The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1909: Big kill

"Damn, the old black has a surname of Qin." Bai Wuchang secretly swears.

There is a code in the Imperial City of Emperor, and no one, god, demon, or demon can show more than one body in the city. Because even the best buildings are under mass destruction, they will be vulnerable.

Once someone violates the Code, no matter who they are, they will be chased and punished by the two internal and external military systems. In particular, the inner city's banned army will mobilize the unique anti-god cannon, which is specially used to kill masters.

For thousands of years, no one has dared to defy, even if it is a big grievance, a little bit of a brain, will choose to solve it outside the city, or use assassination and assassination to solve the assassination.

Black impermanence This is a habit of arbitrarily arrogant. When he was provoked by Qin Yu, he forgot the rules and directly showed the impermanent body to set off a killing storm in Wangcheng.

This kind of worry, but I do not know how many offenders are offended, including some of the top military and business squadrons in the city, and then fight down, alarming Guangwang, fearing that something is going to happen.

"Xie Bi'an, what the **** are you doing, and you are not talking about rules. The house I just built last month is destroyed by you."

"You are too arrogant, I want to meet Guangwang and join you."

A chubby old man rushed over with a four-clawed golden dragon sedan chair, and the sedan chair pointed at the white impermanence.

As soon as I saw the opera garden that had been built with millions of coins, it was destroyed, and the old tears fell.

"Yeah, the pawnshop of the family is also being smashed by you. Are you brains into the water?"

"It’s too idle for you to see you. Your family is going to enter the palace and report to Li Gonggong and withdraw your position."

A group of important members of the palace began to attack around the impermanence.

In the face of the accusations of the people, Bai Wuchang quickly handed to the Quartet, Lang said: "Flower Gonggong, Eight Kings, you adults, this is of course my brother is not right, but if he does not show the impermanence, there is no way to exorcise, demons, Have you seen the boy wearing a green shirt?"

"His name is Qin Hou, from the 18 prisons. I think you know the name of his name. This person has subverted the four layers of hell. This time he came to Wangcheng again, plotting to subvert the king's emperor. Our brothers discovered him. Conspiracy, I have to ask him to ask questions, but this person is stubborn, my brother gave out the body."

"Imagine if Qin Hou subverted the Emperor, and everyone said that it was a house. I am afraid that it is impossible for you to protect your head."

White impermanence, such a city, quickly poured the dirty water onto the Qin dynasty, for the black impermanence.

"Qin Hou?"

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that there was a ghostly flash of the shadow of a green shirt in the air, and the black impermanence was so loud that it was nothing to do.

The name Qinhou is like a nightmare for the old aristocrats in hell!

Because from his appearance in the eighteen prisons, he represents the emerging forces. These people are probably slaves from the bottom. It is probably a despicable Yaksha. These forces, under his concentration, create miracles and shocks again and again. The rights and status of the old aristocrats.

In the Imperial Capital, no one in power wants this person to appear, but now he is coming.

Compared to a house, they hope that black and white impermanence will make this person disappear forever.

A Qinhou can make everyone shut up, whiteness is more and more people must die, or leave the emperor, otherwise it will have a negative impact on the whole game.

Looking at the city was stirred up, the powers came one after another, Qin knows that it is time to start harvesting.

"Qin Hou, you are also a ghost king, you can not point to the skin, is your grandmother a bear, will only escape?"

Black impermanence combo dozens of tricks, even Qin Yi a hair is not touched, can not help but become angry.

At this time, he still stubbornly believed that Qin Hao was just a body tactic, and he did not necessarily dare to fight with him. However, this idea was fixed because of the childishness, because Qin Xiao stopped and saw his body flashing. Already on the crying sorrow.

The wind is light, the black hair dances!

Qin Lan held his hand and stood up. If the real fairy is down, the Qing dynasty and the arrogance, the twins of the death **** are full of contempt for the whole city, as if he is the master of the universe.

"My fist is going to eat people!"

Qin Lan smiled coldly, and the pale right hand was clenched into a fist. There was no trick, and the toes were a little bit like a flying fish. When the air slammed into the black impermanence.

"Waste, what you want is your sentence."

Black impermanence is great, he is really unable to catch up with Qin Lan, the other party also took the initiative to send the door, isn't it a typical Maokeng lantern?

It’s not enough to worry about the fact that this boxing is unremarkable and even has no power bonus.

You must be beaten to death and blasted to be able to vent your hatred.

Killing the enemy is here!

Black impermanence has enough for 10% of the strength to condense on the crying mourning stick, running the Qin dynasty is a fatal blow.

This shot can break through the mountains and break the waves!

His eyes filled with the look of joy, as if he had seen the scene where Qinhou was broken into pieces and scattered with the wind.

"is it?"

The cold two-character export, Qin Yu’s fist did not return to defense, and his body shape has not been diverted, and he has greeted the crying and sorrowful.

"Broken Heaven!"


When his fist suddenly burst into a bright and shining The light is filled with moonlight, the light is shining, and everyone who shines can't even open his eyes.

Black impermanence only felt black in front of him, and there was liquid sputum on his cheeks. It was actually that the eyes were brightened by the light, and the blood was flowing.

How can it be like a good fighter and a strong energy?

Black impermanence is a dark shock.

At the same time, he only felt a pain in the whole arm. The long arms and the crying sorrows were all in the same way. In the loud noise, they were transformed into pieces. Not only that, but the powerful force still broke along the arm and madly invaded. Five internal organs, eight classics.

Just a moment of thinking, he felt very painful and completely uncontrollable, and even the strength of the monks could not be made.

When the consciousness was completely returned, he knew that he had come to understand. Qin Hao’s move directly broke his cry and sorrow, and even destroyed him with his impermanence.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were clean.

Everyone stopped yelling, looking straight at the lost arm, standing still and impermanent.

There are a lot of masters on the scene, and everyone can feel the sadness of the black impermanence, which is the state of despair after losing the life.

"Why?" The left arm of the black impermanence was holding his chest, and the bursting tears of the pupils made a sigh of unwillingness.

He didn't think about defeat, he was not afraid of defeat, and he didn't lose.

But never imagined that the loss will be so bad, the strength is completely suppressed, Qin Qin is simply playing around him, no matter when you start, there is a trick to kill him.

This is the means of a four-high emperor. Qin Hou last time was a king, but it was only true, why it became so strong.


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