The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1886: Ziyang real person

Yang Zhongguo is greedy, but he does not fall. The only answer is that Qin Guangwang acquiesced in what he did.

It may be for the sake of raising a pig, or it may be that he is a person of Guangwang.

Such a person, as long as he has money, can make a pass.

If Qin Yu was not bad, when Yang Zhongguo went to the six prisons, at that time, when he and Wang Zhihe talked, Yang Zhongguo mediated, Xifu City could be justified from the six prisons, and reported to the capital, become iron Bureau.

In this way, Xifucheng is truly a "special zone" independent of the 18 prisons."

"You asked him to report to Guangwang, such a big thing, you just say a word, can Guangwang agree?" Wan Hao grinned, she did not want to go back to the sad place, especially not wanting to run errands.

"He will promise, go."

Qin Yu’s voice is cold and unquestionable.

Wan Hao was shuddered by his chilling eyes, and did not dare to say anything more. He went to the capital city of Batu.


When Yang Wangcheng, Wang Zhi was lying on the throne, squinting and enjoying the beautiful singer, listening to the song, watching the beautiful fragrance dance, so enjoy.

Six prisons are not developed in hell, and certainly not poor. The advantage of this kind of **** is that it is not recorded. As long as you position your position, you can have no worries.

Wang Zhi is a very enjoyable person. His throne was his mother's favor with the old ghost king. He was robbed from the hands of the prince. Now the prince Wang Anguo has already gone to a remote place, and he will never enter the world forever. Wangcheng step by step, singing and dancing in the four seas, the state treasury is sufficient, the military is too peaceful, and Wang Zhi is naturally enjoying the music.

"Da Wang, there is a breeze from outside the city called Xifu City, requesting a glimpse." The guard came in and respectfully said.

"The city of Xifu City is coming in."

Wang Zhi yawned and walked slowly.

The Qingfeng real people stepped into the hall and proudly said: "When the king of Yang, the poor road is polite."

Wang Zhi’s fat body was in a group, and he hanged his voice. “Where is this priest to see the king?”

"This is the letter of the poor road." Qingfeng Road.

"Reporting? What letter?" Wang Zhi is not ill, as long as Wang Anguo is not leading the army, other things are not important.

"Or look at it yourself."

The breeze handed the letter forward, and Wang Zhi took the hand and took it up. He shook the letter paper and opened it, suddenly changing his face.

"You, where did you come from?" Wang Zhiqu.

"Xifu City, this letter is written by An Guohou personally. His handwriting must be recognized by adults. I don't need to make too many remarks." Qing Fengdao.

"This, how is this possible? There are eight thousand soldiers in Anguo's hands. How could I let my child be robbed under his eyelids?" Wang Zhida was shocked.

"Believe it or not, I am just a letter."

"As far as I know, the current situation in Xifu City is not stable. When I left the city last night, Wang Hao, the general of Anguo waiting, was killed by the thief. The city was flustered. If the king was hesitant, he was afraid of misunderstanding the life of the prince."

Clear wind road.

"The letter has been brought, the poor road retire." The breeze is a real man, and he will leave without saying a word.

"Slowly, since the Daochang came, I might as well take a rest for a night. After I have discussed it, it is not too late for the Taoist to go." Wang Zhidao.

"That's good, I will stay for one night, people will be shut, and the king will be as soon as possible." The breeze promised.

"Come, come to the real person to rest in the shack, good hospitality." Wang Zhizhen drank a scorpion, immediately guards led the breeze to go.

"Come on, prepare for the car, I want to see the national division." Wang Zhilang said.

When the four kings of Yangcheng were not guilty, in addition to Lin Li’s location, there was a town magistrate.

The mage has no name, no surname, because he lives in the Ziyang Temple in the northwest corner of the palace, so it is called Ziyang real person.

Ziyang real people came to Dangyang Wangcheng many years ago. They used the magical method to make a statement in the folk. Later, they were reused by Wang Zhi. This person is supernatural, knowing the past, knowing the future, and knowing the truth.

There were also supporters of Wang Anguo, who invited the masters of the parties to assassinate Wang Zhi, and they were all blocked by Ziyang.

Wang Zhi even took it as a god, and handed his son to the Ziyang real person to teach, but unfortunately Wang Xuan was ignorant, and he has also cultivated an initial stage.

At this moment, Wang Ji personally came to Ziyang Temple to see him.

When I got to the door, I was stopped by the real boy. It was the real person who was cleaning up and could not bother.

Rao was Wang Zhigui as a ghost king, and he was honestly waiting for half an hour before he was promoted to the temple.

Inside the hall, Ziyang lived in the first place, with a white breath between the nose and mouth. The white gas formed Taiji revolving around the whole body. When the king implanted, the real person took a long breath and swallowed the refining spirit and slowly opened. Eyes: "The king is in trouble."

"Nothing is more than a real person, and it doesn't matter. My son who was not a weapon was hijacked in Xifu City. Wang Anguo, the **** who caught the thief, was not able to do so. He also told me to send 300 million crystal coins to redeem people."

"Real people, the king can't swallow this breath, and please ask the truth."

Wang Zhi screamed.

"Dao? It seems that the king has a bottom in his heart. You think that Wang Anguo is self-directed and wants to extract money from you?" Ziyang real people bloomed with a pair of blue eyes, sneer asked.

"Is it not?" asked Wang Zhi.

"Of course not. Wang Anguo still has no such thing. I think it is not easy for people who hijack the Prince. If the King listens to me, the power does not happen. It is the right way to change things."

Ziyang is really soil.

"With the constant change, you are calling this king to swallow this breath?" Wang Zhi frowned.

"No, I told you to give up Prince Xuan."

"It is difficult for a Prince to become a big tool, and it is useless to stay. I am afraid that it will not be worth 300 million coins."

Ziyang real people sneer.

Wang Zhi looked at Ziyang real person. At that moment, he suddenly felt that this person was strange. He reused Ziyang real person because this person can use it for him. He is the patron saint of the Prince.

Today, he is so indifferent to the Prince, which makes Wang Zhi feel that this person is ruthless and unscrupulous may not be loyal to himself in the future.

However, Wang Zhi did not show it, but rather lamented: "The real person is right, my son really does not become a weapon. Recently, I did have a plan to regenerate a few. The king is not a lie, Wang. Anguo has always been a nail in my eyes. I want to use this opportunity to ask the real person to reshuffle the Xifu City. One is to see if Wang Anguo is still loyal to me. Moreover, he has settled him in the name of hijacking the Prince. Fucheng received as a cherry blossom"

"And I have decided on the candidates. Once I win the Xifu City, the disciples of the national division will be the city owners. As a result, the next one can be decided."

"As for the Prince, if he is lucky, he can see that we can save him. It is his luck, bad luck, and that is his life."

“How is the real person?”

As a ghost king, Wang Zhi is not a fake, but he is not stupid. He can see that Ziyang’s real appetite is great. He does not take Xifu City to catch him. This old fox is afraid that he will not shoot.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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