The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1908: Impermanence

White impermanence only feels that the scalp is numb, just like the soul is suddenly hollowed out, but he is a good master of the emperor, will never be intimidated by a look.

Of course, there are also counts in his mind. Qin Hou was the master of the true period, and even now it is a matter of reason to break through to the robbery period.

"That Hou Ye’s fist, today is to drink, or to eat people." White impermanence cheeks tight, cold voice asked.

“How about eating people, how about drinking?”

Qin Hao asked.

“It’s a good life to entertain people who are being hunted and drinking.”

White impermanence.

He did deliberately draw on Qin Yu. He always suspected that Qin Hao would not take care of the **** he had just hit at this time, but he ran to the Imperial Capital. He also avenged them with a shot, probably by Qin Guangwang. The call, so it is so crazy.

If this guy is really secretly transferred, there will be reuse, so making friends is worthwhile.

White impermanence can be eaten in the emperor's way. It is precisely because the eight sides are exquisite, the potential stocks like Qin Lan are undoubtedly worthy of being drawn.

However, it seems that this guy doesn't seem to be in the same set, just like looking for it, which makes him very uncomfortable, and some don't know how to pick up.

"I have beaten your son's eyes. What do you think?"

Qin Hao is indifferent.

When the words came out, everyone in the room was furious.

"Mr. Qin, even if it is a royal family, he does not dare to be so rude to the impermanent adults. Bai Ye has repeatedly politely, why do you want to "force" people, do you really deceive my emperor?"

One person next to the table angered.

"Who are you?" Qin Hao raised his eyebrows.

"Hey Li thinking, in charge of the Ministry." The man proudly reported.

"A little **** is not qualified to talk to me."


When Qin Lan was drinking, he took a table and two chopsticks flew away.

The man still didn't understand what was going on, he was pierced by the chopsticks and flew straight out, nailed to the beam, and screamed and mourned.

"Hou Ye is too much."

The white impermanence face "color" is cold to the extreme.

"so so."

"It is to insult the word to eat you, and you only need one finger to crush you!"

"Hey, let me roll before I change my mind."

Qin Xiao sneered.

The reason why he repeatedly provocative is not to have trouble, but to blow out the big fish behind these people.

Qin Lan’s time is limited. He has no intention to fight with these little fish and ducklings. Facing the masters behind these people is the most important thing at the moment.

Therefore, today's play, the bigger the better, the better.

He doesn't mind that Baihualou is famous today in the first battle, and the horrified emperor is full of enthusiasm!


"Let me see the skills of Hou Ye."

Black impermanence has long wanted to be higher and lower with the Qin dynasty. At this moment, I can’t help but anger, and my palms are rising. A black and white color of the crying sorrows flashes in the palm of my hand.

"Three thousand Soul Eaters!"

Black impermanence shouted, crying and dancing, flying into the air, turned into three thousand gimmicks, like a raindrop to Qin.

Qin Yufei fell on the railing, and the spirit of the drums "swing", even the move is lazy, a strong hurricane from the back of the brain, blowing to those hoes.

When the wind is blowing, if the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, the steamed buns should be sounded as black smoke.

"It’s that I’m yelling at you, eating me awesome!”

Black impermanence brows sinking, thought that underestimated the Qin dynasty, the real gas spit, crying and sorrowful for three feet long, Yokohama playing, running the Qin dynasty.

This crying sorrow is made of Huangquan Hantie, and the weight of the light reaches 3.6 million jins. The black impermanence is also a strange trick. The strength and the move are enough to compete with the Tibetan sects. Played up, surrounded by ghosts and wolverines, gusts of wind, the beams, tables and chairs in the building as a paper-like general, broken.

Combined with the quasi-sacred period he has just stepped into, one can go down and half of the hills can collapse.

Qin Lan gently raised his sleeves and squatted on the sorrowful sorrow. The black impermanence felt the impact of the ancient giant elephant, and his body shape was almost vomited by his own instinct.

"Are you so hard?"

"If this is the case, I advise you to go home and drink milk in your arms."

Qin Yi, a robe, raised his hand and sneered.

"Drink your mother's, look at the trick!"

Black impermanence never believes, in just these few years, Qin Hou still went to a mortal place, and repaired to be above him?

To know that he has gathered countless ghosts for countless years, this is a sacred god, and it is impossible to lose to Qin Yu. This must be an illusion.

"The Nether God, the sixth heavy, Wan Hao added."

Black impermanence is a very temperamental person. Seeing that he can't take Qin Qin, he is anxious, and directly transports nearly 90% of the magical powers, but sees thousands of black "color" suffocating, madly pouring into his body.

The original fine body quickly expanded and rubbed. The top of his head broke through the roof of Baihualou. It turned out to be dozens of feet high. Like the giant spirit, it was fierce and sinister. The body of the impermanence is revealed.

The impermanence is in the middle of the world!

It is not the name of the wave!

"Is it another play?"

"Play with you!"

Qin Hao shook his head boring, and laughed loudly. People popped up like a cannonball and landed on the corner of the building.

The black impermanence was half-drawn and suspended in the air. The height of the Qin dynasty standing on the top of the building was flush with his waist. He rounded his blood and picked up the people who were crying and stalking the flies.

"Come, idiot!"

Qin Hao laughed and flew.

He deliberately reduced the speed, not to be black and impermanent and lost, and indeed black impermanence, stepping forward, chasing and killing in the Yinshi Wangcheng.

His real body is dozens of feet high. All the buildings and ghosts are in his eyes. It is the existence of ants. This step is one step away. The Baihua Building and the surrounding buildings are all shattered like tiles. The soldier was trampled directly into a patties.

As the emperor of the outer city, who dared to swear his idiots, black impermanence and murder, and can not manage so much, chasing the Qin dynasty full city run, for a time the northwest corner of Suzaku Street was so badly smashed by him, all became ruins, military and civilians I saw him holding a squirrel, for fear of running slow and being smashed into patties.

It is that he ran faster, and he could only watch the Qin dynasty from his giant hand and tears and sorrows, like an annoying fly, how could he not catch it.

You must know that Suzaku Street is the home of the private residence of Wangdu. Most of the officials in the entertainment establishments have shares, so it is so bad that the city suddenly blows up.

The adults of the ministries rushed over in the sedan chair, and the foreign city commanders came over and asked him to stop.

Black impermanence is the boss in the outer city, where to listen to the words, one heart only wants to put the Qin dynasty to death, the more people onlookers, he is more anxious and more embarrassed, that crying and mad crazy "chaos" sweep, every time Going on, there are quite a few.

"Oops, Bai Ye, the black lord is so noisy, I am afraid that I will dismantle the life and death city of Guangwang."

"If you want to go on again, I am afraid that it will be a disaster."

Those officials can't help but be impermanent and can only beg for impermanence.

White impermanence, I don’t know what’s going on.

Ps: Today is three more, and tomorrow night, good night friends.

(End of this chapter) 9

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