The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1862: Real hunting

Qin Zhen will not mind seeing that the Mozong is completely annihilated, and the Mozong is ambitious. The future will surely become an important stumbling block for him. If he can kill these masters with the hand of the drought, it is not a good thing.

His assertion is correct, just in the night of the holy chanting, when you want to seal the drought, the original drought is still terrible, a sneer sneer appears on the face of the sly, and a harsh whistling sound in the mouth: "桀Hey, you guys are stupid!"


The drought and the sputum exerted a little bit of force, and the squatting body slowly straightened, and the blood spider web that could not breathe through his pressure was a little bit broken in front of everyone.

what! The power of drought and flood!

The drowning blasted and the blood spider web suddenly turned into pieces.

The powerful force retreats the surrounding people to a few steps to stabilize the figure.

"No, this guy is bombing, fast withdrawal." Night Shenghui screamed.

However, it was already late, the drought and the high arms raised, and the corpse cursed in the mouth. The flat terracotta turned like a wave, and the red magma rushed from the underground fountain.

Li Wu and others only felt that their feet were soft, and they sank into the flame swamp at the same time.

The lava soil in the swamp is extremely soft and connected to the entire underground fire river. The huge attraction and the strong fire poisoning come to the surface, there is no room for manoeuvre.

"Devouring this group of ignorant, stupid guys, let them know who is in this absolute field."

The marmots screamed wildly.

The melting of the ground, such as the tiger's rolling, is just a blink of an eye, and Li Wu has already got stuck in his knees.

A few people screamed at the same time as they were running wildly.

Under the fire, the highly toxic melt penetrated their bodyguards and eroded their flesh and blood. Under the pain of heartbreaking, their legs quickly melted away, leaving only Dry wood is generally erosive black bone.

"Big sister, elder, save us."

"I beg you, please beg you."

Li Wu, Jiang Tao and others made a painful scream.

"Save you?"

"The old man is hard to protect himself, take a step first."

Looking back at the night of the Holy Glory, I know how terrible the fire marsh is, seeing the dryness and murderousness, and the ability to break through, where to dare to stay, the fullness of the gas, the whole body, the robe hunting, life Leaving the attraction of the swamp, it will take off and fly away.

"Old man, ok, actually can appeal to the attraction of the swamp, but you want to go, late."

The drought and floods are meant to kill everyone, and how can they let him go.

I saw him flying straight up and stepping on the shoulders of the night Shenghui.

"Magic chaos."

As the top master, Night Shenghui is naturally tricky. I saw a wave of jade stick in his hand. The power of the robbery period was all injected, and there were more than eight million pounds. The stick, dancing in the air, screaming, the voice is extremely scary.

"Golding insects, I dare to offer ugliness in front of me."

The sneer of the drought and sorrow disdain, letting the jade stick add.


The seven-character ice jade stick fell on the marmot and shattered.

As one of the hardest bodies in the earth, the drought and the dragons are daring to fight, and even the gods can not easily break the body, and it is a master of the district robbery period can be defeated.


Night Shenghui made a big surprise.

His ice jade chasing is a weapon that has been preserved for hundreds of thousands of years. Although it is a seven-piece, it is actually more powerful than the ordinary element. The inside of the North is cold, and it is even more invincible. It is a fire-like nemesis, hard and incomparable.

I didn’t expect that the body of the drought would be broken. This kind of power is completely beyond the imagination of the people.

They finally know what is called the ancient demon, this is really not the ordinary manpower can be provocative.


Surprised by the night Shenghui, the legs of the drought and drought fell steadily on his shoulders. Suddenly, he only felt that Taishan collapsed, his shoulders sank, and the whole person was forced into the fire.


"The marmots are forgiving, and they are misunderstood. They are wrong."

When the hot magma eroded the flesh and blood on the legs, the night Shenghui couldn’t take care of any face, and made a stern request for mercy.

"It’s late, I want you to see how it melts into mud."

The marmots and legs were bent, and his head was caught, and he laughed wildly.

Night Shenghui struggled desperately, but all of this was in vain in front of the mountain's drought and flood, and the murder of the drought and flood was injected into his head, so that he remained awake in the pain.

Night Shenghui looked at his legs a little bit. The waist, abdomen and heart were swallowed by the flames until the whole body completely melted. His **** was still awake and witnessed the process of the body being completely disintegrated.


The marmot took a deep breath and swallowed the **** of the night Shenghui. He sat up with satisfaction and fell to the fire.

At this time, Li Wu and others have been swallowed by the swamp to the waist, watching the tragic death of the night Shenghui, they are more and more fearful of madness, screaming for mercy, let the night of the night stunned.

"Li Wu, don't be afraid, I will save you!"

During the nightingale, a wave of the drought-stricken sleeves suddenly raised the Shura powder.

For this kind of powder, the marmot is still relatively offensive, and even a few sneezes.

With this opportunity, the nightingale will show its shape, and the lightning-like port will be swept away.

She only wants to leave this **** place now. As for what to protect the law, it is **** to arrest the droughts and floods.

As the demon of the Mozong, she always considers herself.

Her soon, the magic body approached to the ultimate speed, dozens of miles, a little pour, she even saw the stone seam, as long as stepping into it, is a way of life.

However, the top is not going to make her happy.

A hurricane rushed in the air, and the nightingale plunged into the steel body. Looking up, the face of the drought and the sly face was screaming at her.

She vowed never seen such an ugly face. The meat on this face has long been rigid, her eye sockets are deep, and there are two scarlet pupils surrounded by a circle of purple and blue. The mouth and nose are more rotten. The black hole exudes a burst of stench.

"I have, I have already seen呜, female scent, I seem to have not tasted it for thousands of years."

"You and I are leaving you to enjoy it day and night, or bite your delicate throat, **** your blood, and then dry your adult skin?"

The marmot looked at the enchanting, glamorous woman in her arms and laughed.

"Enjoy your ancestors!"

"Smelly garbage, get out."

Although the nightingale is good at dealing with men, but the drought is really ugly and too stinky. When she bursts out, she has ten sharp claws between her sleeves and sweeps over the face of the marmot.


The claws slid over, and the dryness felt only a pain on the cheeks, and a few drops of red blood flowed down.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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