The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1857: Decisive battle after March

Ouyang Xiong is not a vegetarian. His anger is to shock the whole hell.

Just as he swears, a disciple flies and squats on the ground, and his hands are presented with a yellow slogan: "Report, worry-free city urgent report."

"Worry-free city, Liang Shu, he still has a face to send an urgent report?"

The elders took the emergency report, and when they opened it, they suddenly turned their faces and suddenly looked at Ouyang Xiong. The language said: "The sovereign...this!"

"what happened?"

Ouyang Xiong took over the script, and the words above him shivered, only wishing to break a fist to eliminate the anger of the heart.

It is a challenge book from Qin Hou.

The book clearly stated that the worry-free city Liang Shu is dead. Qin Hou will go to Mou Zong in the July and Mid-Autumn Festival of this year and will die with Ouyang Xiong.

"Chinese New Year, isn't that three months later?"

"The Sovereign, will it be the excuse for this guy to find? He wants to vacate for three months to escape from the lord's anger."

The elders frowned.

Who is not afraid of Ouyang Xiong?

In his view, Qin Lan is definitely taking the opportunity to take the opportunity to avoid the front.

"He just went to the end of the sea and I can find him. Three months and three months, when I will be in front of the next person, let him die without a place to die."


Ouyang Xiong has a sleeve and avatars, and he drifts away.

In fact, his current state is not suitable for a duel. It also takes time to digest hatred. The real masters are confrontational. The state of mind is extremely important and cannot be ignored.

Three months is definitely a good opportunity for buffering.

As a generation of masters, Ouyang Xiong will not understand this truth.


The Qin dynasty walks on the narrow mountain road of the Yunyun dynasty, surrounded by beautiful scenery, stacked with clouds, like a fairyland.

As soon as I saw the old man, Qin Hao’s calm heart lake was actually a bit more.

He hasn't seen the peerless beauty for a long time. In the impression of Qin Yu, except for the Princess of the Moon, no one can compare with the appearance of Qu Fei.

When he thought of seeing Qufu in the neighborhood, she appeared on the hall of Qin Guangwang like a stunned fairy. A phoenix asked the phoenix to be a tearful person.

He will never forget, the song of the non-smoke of Fanghua, the perfect face, even in the dream can not be woven, like a lightning bolt in his heart left a shadow.

Since then, he has begun to associate with Qu Fei.

Among the thousands of heroes, Qu Feiyan has a special liking for his Qin dynasty, just because of the tears in the hall, the song is not the smoke that Qin Qin is the companion of her life.

Their footprints ranged from Shundu City to Liuyunzong, and then to the outside world. During that period of time, the two of them were unrestrained, and there was no dispute, only a piano.

It is a pity that Qin Hao had hatred in his heart and finally chose to leave Qu Fei.

When the old man meets, his heart has a kind of unsolvable thoughts. The past is a bit of a rush, and I don’t know how to make a choice.

Sometimes time can dilute everything. Sometimes, time only makes the emotions brew more and more mellow.

Listen to the snow pavilion.

Qu Feiyan hits the white shirt to win the snow, and the jade fingers flick, and a burst of Xianle floats out from the fingertips, resounding in this side of the Pavilion.

Her songs have never been willing to listen to outsiders.

The song is still the original song, Feng Qiu Huang.

People, but not necessarily people in the past.

If he is really there, if he really still remembers the old feelings, Qu Feiyan believes that that person will appear here.

From the Qin dynasty media to eliminate Liang Shu, Liu Yunzong turned from danger to crisis, in the meantime has passed a total of fifty-three hours, seven minutes and thirty-two seconds.

Others do not understand the meaning of time.

But for Qu Fuyan, this time is enough to open a gap.

If it is an old person, it should have been in the forefront. After defeating Ouyang Rong, I went up the mountain to meet her.

Why did you quit for so long?

These twentys are as long as twenty centuries.

At the beginning, the Qin dynasty completely disappeared from the world without a word, and now suddenly came back, and the rescue of Yun Yunzong did not meet.

Qu Feiyan can't guess what this guy is thinking, she won't ask for it, she won't go there.

I am fortunate to come, but my life!

She just wants to calm herself down and be the real one, not to be a man.

A song, the song is not numb fingers!

She hasn't played this song for many years, and it hurts when she bounces, especially at the moment.


Maybe I think too much!

In the non-smoke eye, the cold mangling flashed, and it was necessary to break the guqin with many years of guqin.

This piano was given to her by Qin Lan!

Instead of thinking about things, it is better to add troubles.

At the moment of the broken piano, a pair of hands were quietly ringing behind her from behind her.

"Do you really want to be so worried?"

Qin Yu’s gentle voice rang in his ear.

Qu Fei was shocked and his tears lingered, but he was speechless.

She has never seen herself as a high-ranking lord. She is only a woman who inherits the piano art. Those disciples are also the music that she is concentrating on!

Especially in front of Qin Lan, she is more like a bird dependent on her sister.

"Why are you leaving, why are you coming back?"

For a long time, Qu Feiyan did not look back and asked softly.

"Leaving is because there are too many people who are concerned, come back because there are too many people concerned, like you."

Qin Lan took her hand and looked at her face positively.

"I have already been with me, I thought you have forgotten me."

Qu Feiyan looked at Qin Lan, a star-like scorpion, sparkling with crystal tears.

"We can still meet each other, it is a gift, I don't want to be wrong again. Fairy, this time, let's go together!"

After Qin Hao finished, he took Qu Fuyan into his arms and bowed down to her red lips.

When the red lips meet, the whole world is not burning, she waits for this for too long, waits for near despair, and can't even believe that everything is real.

"Non-smoke, you are mine, no matter whether you are in the sea or in the wind or thunder, you can't destroy your love."

"The lost in the past~ I have missed it in the past. I shouldn’t have it anymore, marry me."

Qin Lan took her hand and was very serious.

Qu Feiyan looked at Qin's pupil and smiled. "Can you tell me what made Qin Daguan have such courage?"



"I feel that I am qualified to have you. In the past, I was a prince of a party, but I know that in the face of the next master, it is still awkward, and there is a big hatred, how to match, how dare to have a fairy."

"Now, I ask myself, I have enough courage and strength to own and protect you."

"So, I don't want to miss it anymore."

Qin Hao reached the tip of her nose and was very affectionate.

(End of this chapter)

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