The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1863: You should go down and down

The drought has been forgotten, and he has not flowed through the blood for many years.

The blood of the marmot is very bloody, and his blood has already dried up when the body is rigid. These are the spiritual fluids that are accumulated by the aura after the cultivation is completed. Every drop is very precious. For the drought, these spirits The liquid is what they used to prove for Rao.

It is like the old **** of the court, for the preciousness and piety of the children.

Today, this woman actually let him bleed.

The marmots had become more and more embarrassed with a few ridiculous faces. The steel body was smashed by the anger, and the two long and short knives rubbed.

"Girl, you really shouldn't do this, you have already irritated me." The drought and the blood on his face touched the nightingale, and the lifeless pupil was filled with strong murder. .

"You, don't come over, this dagger in my hand is made by my father with the sacred iron, you go one step further, I, I promise it will pierce your heart."

The nightingale slowly retreated, and the hand holding the knife trembled fiercely.

The pressure from the marmot was not something she could bear. At this moment, she only felt weak and almost fainted.

"Oh, it seems that your father did not tell you that things that can really kill droughts and floods are strictly non-existent."

"You have a good knife, but it is not qualified to kill me."

The droughts and floods step by step to the night.

After the latter stepped back a few steps, when fear completely overwhelmed the nightingale consciousness, she was in a desperate situation and made a crazy thing.

The nightingale transported all the infuriating, holding the knife in both hands, like a spiral, tied to the chest of the drought.

The all-powerful nightingale is terrible. At such a close distance, almost no one can escape her anger.


The dagger was tied to the chest of the marmot, and the knife was straight into the handle!

No blood, no pain.

The drought and drought just looked down at her and sneered at her. "My heart died many countless years ago. What do you use for it?"

When he finished, he took the white jade hand of the nightingale and pumped the knife out. He lightly said that the dagger of the sacred **** soldier had broken into two pieces.

At that moment, the nightingale was desperate.

"Don't want to die, under my mind, you are not qualified to die."

When the dry and dry fingers, along her charming and sullen face slipped slowly to the chest, the nightingale did not resist, and could not resist. Her body was locked by an invisible fear, like the fish on the cutting board. Only let anyone kill!

She knows that waiting for her is an unprecedented abuse!

She will not be able to survive, and she must not die.

She has fantasized about her own death, but she never dreamed that she would be so miserable by a zombie.

"Relax, I will be very gentle, I swear, you will fall in love with that feeling, and never want to leave me half a step."

The fingers of the marmots are picked up, and the long skirts of the nightingale fall off, leaving only the close-fitting coats to protect the vitals.

That is like a lamb's white body, hot and enchanting, exposed to the air, the beauty of people suffocating.

The spirits in the marmots are agitated in the galloping, and the original memories that are already vaguely revived are recovering. He has forgotten when it was time to rejoice with women, the taste, the happiness, even if he died, he became The droughtlessness of humanity is still echoing in my mind, and it will not be forgotten for a long time.

"Beautiful, beautiful."

The dry and smoggy stinking mouth is full of ambiguous laughter, and the rough palm slowly approaches the chest of the nightingale. The delicate skin and warm touch make him want to get this woman.

Just at the moment when his sharp nails were about to pick up the nightingale corset, a slight burst of air screamed, and the speed was so fast that even the droughts and floods could not escape.


His whole fingers are broken.


The marmot looked down and saw that his finger was just a coin.

It is possible to break his finger with a crystal coin.

Not only was the drought and the horror, but the nightingale that came back to God was even more incredible.

The two men looked at the rescuer at the same time.

I saw a teenager in a green shirt. I don’t know when I stood 50 meters away. Behind him are two murderous guys. No matter which one is more powerful than the night.

"The gas of the mixed yuan, are you the first master?" The drought has finally changed its face, and it has become a bit more dignified.

Then, his nose screamed quickly, and he shouted incomparably strangely: "Dragon, I smell the smell of the dragon."

"Yes, I am the dragon."

Qin Long suppressed the instinct of the inner fear, and appeared the domineering dragon head, screaming at the drought.

"I didn't expect to see the dragon in the later stage. Haha, it's great, killing the dragon. My repair will be restored to the past, when it will be you, under the Taiyi, who will fight."

Taiyiliu is the first to first divide the watershed, and under the Taiyi is the fairy, including the fairy, the demon, etc., and under the fairy, there are countless miscellaneous streams.

Only the breakthrough of the immortal, the cultivation of Taiyi Xianqi, is considered to be into the Taiyi stream, the initial is Taiyi Sanxian, the middle period is Taiyi Zhengxian, and the later is Taiyi Jinxian.

Above the golden fairy is the top level character of the fairy world.

The droughts and floods are not in the five elements. At the peak of the peak, the ordinary streamer practitioners do not enter the eyes of the law. It is the general land fairy who sees this guy and has to shun.

Seeing the dragon now, the arrogance in the bones, the warfare rises directly, and the broken fingers are reborn only a few breaths.

"Your cultivation is at least 60% less than the initial period. If I didn't guess wrong, you have been pulled out of a tooth decay. For the drought, pulling out one tooth is equivalent to losing half of the skill."

"So, if you know each other, you should kneel down and follow me. I may be able to give you a way to live."

Qin Lan stepped forward and laughed loudly.

Every step The gas of his mixed body will increase by a few points, resisting the strong suffocation of the drought.

In fact, even if a tooth decay has been lost, the current drought and flood, because it has been staying in this flame abyss, has not suffered much.

One in the early stage almost ignores the existence of all the immortals, even if half of the cultivation, one tenth of the cultivation, is not the later comprehension can provoke.

However, Qin Hao is only an introduction to the early revision of the law, naturally it is against the drought.

He just smashed the fingers of the drought, and it seemed to be a light blow. In fact, it was almost full force, and it was still a sneak attack.

However, in this game, Qin Hao has a certain victory.

Because his opponent is a drought!

In exchange for any other demon, Qin Hao absolutely turned away, but he insisted on it here because he had a secret magic weapon to sanction the drought.

(End of this chapter)

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