The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1858: Hunting action

"Then I will believe you again, gamble, bet you will not leave again, marry."

Qu Fei smoked the neck of Qin Yu, gentle smile.


"Non-smoke, look!"

The Qin dynasty pointed to the side, and the snow suddenly condensed into words.

Suddenly it is: "Never separate!"

A blue dragon, in the snow, poked his head, smashed a few scorpions to the two, like a celebration, when the time, the entire stream of clouds, snow, like a fairy tale.


"White snow!"

Qu Feiyan has forgotten how many years have not seen such a pure white, beautiful snow scene, can not help but happy.

"Non-smoke, I haven't seen your dance for a long time, can you let me appreciate it?" Qin Hao sat on the side of the Guqin, screaming and drumming, the sound of the piano screaming, the song is not a smoke, smiles, and falls barefoot on the snow outside the pavilion. ,dance to tune.

Since Qin Yu left, she has never danced again in this life. Today, she can tie the knot and how can she not dance.

Dance to the temper, tears like rain!

She was glad that she did not despair, persisted, and finally waited for her own love.


One night red candle, the bed swaying!

In the early morning, when Qin Hao opened his eyes, Qu Feiyan had already got up. After the washing was finished, Qin Lan came to the Haze Hall. Qu Feiyan was already teaching his disciples to practice the piano.

Practicing the piano in one breath, the more pure and the more aura, the greater the improvement of the piano art.

Early morning is undoubtedly the best time to practice the piano!

Dozens of elite disciples play music and dance, and dozens of instruments are mixed together, but there is no such thing as a noisy feeling, just like a music festival.

"Oh, your piano is a mess."

Qu Feiyan walked to the front of a practicing piano disciple, calmly reminded.

"Yes, Master."

Ji Yanran snorted and his heart became more and more chaotic.

This time, Yun Yunzong was able to solve the problem. All of them relied on Qin Hou’s merits. Ji Yanran also waited for Qin Yu on these two days. She and Qin Lan were short together and could not talk about any deep feelings.

But the person Qin Qin did bring her to hell, just like her relatives, she had the urge to see him.

"He is coming, go see him."

Qu Fei smoked a sigh, smiled and looked at Qin Hao who stood outside the temple.

She knows that Qin Yu has many women in the secular world. The first beauty of Hell, the Princess of the Moon, is also secretive to him, but she does not regret marrying Qin.

Because Qin Hao has never been able to tie her, at least Qu Fu since I think my love is not so great.

Ji Yan suddenly stood up and looked at Qin Yu outside the temple.

He looks strange, no longer a handsome and unparalleled silver-haired boy, but at the moment it seems to be more real, just like it was just a dream, and now he is the most real.

Qin Lan went to the back of the mountain, and Ji Yan followed closely.

"Qin Da Ge!" Ji Yanran shouted Qin Qin.

"Awkward, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qin Lan turned and smiled.

When Ji Yanran shed tears, the saint of the Sai Hang Sheng Zhai, like a child, plunged into his arms and cried in tears: "I am not good. When you come to hell, you will disappear. I am really scared... ..."

After comforting for a while, Ji Yanran wiped away his tears and gradually recovered his calmness. He roughly talked about the separation of the curtain from the reincarnation of Hell.

She and Zhao Cheng were involved in another layer of hell. Fortunately, Zhao Chenglu Ziguang sent her to the dreamy Yun Yunzong. After she knew that she was coming with Qin, she was a close disciple. , careful mission.

Now Ji Jiran is already a mid-term repair in the middle of the road. This time, she resisted the Liang Jun army, but she did not make much effort.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the rain?"

Qin Hao asked.

Sun Piaoyu is Qingmu Ding, and Mi Xue is a cold ice ding. Whether it is cultivation or love, Qin Yu will not allow Sun to rain.

Ji Yanran shook his head.

"Master has been asking me for help, unfortunately, there is no rain falling..." Ji Yanran stunned.

Qin Yu’s sword was so heavy that he also sighed with a deep sigh.

His **** is still in Sun Piaoyu. Although he is now recasting a first **** by means of Xianyu, the **** of the Yuan is not important. Even if it is melted, it will not damage his body.

But the problem is that he has not actively cut the connection with the Yuanshen. Now the Yuanshen has no sense for a long time, even if his cultivation has greatly improved the sense of power by thousands of times.

In this situation, nothing more than Sun Fengyu's death and death, and the other is to go to the outer domain isolated from hell.

It’s Qin Qin, and Qin Guangwang may not be able to find her.

"Hey, what are your plans for the next time?"

Ji Yanran saw the sorrow of Qin Yu, and opened this heavy topic.

"Three months later, I will go to the capital of Wangdu, and ask the Guangwang Temple to enlarge the Qin army into hell. In the next three months, I will go to the outside world to hunt the ancient gods to improve the cultivation, and look for the rain. ”

Qin Yudao.

The drawback of practicing the early immortal method is that the progress is extremely slow, and the aura of the later period, by meditation and perseverance, is almost equal to no improvement in cultivation.

Nowadays, Danzizi still needs time to refine the medicinal herbs. Qin Zhen wants to use this opportunity to experience and break through the limits of the moment, and improve the cultivation to achieve the realm of crushing Ouyang Xiong.

Once the Ouyang Xiong was killed and the Daqin regiment was ushered in, Qin Yu would open the 18th floor of Hell, kill Luo Xiang, save the Princess of the Moon, and proceed to the next.

"Can I go with you?" asked Ji Yan.

"No, I have lived this life for nine lives, and you stayed with you to accompany Master." Qin said.

Ji Yanran is quite lost. She knows that cultivation is limited. Being with Qin Hao can only be troublesome. Only helplessly dispels this idea.

When she came to hell, she knew what a master was like, and her position in Kunlun Mountain was gone. She was as strong as her master, and she was also involuntarily, let alone her.

After saying goodbye to Ji Qin Hao also said goodbye to Qu Feiyan.

The two married and the couple had no barriers in their hearts. Qu Feiyan knew his risk of this trip. In addition, Liu Yunzong urgently needed to re-integrate after the war. Once Qin Hao started, she could be used by the sage.

Qin Lan went down the mountain, leaving a big head, only with Lei Mo and Qin Long.

He is going to go outside the domain, and the big heads don’t come in handy.

Qin Hao opened the **** map sent by God, and chose the nearest flame abyss from the four prisons!

There is a fire demon hidden in the flame abyss. It is demonized, animalized, or humanized. There is no indication on the map. Only a scarlet blood eye is used as a reminder.

After all, this map of **** is passed down by the Western gods. The East and the West are different. The East Hell is only a general mark, far less detailed than the Western Hell World.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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