the previous match with Yan Yan!

Earth cracking!

Constantly deep, as the depth of the gap increases, Ouyang Rong's face becomes paler and paler.

However, he did not stop cohesive. He knew that the masters’ confrontation was often a trick. If you want to win the Qin dynasty, you can make a perfect move and try your best.

As the earth sinks deeper and deeper, when it is carried to the extreme, Ouyang Rong’s sword is slashed in the void, and the earth is turned into eight cone-shaped boulders. According to the shape of the scorpion gossip, from the eight aspects, the cone angle direction to the Qin dynasty The past.

Eight hills, united, pressed like a city.

In the eyes of others, this is completely the real **** of the law!

Especially Yan Yan, before he picked up half of the hill, he thought it was awful. At this moment, he knew that compared with Ouyang Rong, he was really a slag.

While Ye Fei and others are stunned, they have to worry about Qin Yu. Under such a terrible killing, can this "madman" really stand up?

In fact, their fears are really superfluous!


When the eight boulders are perfectly seamless, they will be closed at the same 羿!

To be exact, just a slight movement of the lips!

Set the mountain curse, set!

At the same time of Qin Lan, he recited a curse.

The powerful mixed gas is like a tidal wave, and it spreads instantly, like an invisible chain, and instantly sets eight megaliths in the air.

The power of the powerful curse in the power of the mixed forces, even Qin Hao himself was shocked.

Previously, when using the dragon curse on the seabed, it was not a big feeling because it was a preliminary test of the knife and immersed in the joy of conquering the sea dragon.

However, at this moment, under the eyes of the public, using the curse of the gods and easily restraining Ou Yangrong's killing tricks, he really realized that he really stood on a supreme plane.

Under the holy environment, they are all ants.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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