The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1860: Shura powder

If this is true, from the wound marks of the wound, this so-called inflammation is probably a strange thing in ancient times.


It is rumored that the drought and flood can fly to kill the dragon, and it is endless. It is regarded as the totem and ancestor of the corpse and Shura.

"What do you see from the wound?" Qin said.

Lei Mo and Qin Long both looked at each other, they were all shocked, especially Qin Long. When the murderer was probably the life of the dragon, it was already shivering.

It is a kind of fear from the bone marrow, no matter how proud he is, it can't be changed.


Qin Long spit out the cold, fearful words from the teeth.

"Yes, 80% is a drought, and where the droughts and floods have gone. It has always been a thousand miles. He is afraid of water, so it is good to kill the dragon. Like this red land, it is the hiding place of the drought."

"But I don't know how the drought is repaired. If I have only eaten the early gods and eat the dragons, I am afraid that it is not good."

Lei Mo frowned.

"Thunder, how is this compared to your original retreat?"

Qin Hao asked.

Lei Mo shook his head and smiled: "Hou Ye, it does not contradict each other. The place where I lived in seclusion was called Leijing. With the natural invasion of the thunder in the late period, the loss of the first aura was long before it was a real place."

"The clusters are invaded by the cheesy of the unnamed mountains outside, but due to the hegemony of the flame land, the qualitative and weakening effects are not obvious. The droughts and floods are hidden in clusters, and the repairs are not greatly suppressed by the later environmental influences. The only thing we can hope for is that he is not powerful!"

Qin Lan points a little, and carefully examines the traces on Lin: "It seems that there are many people who came from the Mozong. They should have been attacked by droughts and floods. The grounds were dismissed, but they all went in the same direction. The masters of the Ming Mozong dare to go to the cluster, and indeed have some skills."

"Hou, what do we do next?"

Qin Long asked.

"Since the droughts and floods are eyeing them, we are better off tracking the people of the Mozong, and we are sure to be able to find the drought."

Qin Yu meditated.

Both of them feel that this idea is good. Some people take the lead and know the depth of the drought and flood. Moreover, since the people of the Mozong are prepared, there must be a poster, and it will become a follow-up.


In a valley near the river.

Several clusters of ice and ice were hidden in the valley. The tents were painted with magical ice and snow runes. The whole big account was 50 meters round, and the ice was everywhere. The red flames and heat waves were difficult to invade.

In the middle of the big account, seven people sit cross-legged.

Sitting at the top is a glamorous and glamorous girl like a night witch.

The girl's long hair is neatly tied with a ponytail, and a **** spiritual jade stone ornaments are placed on her forehead. The clothes on her body, the bodyguards she wears, etc. are all seven things. The whole person is simply armed. Its status is high.

She is the nightingale that used to control the city without a king.

Since the night challenged Qin Guangwang, it completely disappeared from the rivers and lakes. Some people asked him to be killed by Guangwang. Some people were seriously injured and rehabilitated. Under the crowd, the Mozong was in a long time. I lost my mind.

Until the birth of the night, the Mozong began to re-live in the hell, once again become the phantom of the **** gates, the king's headache.

Although the nightingale is young, but the cultivation is extremely embarrassing. At the beginning, there was no incompetent hand in the city without a living. Now, after a few days, her cultivation is once again leaps and bounds, and her father’s life is involved in this hunting operation. .

"Sister, we have already died three people. The situation is extremely unfavorable. We must find a way to fight against the drought and flood. If it wins, it will be good. If not, we will try our best to retreat."

Sitting on the top of the left is an elder who must be white. He has a white jade stick on his knees. The jade sticks are bursting with strange white light, which constantly supports the big account.

His name is Night Shenghui. He is a famous master of the Mozong old generation. He has been trained to achieve the quasi-holy stage. In the second echelon, he is also a top generation. This time he asked him to help him tonight. It shows the determination of the demon.

"The uncle's right, just the drought and the treacherous treacherous, come and go like the wind, we have not touched his shadow until now, it is quite distressing."

The nightingale stood up and frowned.

"Hey, there is a monster in the drought-stricken area, and we can still fear that he will not succeed."

"He is a demon, our ancestors are the ancestors of the demon, this time the lord let us come to the demon, the prepared instruments are still useless."

"I think we have to be more proactive, and we will act together in the future, not giving him a chance."

"In addition, Laojiang, you are preparing for a wind tonight, let's give him a first-handed medicine."

The burly middle-aged man with a black beard on the right, screaming with iron fists.

"Yes, Li Hufa."

The next person is busy.

"I think Li Wu's method of protecting the law is feasible. Let's take a group search. With the energy of the ice stick and our energy stone and food supply, we can support it."

"We must seize this last chance, Jiang, Li Hufa, you go and prepare."

Night wins the road.

Li Wu and Jiang Tao both had a cane, and they were waiting for a high and low level. Jiang Tao silently recited the curse. A black wind burst, Li Wu took out a large sack from the space ring, untied the open bag, and slid down the wind. stand up.

There is a pale yellow powder inside, and the powder flies with the wind.

As the powder of a bag is blown away with the black wind, the entire valley is filled with a faint aroma.


Qin Long shrugged his nose and frowned. "What a strange smell, what are these guys doing?"

"This is Shura powder, which has the finest ash and the smell of fire sulphur crystal powder. This thing is used to deal with the Shura family. Because the drought is the dead There are also similarities and differences."

"The magic sect is really energy, let's take a look and see."

Qin Yu was low.

Shura powder is a rare thing in hell. It is extremely difficult to find a few sacks.

The fire-sulfur crystal powder used in Shura powder is something that can be refined in the magma at the bottom of Hell, and the ash produced is even rarer. First of all, the person who actually draws the corpse is almost extinct, and then the power is up. To the effect.

When Qin Lan captured the military power of Shura, he used this powder to clean the Shura family.

The Mozong throws the Shura powder with the flour, which shows that there are countless people in this martial art, and the strength of the foundation is far more than ordinary people understand.

However, this thing can not balance the droughts and floods, it is not good.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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