The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1879: Juggernaut does not give

The sizzling sound of the hot pot, the rich aroma, the dead silence in the private room.

Every big and wide-eyed, looking at the hot, has long stopped the struggle, Zhang Li, who is not angry, he is still fixed in the air, like a dead ice sculpture will always be fixed there.

The red color of the boiling water spread along his head to the neck, and the red color was mixed with the pale color. The eyes of the thorns hurt.

In a word of effort, Zhang Jinfa became a dead person. These cruel means, even the Miao Yueshan pores, can not help but reveal a cold.

"I have, my purpose is to seek wealth, you can not son, but I must take the money."

"Whether you play any tricks, this money is inevitable."

"I know that these ransoms are hard to beat you. With seven of you, you have already possessed half of the entire six prisons. It is not a problem."

Qin Hao picked up the glass and sprinkled it on the body of Zhang Jinfa. When the wine was digested, Zhang Jin suddenly burned up, and the whole body was completely turned into nothing. Only the head of the cockroach left, floating in the bubble.

Everyone saw that the head was boiled and the eyes were bulging out. Many of them missed the field and vomited. Even Miyagamiyama changed his face.

"Do you want to take money?"

Qin Lan once again made a sound, and his voice became more and more chilly.

Cao Daxiong, a few people, dare to be arrogant at this moment, and the courage to see Qin Qin one by one is gone, for fear of being thrown into the stockpot by the killing god.

"Mr. Gong, you see..." Cao Daxiong only cast his last hope on Gongyue Mountain. After all, this is the great elder who killed the handicrafts. There are more than a dozen elite killers outside. Have a battle.

However, Gong Yueshan is very clear that the young man in front of him is unfathomable. The gas field that was previously distributed is a kind of disguise. Until now, Gong Yueshan has not been able to figure out the depth of Qin.

Before you figure out the enemy's scent, it is undoubtedly a murderer's taboo, and it is also a stupid act.

He even has some regrets to take the single job, but the bow does not turn back, the work on the surface is at least still to be done.

"Mr. Qin, can this huge sum of money be seen on the face of the old man, give a discount, and fold half of it."

Gong Yueshan got up, toasted, and the euphemism revealed the meaning of reconciliation.

"Mr. Gong, you..."

When it comes to money, Cao Daxiong feels a bit of pain, even if it is a half-fold, 50 million huge money, it is also unbearable for everyone.

Their money, there is a tenth of the money in the market, but it is really necessary to make up this huge sum of money. It is also possible to realize the sale of the industry, which will undoubtedly hurt the foundation of their business empire.

"Cao Boss, what can you think of other ways now? If you want to be able to make a half-fold, thank you."

Seeing that Cao Daxiong and others were dead relatives, Gong Yueshan was not happy and sneered.

"Yes, yes, everything is arranged by Mr."

Cao Daxiong bowed his head and said.

He is now like a fish on a chopping board, and he has no right to choose.

"Mr. Qin, what do you mean?" Gong Yueshan looked confidently at Qin.

He believes that if the other party is interested, you should know that the elite killer has been arranged in this building, unless the heart is broken, otherwise the other party will certainly sell him.

Qin Hao's fingers are rhythmically swaying the table, the sword is like a knife, and the eyes are smashed into a crack. The strong murder is revealed through the eyes. "100 million models become 50 million, you feel your own face." Can the value of 50 million?"

Gong Yueshan sighed and laughed, Lang said: "Mr. Qin's good, the old man's face is really worth 50 million crystal coins, but the old killer behind the first killer organization hidden door, should still have this face."

"Hidden door!"


Qin Hao looked up and looked at the flower board, as if thoughtful.

Just when Gong Yueshan, Cao Daxiong and others thought it was hopeful, Qin Yu’s mouth was raised and he smiled coldly: “The hidden door is really terrible in the eyes of outsiders. It is priceless, but in my eyes, you know that What?"

"What?" There is an unknown feeling in the heart of Gong Yueshan.

"It's a fart!"

Qin Hao haha ​​laughed.

"You..." Gong Yueshan walked for many years in the rivers and lakes, mentioning the hidden door, who is not avoiding the three points, suffering from such humiliation or the first one, the time of the gas must be chaotic, the lungs are exploding.

"You are too arrogant, our door is the first swordsman, the sword is on the official cold, I remind you that you are in the same position with the Juggernaut"

Gong Yueshan looks very dignified and dignified.

" Shangguan Han... You don't, I really forgot this person."

Qin Hao nodded and nodded.

Strictly, it is extremely short-lived when Qin Hao stays in hell. He is not fully aware of the things in hell.

There are many strangers and wonders in hell, and Shangguan Han is one of them.

Nowadays, the people in **** can't find five people if they really saw his true face.

How high this person is, no one can confirm, but there is always rumor in hell, if anyone in **** can really rival Qin Guangwang, it is not one of the four highs, but Shangguan Han.

Shangguan Han has been sanctified for a long time, and some people have already been sanctified, but it is a bit sure. His swordsmanship is unparalleled, and his men are never survivors, so they are honored as Juggernaut.

And Qin Guangwang and the top masters of the two major missions of Hell!

The hidden door rumor is created by Shangguan Han. This organization only recognizes money and can serve any power. It can survive in the cracks of hell. No one even knows where their base is, including the great elders of Gongyue Mountain.

In fact, the hidden door master has long been not the official cold, as the top of the existence of hell, it is impossible to manage these chores personally.

Miyauyama moved out of his name, nothing more than to let Qin know the difficulty.

However, his abacus is destined to fail.

Today, Qin Lan, not afraid of causing trouble, is afraid that he will not be able to hit the real master. If he can force the Shangguan cold to come out and fight with him, that is the real good thing.

"It turned out to be the doorman of Shangguan Han, so I can not only give you this I have to take your life."

Qin Yusen cold road.

"This, what is this? Do you not even give the face of the official door?"

Gong Yueshan yelled at the madness. Shangguan Han was the **** in his mind. This guy is blasphemy and is looking for death.

"Because it is Shangguan Han, you must die."

"You are not dead, how can you come to me on the official cold?"

The evil spirit on the face of Qin Yu is even better.

"You are too surnamed Qin."

"Do you really think that I have no rule of law?"

"Come on!"

Gong Yueshan couldn't bear it, and made a thunder and shouted outside the door.

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