The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1859: Valley dead body

Flame Abyss, located at the end of the six prisons in the West.

If it weren't for the existence of the Hell map, Qin Zhen would never have thought of such a hidden extraterrestrial land. Even the king of the six prisons, Dangyang Wang, could not be identified on the territory map of the prison.

The flame abyss is in an unnamed mountain in the six prisons. Qin Lan entered the mountain. Because the map was too general, it was also found for several days. With the weak sense of the magic and Qin Long on the early magic, it was finally found in a mountain gap that only one person could pass. The entrance.

The entrance is long and dark. As soon as you enter the tunnel, you will feel the biting wind like a knife and axe. The master below the true period will step into the abyss of flames. The coldness of this tunnel is hard to bear.

For the three Qin dynasty, Qi Han can't count anything, even more terrible is the endless darkness of the tunnel.

When people walk in the dark, cold tunnels, the ear reptiles and the cold water droplets on the top of the head, dripping in the stillness of the dark, the long, groping feeling, can make people crazy.

Strong as the Qin dynasty, the gods can not find the head, although they can see through the darkness, but the mountain seams due to the intersection of yin and yang, creating a chaotic fog, inexhaustible, permeating the entire space, walking in the dark also No difference.

That feeling is like marching in death, no one knows where this road will lead. ,

It is an abyss, or never ending, and the three will always go on.

The long darkness, even the Thunder and Qin Long are somewhat unstoppable, and several times proposed to return.

However, this thought was dispelled by Qin Yu, and the wealth was in danger. The more the road was, the more horrible it was. For Qin Lan, it was an opportunity.

If the land of the demon is so good to find, I am afraid that the ancient gods and gods have long been hunted by the masters of Ouyang Xiong.

Finally, after the seven, there was a strange heat in the gods.

The kind of fiery heat can directly burn Rao Yuanshen, and Rao is in the cave, and everyone is also very hot and uncomfortable.

The three Qin dynasties speeded up the pace of advancement. Two days later, when they stepped out from one to the narrow slit, the situation in front of them made the three people stunned.

There is a fiery world in front of you!

Mountains, water, vegetation, all the color is the red color of the flame.

The surface of the mountain is filled with flames. The river is filled with magma. In this space, a splendid fire tree grows.

The entire branches of the fire tree are blooming with fire, and each leaf is also red and red. The whole world is a dazzling red, and the eyes are all painful.

Of course, this field is not friendly to humans.

The hustle and bustle of the heat, the squeezing and baking of the almost exhausted air, everything is a cruel experience for everyone stepping into it.

Rao is a trio of Qin Yu, but also a flustered, showing all kinds of discomfort.

"There is no oxygen here, and our body will suffer severe damage under the chronic torment of this fire. Third, we only have a maximum of three times."

"After three, if you can't find the inflammation, let's retreat immediately."

Qin Hao ordered the road.

After all, he has not become a sacred man. After he has moved away from the mortal body, there is a limit to the physical strength. In this early magical field, it will still suffer damage.

Qin Long and Lei Mo are repaired as limited and difficult to resist.

The third is undoubtedly the limit value. Once the dragging time is long, the body is too sleepy, and I am afraid that I will be alive and dead.

Moreover, the demon can be called the king in this ghost place, and it is sure to be above three people. Whether it can be won or not is unknown.

The three men blessed the ice enchantment and resisted the heat and dive into the abyss.

Although the cluster is called the flame abyss, it is actually a shallow valley, hills, fire forests, and big rivers. The terrain is more open.

The three gods were released and searched for the traces of the fire.

In fact, this kind of search is embarrassing. Since the sorcerer is built on top of three people, it is really necessary to hide it and completely avoid the scope of their knowledge.

Searching the valley for a whole, there is no sign of life.

Even those fire trees that look fresh are just like plastics, and there is no point in their anger.

Maintaining a whole high-intensity search, the Qin and the three were tired and suffocating. The three chose a hidden point. Qin Yu took out the water from the Sanjie stone and distributed the food. Qin Long condensed a cold space. The three people got better.

"Where is this ghost place, it seems that it is not big. When you walk up, you are afraid that you have to be thousands of miles. According to our search progress, the three are afraid that they will not find it."

"Hou Ye, I can't see how to make a magical power. I and Qin Long inspected the body and increased the scope of the inspection."

Lei Mo suggested.


"We are here to hunt the devil, not to let you kill, the use of supernatural powers, the consumption of you is doubled, we will lose one point for each second in this space."

"Even if you find it, it is still unknown whether you can win."

"I would rather return without success and never want to see any loss to you."

Qin Yu nailed the railway.

Both Lei Mo and Qin Long were shocked.

Their time to follow the Qin dynasty is still short, only hate to prove themselves for Qin dynasty. But after hearing the words of Qin Yu, they suddenly discovered that this master was completely different from the previous ones who used slaves as beasts to sell their lives.

Qin Lan, this is to treat them with brotherhood!

Where can you find the Ci Ming Lord?

A simple break for half an hour, Qin Yu three people from the west to the east, continue to search.

"Hou, you see..."

When passing through a dense forest of fire, Qin Long gave a big sword

Qin Lan looked at the place he was referring to, but it was a dead body.

Lei Mofu helped the body to the back, but it was a young man. The death appeared extremely fierce. The whole face turned purple, twisted to deformation, and all the skeletons were broken. Obviously, he suffered a heavy blow before he died.

The fatal wound is a **** hole in the neck of two copper coins. The blood hole has anxious and rotten marks, and the wound is invaded by poison.

"It is the person of the magic sect."

Qin Hao glanced at the road.


"Is it the Zongmen created by the ancestors of the Three Realms?"

Lei Mo asked Yes, it seems that Mozong also has a **** map, at least they have the source of information on the ancient gods of the East, otherwise it is impossible to find this. ”

Qin Hao rubbed his chin and analyzed the road.

This point can also be understood, the next big, no stranger, the ancestor of the Sakura Mozong is, in the early stage, the big man who is shouldering the Buddha, it is very possible to master some of the information left in advance.

What makes Qin Xiao think more is who killed this disciple.

If they misunderstand, from the discretion of this disciple's clothes, he should be the core disciple of the Mozong, and cultivated to be around the beginning of the return.

Such a skill, tragic death on the spot.

Will it be the hand of the evil demon?

(End of this chapter)

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