The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1864: This is really not a joke.

The drought was dry, and the blood-red pupil was swept in the Qin dynasty.

He found that he couldn't see the guy in front of him.

If he is an advanced master, there is no immortality on his body, and this person is coming in from the outside, that is, the later people, the drought and the flood are very clear in the exchange of successive times, even the top gods of Sanqing, Buddha, and Emperor All of them are fallen and die, and it is impossible to survive if they are not mature.

Even if he survives, he can only hide in such a foreign land like him.

But this strange thing happened just now.

And this guy's tone is arrogant and doesn't look like he is joking.

Who is he, what is it?

The heart of the drought is meditation.

"Oh, my master is also a good stream of Taiyi. You have a miscellaneous flow and want me to surrender. There is no cherry blossom at the door."

The drought and flood did not think for a long time, and soon made their choice.

"So, I can only kill you."

Qin Lan is quite lost.

If the drought is willing to return to the country, even if it is the land of this flame, like the Lei Mo, only the robbery period, the quasi-holy level of repair, is also a good helper.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t drop, then he can only kill it for another use.

The words of Qin Yu are very dull, but in the view of the nightingale, it is like a god.

Even if her father is here, I am afraid that there will be only a runaway when I encounter droughts and floods, but Qin Hao has a firm grasp of the advantages in the gas field. Only this heroic spirit is enough to make this magical demon woman heart.

She really wants to add more heart to Qin Yu, but when she thinks about it, she closes her mouth. In this extreme confrontation, any distraction of Qin Lan is likely to be fatal.

"Want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this ability."

The drought and flood don't want to go down with Qin Yu, and the momentum of this son is still growing. If he goes on like this, his fighting spirit will sink and he will have no chance of winning.

The drought has been silent for too long!

If it is in the early stage, he will be arrogant and he will not be able to form a deadlock with Qin.

It was just a new change, and it was silent for thousands of years. The other party gave him a horse, and the dragon and the magic guard, which made him instinctively more than two points of fear.


The muscles of the drought have risen like steel, and the height of the body has skyrocketed. With a wave of hands, two black air flew into the fire river, and the magma sucked the magma.


The magma rolled into two fire dragons, and the claws of the claws came over to Qin.

"Dragon, ice spell."

Qin Long, who is on the side, knows that the power of drought and flood is fierce. Zhang mouth spits out an ice cold water column. The water column resists two lavas. On the top of the Qin dynasty, a white and red intertwined, it is very beautiful.


The marmots and the fists slammed hard, and the two forces of pulling the mountains were hidden in the fire dragon.

Qin Long was able to resist it. On the chest, two huge punches were printed on the chest. He was shocked and flew out. He squirted blood and fell to the ground for a few times. He fainted and died.

"Haha, it turned out to be an adult-shaped dragon. I dare to fight with me on this point. It’s you, that is, the black dragon king of Qin Guangwang saw me and I was only slaughtered."

A punch stunned Qin Long, a drought-stricken fight, and screamed.

The laughter resounded through the valley!

"What other killers are coming out, let me fight!"

On one side, Lei Mo couldn’t go to help Qin Long, and the cockroach’s vacated space emerged. The prototype was in the hands of the thunder hammer in the hands of the drought.


Thunder and lightning!

The whole black cloud surging, such as the end of the day, the electric light is like a snake interweaving in the clouds.


There is fear in the marmot.

He was the body of the body, even if it became a drought, Lei has always been the nemesis of this death demon.

Even if the repair of the Thunder Demon has been degraded to the point of being vulnerable, but the kind of early momentum is placed there, the thunder hammer is dancing, and the thunder is madly bombarded around the drought.

These mines can't hurt the droughts and floods, but under the pressure of the land, the drought and floods have changed greatly, and they quickly transported the magical powers: "The soul shield!"

When the time came, the valley was filled with yin.

Numerous gods and spirits swallowed by the marmots gathered into a light shield, and the screaming screamed against the thunder.

Every time a thunder hits a drought, there will be a soul that will dissipate.

With the last trace of the thunder, the last thunder hit, the endless soul is still entangled and rolled, it is not that he can kill.

"It turned out to be just an early thunder demon, but it was a false alarm."

Drought and seeing thunder and magic, do not dare to fight again, it is even more difficult.

Qin Lan has been standing in the same place, smiling, and there is no slight change in his face. It is like a fierce battle just like a cloud.

"Your two brothers are in a hurry with the garbage, they are vulnerable, now you are left, what is the killer, let me out, let me take a real lead"

Drought and flood have not put Qin Hao in his eyes.

In his view, Qin Hao is just a bluff, like Qin Long and Lei Mo, it does not pose any threat to him.

In the meantime, the drought and the flood rushed into the night, and smirked: "Beauty, it seems that your savior is like this. When I tear him up, I will play slowly."

The nightingale was silent, and I don’t know why. In the face of the drought and drought in the two games, she calmed down.

All this is the power that Qin Lan brought to her.

Some people go to that battle, that is, the insurmountable mountain, Qin Qin is like the most rigid shield, firmly guarding her safety.

She knows that Qin Hao will win, there is no reason, this idea is unique.

At the same time, the night of the hot, sly, fox-like heart, inexplicably more than a trace.

Previously, she saw that men can be mastered in the hands of Zheng Zheng.

However, Qin Yu first broke her plan in the city without a living, and now suddenly fell, whether it is the former or the latter, this man is definitely her hero.

At this moment, the nightingale is admired by the Qin dynasty, and it is inevitable that there are several different emotions.

It is gentle and warm!


The mouth of the Qin dynasty rose, drawing a cold arc, and sprinkling cold words in the teeth.

He moved!

There is no huge technique, no magic, just a raise of the right hand.

A black line under his full force, like a sharp arrow, shot at the eyebrows of the drought. The drought did not pay attention, and did not care what it was.

Because the strength of Qin Hao's shot is very general in his view, just like the Thunderbolt's thunder and lightning, he can't break the sorcerer's shield on his body.

For countless thousands of years, the cockroaches he swallowed, the celestial beings, the demon, the devil, the endless, and even the others could not remember.

These souls were sealed in the body by him, and they formed a shield that allowed him to escape the thunder and fire in Lin’s robbery countless times.

Let him kill countless masters!

And now a mess, a glimpse of the district, want his life, is this not a joke?


A sullen sound, the drought and drought only felt that the whole world was suddenly quiet.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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