The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1843: Horror thunder

Is everything over?

Everyone's heart is full of doubts, such as Gu Qing and others even dare to look at it.

Under the miracle of the eight-stone addition, the body is afraid to be squeezed into mud.

They think so, Ouyang Rong is even more so, just this one has almost exhausted his 60% instinct, and the eight stones combined, even the saints can not afford.

Qin Lan is similar to his age, and he can’t help but be shocked anyway.

However, when the ancient curse in the Qin dynasty sounded, when the mountain was cursed, the eight boulders were instantly frozen, and the time seemed to be still at this moment!

The eight boulders stayed in the air in a steady way, and it was hard to enter.

Ouyang Rong can clearly sense that the power of manipulation from the boulder has completely disappeared.

He lost control of the boulder, and 60% of the infuriating infuriating was invisible.

This is unacceptable and unimaginable, but it all happened.

Qin Lan slowly came out from the eight boulder, his face was relaxed, not damaged!

"Come, Shimei, Qin Yu is still alive, Qin Lan is still alive, you look."

In the distance, Ye Fei pointed to Qin Hao, who stepped out of the void in Stonehenge, and screamed.

"The cultivation of the master has grown again, and it is more than twice as strong as it was." The big head is also endlessly sighed.

In the flight of Ye Fei and the public, the ancient Qing dynasty opened the eyes of the show. When she saw the Qin dynasty, which was still in the air, she couldn’t believe that it was all true.

This guy who walked with himself all the way, how could there be such a strong cultivation.

Is he a god?

Broken, he won't really want me to be a slave?

Gu Qing’s heart was suddenly shocked. Intuition told her that Qin Hao was not a joke.

Looking at Qin Hao step by step toward himself, Ouyang Rong has an endless desperation.

"How could this be?"

"My cracked ground can't be broken so easily."

"This is absolutely impossible."

Ouyang Rong shook his head and shouted.

To know that his cultivation is already half the level of his father, he asked himself that even his father could not take this shackle so easily.

Qin Zhen does not seem to consume a little bit of power at all. In addition to Qin Guangwang's ability in this world, Ouyang Rong can no longer think of it.

"Do it yourself, I can consider leaving you a whole body!"

Qin Yu faint.

Ouyang Rong stepped back a few steps, his face was faded, and he said: "No, no, I can't die. I have suffered endless suffering, and I have the cultivation of today. I am a peerless person. How can I do it? So die."

"If you want to blame, you will blame you for giving birth to a wrong child. Let's accept it." Qin Yu looked at Ouyang Rong indifferently, and he was cold.

"Do you think that if you break my cracked ground, can you kill me?"

"It’s ridiculous!"

"You forced me, you forced me!"

Ouyang Rong was forced to enter the desperate mad dog at the same time, and screamed.

He slammed off a fine jade-shaped sword hanging from his chest. When he was empty, he screamed: "Hey, the sword, this is the element that my father used to refine the goddess of the ancient gods outside the domain. Killing cockroaches!"

Under the Jedi, Ouyang Rong also failed to take care of the private sector and directly used his own method of protecting the body.

The Yuan is made by the Yuanshen, and the level is on the top of the seven. The later implements are divided into seven items, elements, saints, and artifacts.

Among them, the elements are divided into upper, middle and lower products.

Ouyang Rong's level of the Yuan Dynasty has a great relationship with the level of the Yuanshen's ontological ability. The Ouyang Rong's elemental weapon, the Lei Mo, which is sealed inside, is the ancient lurking demon, but it is definitely not really powerful. Character.

Such as the sea dragon, the ancient legacy of the dragon, the real cultivation without the home is also like that, compared with the real holy master, it is also very different.


Kill and kill!

The emptiness suddenly showed a black cloud of smoke, like a whirlpool of the hole, which caused a crazy thunder, a strong suffocating swell, and a sense of doom that was destroyed by the human world. Under the mountain.



A loud bang was accompanied by a thunder and lightning, and a black and blue ancient magical object awakened in the spin vortex, and a smashed void rushed out!

But see this demon, the first two corners, the back of the wings, the cow's foot, the tail, the body is covered with a broken iron rope, the thunder and lightning flashing around, holding a pair of thunder hammers, between the one and the other, the prestige is stunned, it is Lei Zhen When the child goes down, the power is shocked!

"Thunder, I am ordering you with the Lord Rao, killing this ordinary man in front of you."

Ouyang Rongjian refers to Qin Yu, arrogant and long drink.

Lei Mo was unwilling to scream, although he was reluctant to enslave for a mortal, but he couldn't help it. He looked at each other, the electric light flashed, and the two thunder hammers merged. A thick thunder of lightning was blown to Qin.

"Smelly, enjoy my thunder and lightning."

Thunder roared.


Qin Hao slightly side of the body, thunder and lightning hit him, bursting a huge deep pit.


Qin Hao smiled happily and did not rush to shoot.

Lei Mo saw a miss, and became more and more crazy. He was originally a demon in the ancient times. He was not dead, he was refining himself into a demon. He was originally sleeping outside the domain, but he was captured by Ouyang Xiong with great power. Shrinking in the yuan, helpless slaves.

At the moment, an elementary device, facing a young fan of Qin Yu, thought it would be easy to kill, but unexpectedly, it was a big loss, and the self-esteem was even more damaging.

At the time of the hustle and bustle, the entire radius of the ring was completely a lightning magnetic field.

This kind of magical lightning is hitting the ground, and even the earth's soil can melt. If it is hit on a person, it is feared that the master of the robbery period will be delaminated, and there is indeed something extraordinary.

Qin Lan wanted to kill the Thunderbolt, but after thinking about it, this guy thunder and power, if used for the battlefield, is undoubtedly a weapon.

In addition, the magic of the gods outside the domain is not easy to catch, so it is a pity to kill it in vain.

But He has to explore the bottom of this guy.

Qin Qiang's body is agile, like a ghost, shuttles back and forth in a lightning bolt, and the thunder and lightning field is even a touch of his hair.

"Kill him, kill him."

Ouyang Rong sees the Raytheon crazy drum hammer, but no effect, can not help but scream

The Thunder does not want to kill Qin Hao, but this guy is too smart. At this moment, he has made countless lightning, the magic of the body is also exhausting, the power and density of lightning are falling sharply, and he knows that he must win the Qin dynasty. There is a stunt that makes the bottom of the pressure box.

This is his second time to fight with the latter. The first one is Ouyang Xiong, but when he confronts Ouyang Xiong, he at least thundered the energy and actually lost the beggar.

And with the Qin dynasty confrontation, Lei Mo feels like an idiot, was turned around by people.

He couldn't even touch the depths of Qin Lan. The frustration was a heavy blow to an early magic.

(End of this chapter)

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