The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1861: Flame swamp

"Hou, can Shura powder be useful for droughts and floods?" Qin Long looked condensed.

He had seen droughts and floods in the early stage. It was a singular existence. Even now, the repair of droughts and floods has been discounted, and it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

"Maybe there."

"From the analysis of the corpse, the drought was damaged. The cavity of the corpse was shallow and shallow, and the drought did not directly bite the body. He wanted to **** blood to restore strength."

Qin Yudao.

If it is really a violent, invincible drought, the opposite person will not have the opportunity to poison this, as soon as he stepped into this flame, he will become a dead body.

At the same time as Qin Yu was guessing, the opposite night owl and other people had already geared up, only waiting for the drought to appear.

About a hundred times of tea!

A few sullen roars came from the valley in the west, and then a few feet tall figure smashed out from the depths of the valley. Every time the hopping jumped, the height of the clouds was as high as the clouds, and the speed was extremely fast.

Between several ups and downs, I have already rushed to the place where Qin and other people hide.

Just when the nightingales and others were ready to start, the drought and the dredges suddenly disappeared, just like being blended into the red flame of the earth, and there was no movement.

"what happened?"

"Where is the drought? Have you locked his breath?"

The nightingale Liu Mei was sinking and asked urgently.

"Big sister don't panic, I have already settled the gas field of the drought, and he is estimated to be unable to eat us and go east."

Night Shenghui proudly said.

"There are big elders, I will definitely take the drought and go."

The night was overjoyed, and the eight men were fully armed to the east and quickly dive.

In addition to Shura powder in their hands, there are other weapons for treating droughts and floods. They are still more confident. Now that they have locked in the droughts and floods, everyone is also united in the city. They just want to get the guys here.

"Hou, they went to the east, and we still don't follow."

Leimo asked for a low voice.

"The people of the Mozong are afraid to finish, go, watch the show with the past." Qin Xiao sneered, and several people quickly chased the past to the east.

The marmot has lived for so many years, the people who have killed, the things I have seen, I don’t know much. For the guy who suddenly came in, he used to hold the cat and catch the mouse, play enough and kill again to meet the millions of years. Lonely.

But when Shura powder appeared, he felt a sense of crisis of death, which was extremely repugnant, so the drought and drought decided to kill these abominable human beings.

There is a fire in the east, which is perfect for attacking these idiots.

The drought and flood decided to send these guys back to the West.

The nightingales quickly caught up with the land of the marmots. They looked at them in a red color. Unlike other places, this piece looks like a plain red land. There is no grass, it looks wide, but it has a son. The desolation of the right to cold.


A **** figure swayed from their eyes and landed a few kilometers away.

But seeing the man naked, his body was red and bloody, and his hair was like a weed, and it was scattered on a slightly longer cheek. It was difficult to see his specific outline because of the redness of his body.

However, it is not difficult to infer from his hot death gas that he is the master of this land, the drought!

"Mr., I am in the command of the Sovereign, this time I come here, please come out to the mountain to protect my law. My demon is created by the devil, the strength is the first door of the evil, join us."

The nightingale shouted in the air.

"Hey, Mo Luo? Now that the late is coming, all the demons are dead. You threaten me with a dead person. Sister, are you ridiculous?"

The marmot sneered.

"So, you are not willing to return?"

The nightingale looked cold and asked.

"Of course, I haven't touched a woman for a long time. Dolls, when I kill these people, I will definitely train you. You and I are flying here, are you not happy?"

The drought and the sorrow disdain a smile, and the **** red eyeballs swam back and forth on the hot body of the nightingale.

"So, you are determined to find death."

"Okay, then don't blame this sister."


Nightingale waved.

Li Wu took a **** red fishing net from the space ring, and Jiang Tao and the other two disciples, each of them held a corner, and at the same time set aside the drought and covered the past.

"Blood spider web!

The drought brow was a lock, quite surprised.

"Yes, you still have some insight, it is the blood spider web that wants your life."

Li Wu was proud.

As soon as the blood cobwebs were added, the gas of the drought and drought suddenly attenuated a few points, struggling to struggle. The more intense his struggle, the more **** the blood on the blood spider, and the little space compressed.

Originally adult, the two-meter-high drought and flood, was locked up by the blood spider network, and the painful land rolling and mourning.

The screaming screaming, the listener was covered in hair.

"Haha, it seems that these magic weapons that the lord has chosen for us are really a weapon to kill the drought."

"The **** is raised, I thought he had a lot of skills. It turned out to be a three-legged cat. It only hides and hides. It’s really going to be played. Isn’t it a minute to be beaten by our demon?"

Li Wu is proud of the big road.

The other few Mozong disciples also laughed and laughed, as if the drought had become their plate.

"Elders, how do I feel that something is not quite right?"

"This drought is too weak?"

The nightingale has always been cautious, and asked frowning.

Night Shenghui is also immersed in joy at the moment, and immediately smiled and said: "Big sister, you should never look at this blood spider web. But when your father killed dozens of top players in the **** palace, he won it. After so many years, I formed this network."

"The poisonousness of the blood spider web can erode all the bodies of gold and iron. Although the droughts and floods are powerful, they may not be able to block the poison of the blood spider web."

At this point, Ye Shenghui pointed to the fangs in the dry mouth: "Is it seen? This dry and dry tooth has a short tooth and a short tooth. This is clear, he has been seriously injured, and the repair of the drought is here. On two teeth, a tooth decay is damaged, and his repairs must be greatly discounted. It is not surprising that we have taken it down."

I got the affirmation of the night Shenghui. The nightingale was a little relaxed in the heart. I saw that the drought fell to the ground and the painful death came to life. It was estimated that 80% was wrong, and immediately said: "If this is the case, take the drought and take it down immediately. Withdraw from the flame abyss."

The three masters who guarded the nightingale, along with the night Shenghui, went to the drought.

"Hou Ye, they took the drought, and this guy is too dishy, ​​not all look at it." Lei Mo hides in the dark, quite sweeping.

"No, the power of drought and flood, endless, and even more rigid, even if it is blocked by blood spiders, it should not be so embarrassing."

Qin Long frowned.

"Qin Long's right, this drought has become a fine, awkward, and the Mozong demon and other people are afraid to be bad."

Qin Hao looked cold and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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