The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1847: Self-seeking

For Gu Qinglai, it was like a dream. It came too suddenly. She couldn't help but lick her thigh, but the burning pain told her that it was all true.

She really came to the land of the gods she had dreamed of, and she also climbed a living **** who walked in hell.

Soon Dan disciple and several other awakened disciples of Fang Congshan walked into the main hall. The repair of Qin Yu is not wearing these square inch spirits, but from the gas field, these people should be in Dantu Under the child.

"Chen Yuan, Li Wenzhong, and Peng An met with Qin Emperor."

Several people respectfully bowed to Qin.


Qin Lan sat on the top and raised his hand and asked.

Several people introduced themselves in turn, Chen Yuan was a beastmaster, and he was able to domesticate all the beasts. His most powerful thing was to domesticate a demon sculpture. Zeng Jinpeng’s great gods competed for speed, and he was only slightly inferior. To the West Queen, Chen Yuan was named the first animal trainer in Lin Xian for a time.

This is the great joy of Qin Yu, but unfortunately Hailong can not bring into the square inch, otherwise, on the spot to let Chen Yuan point to one or two, the speed of evolution will undoubtedly increase.

Li Wenzhong is an expert in planting. The peach trees, rice, flowers and plants all over the mountain are well known. It seems to be very common, but it is true that Fang Xiangshan is eager to eat and eat.

Peng An is a small number of people, his hands are in the gray robes, not screaming, Qin Hao does not ask, he is just a few words.

After everyone talked, Qin couldn't understand what the guy was doing.

However, in the past, if you were willing to come to the mountain to cultivate the immortals, there was no shortage of individuality and strangeness. Qin Hao did not break the habit of asking Shaqi to ask the end, and he did not ask more questions.

"Everyone, I am calling everyone here today, I want to announce a person appointment and dismissal. From now on, this ancient Qing sister is the general manager of Fang Congshan."

"Of course, in the early stage of familiarization, Gu Qingjie temporarily gave the broom star a hand and waited until she knew each other and then took over."

Qin Lan stood up and pointed to the ancient Qing, to the public.

Dan Buzi and others are very calm. They are not interested in the common things of the other side. They have to cultivate and indulge in the research they have studied. Someone manages this stall and it is impossible to ask for it.

However, the broom star is not happy. He sweeps the floor from a square inch. Now he is under the control of a large group of people. It is beautiful, and this is arranged to enter an ancient Qing, which is a matter.

Even more annoyed is Sha Moer, looking at the vertical, this ancient Qing Yan value, body, and qualifications can not be compared with her, relying on what Qin Qi let this waste as the general manager.

"Qin Di, you have not introduced us to the origin of this ancient Qing girl."

"Sister, my name is Shamo, it is the princess of the seven prisons of Shaz, but I don't know if my sister is from the Hemen, or which palace, noble?"

Sha Moer went to the ancient Qing Dynasty, and the huge crisps went forward, posing the most beautiful smile, deliberately demonstrating.

In fact, she just wants to live in Guqing, let this ugly duck know and retreat.

Gu Qing looked at the almost perfect Sha Moer. Whether it was her life, her appearance or her body, she was far from good. Sha Moer was like a beautiful scenery, but in the face of provocation, Gu Qing either Self-esteem is fake.

Since coming to the Mysterious Valley, Gu Qing’s worldview has been subverted. The original arrogant and insane style has long since disappeared. Instead, it is a new awe of the land.

However, she quickly dispelled the thought of timidity and inferiority, because she was chosen by Qin Yu and shouldered the heavy responsibility. No one except her can let her bend.

She must not give Qin Qin shame and let him down!

Thinking of this, the ancient Qing chin rose slightly, cold arrogant asked: "This is Fang Congshan, not the social meeting of the Shazi City Palace, where do I come from, what is important?"

"One point, I think you need to know about it. I am the general manager of the Qin Emperor. Whether you are a princess or a queen, I am in Fangcun Mountain."

Sha Moer originally wanted to suppress the ancient Qing, but did not expect the ancient Qing attitude to be so tough.

Gu Qing’s disdainful smile and cold and arrogant tone instantly impressed Sha Mo’s.

She realized that she did make one of the most serious mistakes. It is undoubtedly a shame to mention the identity of Hell in Fangshanshan, which would only be despised by local disciples of Fang Congshan.

Because in their view, in the later period, you are an emperor or a civilian, all of them are garbage and ants.

Ridiculously, she is still selling a replaced Shazi princess identity, which is really unproductive.

"Haha, the general manager is not the person chosen by Qin Emperor. It is difficult for ordinary people to be light."

Dan's son laughed loudly.

The other side of the inch Yingling also followed a few words, after all, Sha Moer is nothing, and this ancient Qing is the person appointed by the Qin Emperor, scornful and heavy, everyone can still understand.

"Sui slave, what are you here? The general manager is also you can criticize, not to go down."

The broomstick is suspected of being shameful, and he is not angry.

"I, I just made a joke with the general manager. Sister, you won't be angry right?" Shamo's face was full of sorrow, a depressed smile, and a good smile.

"Pay attention to your words, please call me the general manager later."

Gu Qing did not give face, cold and ice.

For this provocative monk, she will never have the slightest soft heart. She knows that only the toughness, only the attitude, can truly win the respect of the people.

"Yes, the general manager."

Sha Moer's eyelids are red, depressed and almost vomiting blood.

"Sha Mo, it looks like you are a free person, so I will arrange a mess for you."

Qin Lan took the hand to her, and thought for a few seconds.

Sha Moer’s eyes brightened, and he quickly said: “Mu Er, but listen to Qin Emperor’s arrangement.”

"From this moment on, you will stay at the side of ancient Qing, give the chief manager a female slave, pour tea, wash and cook, and everything will be your responsibility, but there is a little bit of waiting for the week, according to the rules of the square inch."

The Qin dynasty looks solemn.

"What? I gave her a slave..."

Sha Moer's eyes are almost fainted.

"It’s a shame that you don’t roll down and go to the general manager to go to the house."

The broom star was black and angered.

Shamoer shrugged her head and went out in a depressed mood.

She really regretted her death now. She thought that she could make a good job in the Qin Dynasty with her looks, and she would give the broom star a little light.

Now it’s good, the light is gone, and the face is completely lost. It’s really a loser.

The broom star is also depressed to the extreme. He originally thought that Qin Hao arranged for individuals to come in and play, but now it seems that this ancient Qing is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so it is necessary to play really.

He is a god, but the spirits of the mountains below the eyes are all toward the Qin dynasty, and there is the identity of the longevity emperor. He is a janitor and really dare not play any tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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