The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1856: Wrath of the Scorpio

What is Da Ren, what is Guang Ming Lei, not Qin Hou.

Previously, the Qin Hou Renyi was unparalleled, and everyone thought that it was illusory. Now when Qin Hou’s gods saved the city of worry-free, they knew that there was really no occupation in this world, and they would be willing to return to the righteousness of the hero.

"Uncle Wang, please inside!"

As the palace was damaged by a large area, Zhao Wei and Huang Xin led Qin Yu into the Prince's East Palace.

"Wang Shu, Da En does not say thank you, I will say a word, when can I use me, no matter what, no matter what, my nephew must go through the fire, I will not hesitate."

Zhao Wei poured the wine to Qin Yu, and he was grateful.

"I will take back the country for you, except that some of them want to use you in the future. What's more, Liang Shuming insults Liu Yunzong. This is unforgivable."

"Your father's business is a lesson. Next, you must be a strong military. The resources and location of the four prisons are very good. You can completely fight the real prison. This is what you should do."

Qin Yuxun swears.

He is so self-sufficient, and Wuyou City is the gateway to Liu Yunzong. The worry-free Wangcheng is only powerful, and it can consolidate the safety of Liuyunzong.

"Hou Ye, I will worry that after you leave, you will retaliate against the worry-free hell, and we have just been hurt, I am afraid it is difficult..."

Huang Xin is worried.

"You don't have to worry about this, and soon the sect will be removed from hell!"

Qin Lan looked at the color, and after a few words, led the three guards and went straight to the Yunyun Peak.


The ninth floor of hell!

This prison is called Hell, and Jiuyang is Yang. Yang is a scorpion. This prison is in the middle of the 18th floor of Hell. It has always been a battleground for the military. This makes the people of Hell's **** very advocating.

Lushan is undoubtedly a martyrdom in hell.

The rumors of Mou Zong's ancestors came from the early powers. When the ancestors opened the mountain, even Qin Guangwang personally joined the court. Since countless vicissitudes of history, Qin Guangwang has given him a lot of times to give it to the first ancestor.

Under the earthquake of Emperor Zongzong, the people of Xiuwu from the 18th floor of Hell worshipped the gates so much that they developed into the present, and Yuzong became the real innocent king.

Ouyang Xiong, the patriarch of this generation, has been practicing the ultimate in martyrdom. The rumor has reached the stage of saints, only one step away from the Holy Spirit.

Once in the list of Hell, the rankings are even above the Mozong night question, the mantle palace Yu Wen injury, second only to the Lingpu master.

Different from the Master of Lingpu, Ouyangxiong is a good war. In the early years, he tried to break into the royal palace of the capital to provoke Qin Guangwang. After being repulsed by the Master of Spirit, he gradually stopped and specialized in retreat.

In Fushan Fudong, Ouyangxiong, who was in white, sat cross-legged.

Ouyang Xiong faces Jun Wei, the skin is rosy, silver and silver must be silver eyebrows, and it must be neatly arranged. It is extremely powerful, and the eyes are filled with murderousness, making him as powerful as a silver lion. .

Suddenly, Ouyang Xiong slammed his eyes and shouted, and spit a blood.



Ouyang Xiong’s eyes were round and whispering, shouting his son’s name.

He once had a blood curse on his son, but when his son was killed, he must have a sense. At this moment, he suddenly came and felt a certain inexplicable heartbeat. This was the second time after the self-esteem was trampled after being injured by Lingpu. Second heartache.

He tried to sense the existence of his son, but the **** connection was already cold and severed.

When this happens, there is only one possibility, his son is dead.

"How is it possible, how is it possible..."

Ouyang Xiong completely could not believe that his son had just gone down the mountain yesterday and would encounter such a tragedy.


Ouyang Xiong's figure flashed, and a blink of an eye has appeared in the Zong Zongmen.

At this time, in the Zongmen, white hunting, two hailstones outside the hall, the elders and disciples are wearing filial piety and grief.

Ouyang Xiong appeared, and all the cries stopped.

Everyone is looking at the lord who has never been out of the mountain for a long time. Ouyang Xionghu is like a blood, taking a very heavy step and going to the coffin.

Every step is like the difference between the ground, so far away, it is so difficult to walk.

When Ouyang Xiong saw the corpse of his son in the coffin, the big man in the wind, instantly seemed to be a hundred years old, his body swayed and shivered.

Not fear, but anger.

The son’s round eyes, all told him, what humiliation suffered before he died, what a shame!

"How is it possible, how can it die?"

Ouyang Xiong whispered two words, two drops of cold blood and tears in the eyelids.

I must know that my son has already had 30% of his merits, and he has reached the stage of the robbery, and there are two emperors who accompanied him. The original meeting was to let him open a light and see the world. Who can think of this as a father and son? Farewell.

The son’s vowed, to be handsome in the name of a war, faintly echoed in his mind.

Just one, the father and the son are separated.

The next thing, the most painful is the white hair to send black hair!

Ouyang Xiong always tortured and cultivated his son as a machine, but it was hatred of iron and steel. It was the fate of his blood.

This does not mean that he does not love his son.

He will never forget, his son is in a torment of life and death, the painful anger blame: "Ouyang Xiong, I am not your son? Is it a dog to raise my horse?"

"Ronger, I can tell you now, you are the only son of my Ouyangxiong!"

"It's also my life, the most concerned person!"

Ouyang Xiong reached out and touched his son's eyes, and the blood and tears slid down on his handsome face.

"who is it?"

Suddenly, he concealed all the sorrows, and the tiger looked at the big elders who were afraid to breathe a breath.

"The sovereign, Qinhou!"

"The young master and the second elders went to Yunyunfeng. This is the bureau set up by Liang Shuming. He played with Yang De, and let the young master practice his hand."

"Who can think of killing a swallow, killing Chen Elder, and the young master venting for Chen, the result is Qin Hou, defeated, and finally..."

It’s already a cry that Xiaodong’s rise to this, and it’s no eyes.

"I listened to the young master before I have been pleading for Qinhou, and I have moved out of the name of the sovereign. I hate that Qinhou, in the presence of all the people, if the Lord is a family member If you have a living path, you are the son of the lord, you must die!"

"The lord, the lord who died, the dying of death."

The other two elders also burst into tears.

"Qin Hou, the party in the district, the king, the dog-like thing, dare to provoke the lord, kill me, if you don't smash him, I am the next king?"

Ouyang Xiong violently shot a palm in front of the temple, and it was extremely cold.

In his impression, Qin Hou's flow in **** can only be regarded as the second echelon, far less than an emperor and four high. According to reason, he can't be his son's opponent, and this must be tricky.

Only when he personally took the head of Qinhou, he could know what was going on.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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