The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1844: Genius


The thunder blasted out loud.

A blue enchantment was permeated in the field, and numerous lightnings merged into a spin, which became a huge black and blue storm, like a mad dragon, coming flat.

Wherever the storm went, the rocks were flying, and the land was hard to be cut off.

"Well, this is not bad."

Qin Hao was interested in the proud smile, not flashing, finger licking, mouth meditation curse, a yin and yang gossip shield shielded the whole body, the whole person jumped directly into the storm Zheng

"Child, you dare to despise my storm, it is just looking for death."

The thunder laughed proudly.

His mad thunderstorm is made up of countless lightnings, and the inner magic, thunder and electromagnetic fields, and strength are enough to smash everything.

I thought that when Ouyang Xiong faced such a storm, he did not dare to face the battle. Instead, he used the clever method to hide from the past, and finally he was able to win over him by trick.

People who are so arrogant as Qin Yu, who are looking for a dead end, are definitely the first one in the later period, and certainly the last one.

"Haha, surnamed Qin, you are dead, you are crazy, how is your cow? Is it not to die in the hands of the young?"

Ouyang Rong can be 100% sure that the Qin dynasty will die, because the devil's killer even the father does not dare to touch, and said that the next, can be a positive storm, four high, fear that no one has this ability.

Qin Lan is awesome, but can it compare with the four highs?


So he will die!

Ouyang Rong’s laughter, for the big head, Ye Fei and others, undoubtedly announced the death penalty of Qin Yu.

Everyone is a sinking heart. After all, people are human beings. How can they resist the ancient magic?

"Qin Hao, you are an idiot, a big fool!"

Gu Qing’s heart was inexplicably sour and sorrowful, and could not help but tears.

There is no such thing as arrogance. She is not willing to be a Qin, and she does not want to be a slave to this guy, but she does not want Qin to die.

"Hey, one thing is a thing, it’s all life, but it’s a pity that the Qin brothers."

Ye Fei took a picture of Gu Qing’s shoulder and lamented.

Other people in the field are also shaking their heads and sighing.

Qin Lan is definitely the most outstanding young master they have ever seen, but no one has thought that it will end and end in this way. The most splendid fireworks have not yet had time to bloom, and they have already dispersed and taught people.

"No, the master never does things that are not sure. He won't have anything to do."

The big head clenched his fist, and the nails broke into the blood of the meat because of excessive force.

The mad thunderstorm is still spinning wildly!

The thunder floated in the air, and the green pupil was full of triumphant colors. He whispered in a low voice: "It's a pity, a good seed, you are wrong should not provoke me."

"Under the martial arts, I will not surrender to my shackles, and the sects of the clouds will be beautiful, and everything will be made by my ancestors. Let's roll."

Ouyang Rong looked directly at everyone and took a long drink.

At the end, he took a deep breath and calmed the embers of his heart, ignoring the group of ordinary guys, and turned away.

Everyone knows that this play is really over, one by one, destined to leave.

However, at this time, the Ray Devils made a cry of surprise.



Then, Lei Mo held his head in his hands and made a scream of horror.

His screams once again brought back the tenacity of the people!

Is there a miracle reappearing?

Everyone turned to wait and see at the same time!

Lei Mo had not felt the existence of life in the storm. With the gradual weakening of the storm, he could barely see that there was a figure in the dark blue storm.

And no matter whether this person is dead or alive.

This is simply something that can't happen!

The power in the storm is extremely powerful, and under the force of the erosion of the magic and the destruction of the thunder, any living thing can only be wounded into the ashes of the ashes, and there can never be any physical existence.

The fact is that the figure is becoming more and more clear with the weakening of the storm.

It is Qin Hao!

He is still alive!

When the last trace of lightning disappeared, Qin Zhen’s cross-legged seals sat in the void, and the discs of the gossip were swirling, and they were really gods.

Ouyang Rong stood in the same place, so staring at Qin.

Like everyone else, he is stupid.

He didn't understand. Is this guy strong? Why is it so strong!



Ouyang Rong licks his hair with his hands, making a peak and desperate sword.

He is going crazy, he is going to die!

How can you do this?

How can there be such a powerful person in this world!

This guy is a generation with himself. How can this be?

Isn't the first young man who dominates **** not me?

I don't believe, I don't believe it!

Ouyang Rong burst into tears and shouted at the Qin dynasty like a mad dog.

Together with tears in the face, there are swallows lying on the ground in the distance!

What is talent, this is the talent.

What is desperation, what is devastating blow, Qin Zhen is the most powerful proof.

Qin Lan can understand Ouyang Rong, the flowers that came out of the greenhouse, when they encountered the wind and snow, they were all helpless and desperate.

Qin Lan walked to the front of Lei Mo.

Previously, he was still proud of his face. The unspeakable Thunder demon shyly lowered his head and compressed his body. He respectfully bowed his head in front of Qin.

"You have just sent a total of 3,699 lightnings. The power of each lightning can roughly destroy three to ten ordinary soldiers. That is, you can reach the army alone, and then count the storm. One city!"

"This is the capital you can live!"

Qin Yu reached out and took the element from Ouyang Rong's hand. The **** were vertical and affixed to the top, and the sorcerer was stunned. The heart of the gods had been eliminated.

"Follow me, I want you to be a war, no longer a waste dog like this, how?"

Qin Lan asked coldly.

"Thunder is willing to follow the master, but this life has two hearts, and will be destroyed."

The thunder is overjoyed, and immediately raises his finger and swears allegiance.

When he surrendered to Ouyang Xiong, he was resentful, because Ouyang Xiong was swindling, and he took him.

And Qin Qin ~ ~ directly in the flesh to provoke his killer mad storm, not only courage, repair is to directly conquer the Thunder, so that he is convinced.

It is better to be able to follow such a master. It is better to be found by Ouyang Xiong as a dog. This is a good thing to find.

Qin Lan went to Ouyang Rong again.

The latter slammed into the front of the Qin dynasty directly, like a lost child who lost his family, and burst into tears.

When all confidence, conviction, and self-esteem were cruelly destroyed, Ouyang Rong was pale, helpless, and pathetic.

"Please, don't kill me, I won't fight with you, I admit defeat, I am a waste."

"I swear that I will never step out of the mountain door again in this life. I am really scared, so scared!"

Ouyang Rong was full of tears, helpless crying.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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