The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1885: You don't understand this thing.

Wang Anguo's biggest wish is to create his own golden signboard and build a Xifu Entertainment City with enough reputation for the 18th floor of Hell. However, in addition to guarding against the wariness of Dangyang Wang, it is also a shortage of funds.

Now there are three hundred million ransoms, enough for him to do a big job and complete his dreams.

As for his family relationship with Xuan Yi, it is even more worth mentioning.

The royal family was originally indifferent, and his younger brother Wang Zhi took his throne. In those years, he guarded him like a tiger. Xuan Yi’s prince came here to be more arrogant and arrogant. He did not put his uncle in his eyes. Wang If Anguo is not for the expansion of Xifu City, he will bow down to Wang Zhi and his father.

Now that there is a chance to be completely independent, splitting six prisons is undoubtedly the best result.

"Qin Hou, if you have recreated Anguo, I, I really don't know how to express my respect for you."

Wang Anguo held a glass of wine, full of tears, and choked.

"No, I am a heart with you in the construction of Xifu City. I will help you." Qin Yudao, then looked awkwardly and said: "But you searched and arrested the women in the Xifu area. The taxation of the people has lost the hearts of the people. This is not good for the overall situation. If you want to be stable for a long time, it is impossible to rely on the cannons on your wall. At the moment, your most important thing is to appease the people."

"The people are not anti-counter, the expansion plan of Xifu City can be further implemented, otherwise everything will be empty talk."

"Hey, I was too anxious before, and I was eager to make money to build a city. I was anxious to please Wang Xuanyi, for fear that he would secretly pull my hind legs."

"This ignores the most essential things. If you don't wake up, you will be unbeaten today, and you will lose the city sooner or later."

Wang Anguo sighed with tears.

"Well, go outside and bring the generals together, I will take a face with them." Qin said.

Wang Anguo personally went outside and called the generals in. The generals met Qin Lan, and the ones who were respected were shy and speechless. Although they were betrayed Wang Anguo, but for a soldier, they fled and collapsed. It is undoubtedly very shameful.

"The matter is over now. You are still in charge of the ministries. Soon there will be a big battle, telling the soldiers that there will be rewards for death, and those who will take off and kill innocent people."

Qin Yu told the public.

The soldiers promised that Wang Anguo personally went to the city to post a confession, and ordered the sergeant to send the robbed women, and compensated the woman who had been violated with more than 30,000 yuan.

At the same time, for those who are hiding in the villages, they will be recruited and prayed!

Of course, these are only a short-term appeasement effect. If you really want to achieve long-term stability, you have to look at how Wang Anguo handles the big deal in the future.

Qin Lan’s time is limited, and only this can be done.

However, the effect is undoubtedly obvious. At least in the city of Xifu, the sergeants are fighting high spirits. After the people saw the confession, they all walked out of the street and told the whole city that the city was not affected too much.

"Hou Ye, this is a circle. Wang Anguo did not lose anything. He was promised to be promoted to the king. Once he turned his face and refused to recognize people, wouldn’t you be in this city?"

In the back garden, Wan Hao was behind Qin Lan and asked inexplicably.

Qin Lan stopped her footsteps and turned to look at her glamorous face: "This is what Wang Anguo deserves. He is worth the price."

"Why?" Wan became more and more confused.

"There are thousands of talents in hell, but there are such eyes as Wang Anguo. There are very few such ideals."

"I didn't think about controlling him for a lifetime. For a maximum of ten years, I only need ten years. When he expands and expands, it will be enough for me to make money."

"After ten years, this city is the management fee I gave him."

Qin Hao smiled easily.

Since knowing Fang Chengshan, Qin Lan knows that unifying **** is not a goal. It is not what he wants to compete for the first master. What he wants to do is to ascend early, reach the world, look at the late powers, and compete for the hegemony in that field. In order to completely release the square inch mountain, the gods will lay the foundation now.

Eternal in the universe, life, free to shuttle, past, present, future, let me alone, this is his ultimate goal.

The following disputes are common to all beings, and they know the vastness of the land and the endless life.

Qin Hao did not explain too much to Wan Hao because it was something she could not understand.

Just as people don't believe that there are aliens in this world, it is because they have never seen them. In the final analysis, every gaze will always be limited by time and region.

"Hou, I can't have a bold request." Wan Hao took the courage and asked before catching up.


Qin Yu’s hand in hand

"Can you let me be the home of Xifucheng? At least give me a chance to contain Wang Anguo. As long as I am there, I promise that Xifucheng is yours whether it is ten years or 100,000 years."

Want to ask.

She is already homeless, Wangcheng can't go back, and Xifucheng, a new and full of vitality, is a great stage for rebirth.

She does not want to miss this opportunity!

"Your heart is too heavy, and staying sooner or later will split Xifu City."

"However, since you want, I can fulfill you."

"I have a way to live with you and tie you to Wang Anguo's life. The two of them will die together. In this way, you are the same being, and you are in the same city."

"But I have to remind you that those who have used the same method of life have not had a hospice, and in the end they are all burning jade."

"Are you sure you want to try it?"

Qin Yudao.

Wan Xi is such a shrewd woman, short time is definitely a weapon, she can really clamp Wang Anguo, but once the woman's ambitions expand, it will eventually destroy the city.

But at least it must be after his ascent. If there is one, it is also the life of Xifucheng.

What Qin Yao wants is now, and Wan Hao is also the same.

What will happen in the future, she doesn't care, she can't control it. She only wants to take advantage of the opportunity that Qin can help, and quickly establish a firm foothold.

"I am willing!"

"Please also ask Hou to help me."

I sincerely bow down.

"No hurry, I still have one thing for you to do. You immediately rushed to the capital city of Wudu, took my token, found Yang Zhongguo of the capital city, asked him to mediate the six prisons, and told him ~www. I will promise Xicheng City a 10% annual net profit to him."

"Let him bring envoys, maps, etc., before reporting to Guangwang, everything is requested, all counted on my head."

Qin Hao told the road.

"Yang Zhongguo, isn't this the main event of the capital?"

"This person is a famous corrupt official. How do you find such a person?"

Wan Haomei.

"Yes, this person is so greedy, but you know why his reputation is so stinky, but still able to be infinitely beautiful? For millions of years, standing still."

"Because each Rao exists, it has a certain value. The value of Yang Guozhong lies in a greed."

"This way your father can understand that you are still young, don't understand it, just do it."

Qin Xiao smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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