The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1846: Happiness

Gu Qing’s heart was moving, and the bright guise was shining with joy. She was not coveting anything, but she really wanted to see the real land of gods.

She would never think that Qin Hao was joking, and that he had become a realm in his realm. He couldn’t make a boring lie to lie to her.

"I promise you."

No longer hesitate, Gu Qing is firm.

"Good, I didn't misread you."

"You can only use the Yuanshen to enter the square inch mountain. After entering, the gods will spend some time in the mountains to return to the flesh. During this period, I will seal and preserve your body."

Qin Lan is quite appreciative.

“How long is it?” asked Gu Qingmei.

"It may be a year, it may be a million years, or it may be endless!"

Qin Yu looked at the road.

"Well, I promise you."

After Gu Qing was silent for a few seconds, he chose to persist.

She is a girl who is very proud and proud. She is a place of great fortune and a land of longevity. Gu Qing does not want to miss this opportunity. Instead of doing nothing in hell, it is better to fight.

If you can really build a avenue in the mountains, you can live up to this life.

"follow me."

When Qin Lan was in her spirit, Gu Qing only felt the soul fluttering in the air. There was an endless white light in front of him, and the bright eyes were difficult to open.

When the light scatters, I only hear Qin Qin whisper and come.

Gu Qing opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him. He was surprised to describe it.

She is a native of Hell and has never been outside of hell!

There are mountains and water in the hell, but because the haze is very heavy, the overall color of **** is dark and gloomy, even if it is white, it is groggy, and the sun and the moon are not obvious.

Here, the scenery is bright, the mountains are green and green, whether it is a visual impact or ample aura in the air, it is enough to completely subvert the cognition of the ancient Qing.

She swears that this is the wonderland she wants to pursue and want to find.

In an instant, the little worry and fear of the original heart disappeared.

After screaming, Gu Qing was free to run and shout in the flowers like a flying bird!

After Qin Xiao waited for her venting, she led her into the middle of Fangzhongshan.

The slaves in the medicine field saw the Qin dynasty along the way, and they put down the farm tools and went to salute. Since the appearance of Dan Bozi, the broom star has known the Qin dynasty identity, and dare not have any slightest intentions. The slaves were strictly tempered.

Therefore, Han Qing and others met Qin Lan, and they met the emperor. It was incomparably respectful.

"Qin Emperor, you are here!"

The broom star greeted Shamo with a long distance.

After a period of time, Shamo is becoming more and more rich and charming. This girl has been moisturized by the fairy fruit and Lingshui of Fangxian Mountain. Nowadays, there is a qualitative leap in appearance, temperament and body, compared to hell. Children must be brighter than the number of people.

"Qin Emperor."

Sha Moer is full of money, she is the princess who is very particular about the number of court rituals. It used to be a bit uncomfortable for Qin dynasty. Nowadays, I am used to being accustomed to Fang Cunshan, and naturally there is no prejudice.

Moreover, Qin Lan is the well-deserved master and emperor here. Sha Moer naturally wants to be pleased.


"It seems that progress has not been made recently."

Qin Lan looked around and saw a lot of farmhouses and Yalou, and immediately asked.

"Qin Di, this is the case. We have added a farmhouse for slaves. In addition, we have specially set up a simple palace for you, so that when you come, there is a place to rest. After all, you are the master here, you must even have a place to stay. No, that is why we are doing our blame."

The broom star leads the way and introduces the road.

Waiting to enter the palace, the good guys have half of the Forbidden City, not much compared to the two prisons of the West Palace, and all used in the mountains of Wannian Lingmu, the carvings are all vivid, the pavilions are hidden in Among the mountains and rivers, classical and beautiful scenery are indeed the land of good living.

"Qin Emperor, these are all created by the seven divisions personally. I have been working hard for countless days and nights."

The broom star bowed and introduced.

"Yeah, everyone is not too bothered, it is a little bit of a treat for you, Qin Di, you are still satisfied."

Sha Moer deliberately showed his chest half-stained white, and he was pleased.

"When the Bodhi ancestors were there, did they have a palace?" Qin Hao did not express his position, but the sword brows sinking and asked casually.

His expression looked very casual, and he couldn't see the anger. The broom star was asked at a time. It was quite shouting: "That is not. When the ancestors were there, they lived in the Houshan Bodhi Cave of the Seven Stars. Inside."

"However, Master Dan and the Seventh Brothers are the same. Qin Emperor is the close friend of the ancestors. Now he is the master of Fang Congshan. I am waiting for a little bit of meaning, and there is no such thing."

"Of course, if you don't like it, we can take it down immediately."

There was a cold sweat on the forehead of the broom star, and he explained it hurriedly.

Today's Qin Lan, although repaired far less than him, but the king's gas is full, he can not breathe.

"Since the cover is over, leave it, your right, I am my, the founder is the founder, I am the master of the square inch, this palace, I laughed."

Qin Hao smiled lightly and sang.


The broom star finally sighed with relief and was overjoyed.

Just as the front one was wearing a black robes, the face was yellow and the thin man was walking quickly. He met Qin Lan and said: "The disciple Lu Qianqiu meets the longevity emperor."

"You are the seventh disciple of the founder, what is the skill?"

Qin Lan has accepted the identity of the great emperor, and it is very calm for these early **** disciples to bow down.

He was also the master of the 18 prisons, and these people are no different from those of the courtiers, so there will never be a sudden awkwardness.

"The disciples are dull and will not learn the grand pros and cons of the ancestors. They only learned some side organs and construction techniques."

"Disciples waited for the Qin Emperor to be reborn, and they did not think that they were reported. Therefore, the emperor was covered with this rest, and the disciples could not do it. It is naturally impossible to compare with Lingshan Temple, Yunxiao Palace and Xichi. Emperor Mo should be mindful."

Lu Qianqiu is a long-standing singer, respectful.

"Then you will polish I will build a palace for me in the future. You will call Dan disciple and the awakened disciple to come to the palace to discuss things. I have something to do."

Qin Hao waved and smiled.

Lu Qianqiu saw him and did not refuse, and he was overjoyed.

At the same time, Gu Qing was almost unable to open his footsteps at this time. At first, she still had some fog in the clouds. At this moment, I saw these people left Qin Di, another Bodhi ancestor, and the heart was completely messy.

The identity of this Qin dynasty is too great. It is no wonder that he does not put Ouyang Rong in his eyes.

And such a big man actually took her, which is too lucky.

What makes her even more nervous is that she really wants to be the head of the place here, and in the future she will manage the gods of Fang Xiangshan.

However, there is a feeling of dizziness in ancient Qing Dynasty.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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