The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1878: You are not qualified to stop me.

The old man is over 70 years old, his face is dark, he has to be white, and his black gown is spotless. Although he is simply sitting close cross-legged, but for Cao Daxiong and others, it is like an iceberg in the house, biting. It is cold.

"The elders of the palace, the robbers are coming soon. My people, this guy killed more than a dozen guests when he shot, and he was extremely embarrassed, not knowing the elders..."

Cao Daxiong asked with ambition.

"Hey, my hidden door killer has never been a murderer. I have a robber in the district. I don't know what he is doing. All of your doormen are straw bags. They are killed by a man, and there is no need to make a big surprise."

Gong Yueshan eyelids are lazy to squat, a sneer between the nose, disdain.

It is reasonable to say that this level of things does not need to be hosted by an elder himself.

It was also Cao Daxiong who walked the dog, and Gong Yueshan happened to be in the six prisons.

Out of self-confidence, he even disdains who knows who the other is, because no matter who he is, he can only be the soul of his sword.

As the elder of the most mysterious killer of hell, Gong Yueshan is still confident.

Seeing his confidence, Cao Daxiong and others will be relieved. Drinking wine, my heart is also a lot better.

Not long after, the old flustered ran up and shouted: "Cao Ye, the surname Qin came, come."

"I really want money, don't want to die, come and come, let him come up." Cao Daxiong screamed at the table.

The old painted downstairs, respectfully led Qin Yu into the private room.

From entering the North Crane Tower, Qin Lan captured the faint murderousness in the air. He had to hide these killers very well. If he used to, he might not be able to sense it, but now his knowledge is more than a hundred times stronger. Therefore, those who pretend to be alcoholic and bartenders, even if they are loaded with natural, can't escape the eyes of Qin.

"Cao Daxiong, this grandson, is really a good animal, ah, this posture, is not going to want their baby son." Lei Mo said while walking.

"In hell, the most valuable and least valuable is life. Cao Daxiong has money. If his son is gone, he can regenerate. For them, money is the most beloved thing. It is not surprising that such a choice is made. ”

Qin Xiao smiled.

Please killer, the son was tied and did not come to personally greet, enough to understand that Cao Daxiong and others did not take money to redeem sincerity.

However, all of this was in the expectation of Qin Yu, and in this case, he only had one way to go dark.

When he arrived at the private room, Qin Hao took off his cloak and handed it to the Thunder.

Lei Mo and Qin Long did not follow up, but outside the door, left and right.

This is what makes Cao Daxiong and others feel amazed. They are shocked by the thunder and Qin Long. They did not expect that the two of them would not follow their own masters. Instead, they went outside the door, which was unreasonable.

On the table is a hot pot, stewed with more than three products of the spirit of the beast, the fragrance is overflowing, the wine is also a good wine.

Qin Xiaojing sat down and took a drink from the hip flask. He took a sip and looked at the crowd. He opened the door and asked: "Come, are your money ready?"

"Oh, Qin Shao, since you are here, everyone will talk, don't worry." Cao Daxiong

"Well, then I will talk to you." Qin Hao is not ill.

"I heard Qin Shao is the Qin family of Heilongjiang, the family of Qin Guangwang's purchase, such a wealthy family, I think Qin Shao should not be short of money."

"Of course, if you are really short of money, the visitors are customers, we are willing to come up with one million coins, and we should give Qin Shao a friend. How do you see it?"

Cao Daxiong took out eight money tickets from his pocket and pushed it over.

Qin Lan didn't look at it, but he was drinking slowly, and the cloud was light and windy: "Cao boss is half right and half wrong. First of all, my name is Qin, but it has nothing to do with the Qin family of Heilongjiang. It is just a blind man. Secondly, I am really short of money, but it is definitely not possible to send eight million coins."

Cao Daxiong didn't think that Qin Hao was so uninteresting. Eight million is a pen and a number. But anyone who took the money should be happy. I didn't expect this guy to still look down on his face. Yinyin smiled: "Qin brothers, who are you, I don't care, I don't tell you about the nonsense of this city's defense. In a word, eight million, you can't let go."

"It seems that your dog's legs are not clear enough to you. Then I will repeat it again. You seven people each have 10 million coins." Qin Xiao smiled and pointed to Cao Daxiong: "You, 30 million, a total of One billion, one point, or the consequences are self-sufficient."

"Made, really shameless face, Lao Cao still talk to him nonsense, do him."

Zhang Jin couldn't help but blaze. He never dreamed that he could be so mad at home.

"I like this way!" Qin Hao's face showed a devil-like smile, and his palms were raised. He was sitting on the table and screaming at the blond hair. He only felt that his body was light and the whole person could not move.

"What do you mean by the spirit of the beast? It is better to try something new."

The Qin dynasty eyes are cold, like a beast, the fierce light of bloodthirsty blood.

"Qin Shao's life, Qin Shao's life."

The heat in the hot pot slammed into the face of Zhang Jinfa, and he screamed in shock.

"The elders of the palace."

Cao Daxiong turned his attention to Gongyue Mountain.

Gong Yueshan is still not too serious about the Qin dynasty, because the Qin dynasty body exudes the gas field, from his induction, the top is also the beginning of the original, and he is a catastrophe, will soon enter the quasi-holy The hidden elders are more than enough to kill the Qin dynasty.

"Brother, are you too arrogant, people stay."

Gong Yueshan slammed his eyes open, his eyes flashed, and his momentum was like a tiger.

He slammed the table violently, and the chopsticks on the table vacated, mixed with millions of pounds of force, such as feather arrows, thorned to Qin's palm.

"You can't really stay with this person!"

Qin Hao proudly smiled, his eyes crossed, and a pair of chopsticks were erected at the table. The bamboo chopsticks that were urged by Gong Yueshan ran into the head.

It’s so powerful, you can use your eyes to remind you!

Everyone is utterly discolored.


The chopsticks collided in the void The bamboo chopsticks of the elders of the palace instantly became smashed, and the bamboo chopsticks urged by the Qin dynasty did not decrease. It was still flying fast, the palace was overwhelmed and the wind was heard. From now on, busy sideways.


The chopsticks passed through the wall, leaving only two thin holes behind him.

"If this is the backing you invited, then you are really real enough."

Qin Lan glanced at the crowd, smirked and laughed, and at the same time, the palm of the hand went down. Zhang Jinfa was in the screams and plunged into the hot pot.


The screams are accompanied by a hot, sullen look.

Zhang Jin’s two legs were fluttering in the air, and both hands were desperately licking the hot edge of the hot pot. However, this silk was useless. His head was like a metal clamp stuck in the pot, a little bit hot. Cooked.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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