The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1845: With me as slave

Ouyang Rong is a remorse from the heart. He has many mistakes in his life. He never knows how high and how thick the earth is. His father is a devil-like trainer, but it is definitely not a good one. Teacher.

Unfortunately, Ouyang Rong is too late to know this cruel fact.

He stepped into the rivers and lakes, and the first lesson of his life was that he was so fierce that he could only use his life to learn the lesson.

"I won't kill you, your father won't hate me, and the next person won't know my existence."

"Really, you are a perfect stepping stone."

"Don't have hate, this is the rivers and lakes!"

Qin Hao bowed his head and patted Ouyang Rong’s head, sighing and sighing.

It is a pity that he does not make a replacement for Ouyang Rong. If he is not backed by the square inch, the younger generation can be almost as rare as the one who has the status and the repair.

Unfortunately, Ouyang Rong met him Qin Hao, this is life!

"This is life, this is the rivers and lakes!"

"I... I will accept my life."


Ouyang Rong breathed in a big mouth, under the fear of death, the handsome face was covered with cold sweat.

He knows that death is inevitable. As the young master of the ancestors, the only thing he can do is to let himself die with dignity and die like a man.

Qin Lan's cold hand, there is a strange magic, and soon Ouyang Rong calmed down.

After finishing the clothes, he wiped his tears and slammed toward the south. He bowed three respectfully: "Father, I am leaving!"

At the end, he jerked his hand and slammed his palm on his own spirit.


The spirit is broken and the soul is dead.

A generation of peerless talents, not yet bloomed, they hit zero.

The people present at the scene were deeply regretted, and many of them lacked the idea of ​​retreating from the rivers and lakes.

The rivers and lakes are too cruel. It’s really not something that ordinary people can play. It’s as strong as Ouyang Rong’s end, not to mention them. Everything is still too late. It’s the right way to leave this right and wrong!

"Take your body!"

"Remember, go back to Mou Zong, you must tell Ouyang Xiong, the murderer Qin Yu!"

Qin Xiaochong stunned and talked about the worry-free city guards.

Immediately, the guards stepped forward and hurriedly collected the body of Ouyang Ronggan and wandered away.

The Qin dynasty slowly paced, and walked down from the incomprehensible martial arts. The crowd consciously opened a way for this killing god.

Yang De and Ouyang Rong died, everyone knows that since today, the name of Qin Yu will shock the 18th floor of hell!

"Congratulations to Hou Ye, the skill is improved, and the whole age is just around the corner."

The big head squatted on one knee and bowed his hand. His face was filled with excitement and joy.

No one knows why Qin Yu left Hell, but the big head knew that his master was in front of the next person in the position of the king, and he would once again rewrite the history of hell.

"From now on, there is no Houye, only the longevity emperor, only Qin Yu!"

Qin Hao’s eyes rushed straight into the nine miles, and he was cold and arrogant.

"Yes, Qin Emperor!" The head is very respectful.

The glory of Qin Lan is undoubtedly a heavy slap for the ancient Qing and Ye Fei brothers and sisters.

They all look away, Qin Hao is not only a master, but also a pyramid top gambling character, it is they, that is, the ancient sword lord saw him, but also the shoes, the horse.

The two were ashamed and silent, and they were quietly caught in the crowd, and they were leaving.

"Old sister, if I remember correctly, we should bet on the bet."

The sneer of Qin Yu locked up the two steps of the Rao, and the two people turned around in a difficult way. Today, Qin Qin is God in their eyes.

God has a purpose, how dare to defy?

"Qin, Mr. Qin." Ye Fei squeezed a ugly smile, shivering.

He knows that the strong is not to be insulted. Before that, his brothers and sisters have seen the Qin dynasty many times. If the Qin dynasty hurts, they can only admit that they are unlucky.

"Mr. Qin, bet I lost, let you dispose of it, you don't bother me."

Gu Qing light bite the teeth, because the lack of strength, her face is red, so that the original beautiful and moving face, unique style.

"Ye brother does not need to be nervous, you and I have no enmity, I will not kill you."

"But the old sister, according to the agreement, you must be my slave."

"That is, from now on, you are mine."

Qin Lan reached out and pinched the stubble and smooth chin of Gu Qing, and the evil spirits smiled.

After all, he couldn’t help but raise his hand in the eyebrows of Gu Qing. The latter only felt that the blood of the Yintang flashed, and he could not help but tremble.

"Your **** has been blessed by me. As long as I have an idea, I can teach you to be ashes. In the future, you will be my slave. I am your master!"

Qin Hao is extremely cold and cold.


Gu Qing wanted to resist, but she did not have the courage.

She is only a mortal, and there is no capital against God. She is a slave to God, only to accept her life.

"Well, you stay, Ye Fei goes back. After that, Gu Jianzong is the attached sect of my Qin dynasty, enough to protect you for millions of years."

Qin Hao waved his hand.

Ye Fei lost the look of Gu Qing, he has been mourning for the teacher and sister, and now it seems that it can only be turned into a bubble.

However, there are such masters as Qin Yu to protect Gu Jianzong. Since then, the status of Gu Jianzong has not been able to compare with Mou Zong and so on. The status influence has risen a lot, at least it is a first-class martial art.

Perhaps this is the blessing of misfortune.

"Yes, Mr. Qin."

"Sister, don't."

Ye Fei said goodbye and walked quickly.

Gu Qing and Datou followed the Qin dynasty and returned to the Xuan Nu Gu. Yang De died. The guards and servants in Zhuangzi are still there. Qin Yu directly accepts the ready-made.

"With your ability, I don't want anyone, I am rude, I am a woman who is an ordinary woman. Why do you accept me as a slave?"

"Your status, the last time you have to be a slave to a sect."

Gu Qing all the way followed the Qin dynasty into the pavilion, could not help but live.

"No, you look at yourself too much, you are more useful than the 90% woman."

"Because you are upright and clean!"

"Although your posture can't enter my eyes, but with these two points, I am looking at you."

Qin Lan poured a cup of fragrant tea on her, not ill.

"What do you want to do, if you want to ruin me, I would rather die." Gu Qing directly curtained.

"I need you to go to a give me a housekeeper!"

"On that land, there is never a shortage of high-level people, but there is a lack of integrity and cleanliness like you."

Qin Yudao.


Gu Qing asked incomprehensible.

"Fang inch mountain!"

Qin Yudao.

"Fang inch mountain, is the square inch of Bodhi's ancestors? Isn't that the mountain of the cross?"

Gu Qing was extremely shocked.


"Or else, what do you think I am killing Ouyang Xiong?"

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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