The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1918: Guangwang in the black wall

. . Mobile phone reading.. This world has always been brave and earned, timid and shrinking is destined to be a lifetime of inaction, opportunities are those who have the courage to take that step.

Qin Hao believes that he is still a brave person. Therefore, after thinking for a few seconds, he has been able to protect his whole body and plunged into the dry well.

The depth of the well is indefinite, and the chill is very incomparable. It is like a journey to the center of the earth. Under the endless darkness, even his eyes can't wear the dark darkness.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a shock from the foot. He was already at the bottom.

There is a faint light in the well, which is like a firefly. The Qin dynasty follows the light spot, but the bottom of the well is very big, and I don't know where to go.

In this dark environment, the human brain is in a state of semi-vertigo, and even the Qin dynasty is not spared. It is difficult for him to calculate the precise time, and he does not know how long he has gone, and his eyes suddenly brighten up.

In front of it is a low palace, no, exactly, a temple.

Outside the temple, there was a bright brazier, a middle-aged man wearing a coleoptera hat, black and sturdy, and a chilly judge in his right hand. He had already waited at the door.

"Lu Jue" Qin Yu Jianmei raised, asked.

"It is Lu Mou, Guang Wang has been waiting for a long time, please." Lu Juduo.

Qin Lan followed him behind him and entered the temple. The temple was swaying and swaying. It was facing a big wall. The wall did not know what it was made. It was dark and inky, emitting faint light. There are also complicated runes, and Qin Yu is faintly aware of some of the runes from the congenital period.

Sure enough, there are some articles here.

"Emperor, Qinhou is coming."

Lu Jue went to the wall and buckled twice, whispering.


There was a long sigh inside, followed by a weak voice "You go down"


Lu Jun saw Qin Hao and looked down and walked out.

Qin Lan tried to use the magical power to break through the wall to explore the realities inside. However, whenever his gods and vitality attempted to cross the black wall, he would be bounced back by a huge force.

That kind of strength is a kind of strong that can't be said, and the shocking sea of ​​his soul is arousing the swaying. If it is forced to break the wall, it will undoubtedly suffer a more powerful counterattack.

"This is the wall of life and death. It is the only instinct in the world. It is also the place where I am rehabilitated and hiding. If you cultivate it to a higher level, it will be a mortal. It is impossible to break."

Inside the wall came the voice of Qin Guangwang's weakness.

After a pause, he said, "Qin Aiqing, from the last meeting of the king, we have not seen it for many years, Qin Jun can have such a repair, it is really good."

Qin Yu sat cross-legged on the wall and smiled faintly. "Yeah, I haven't seen you for many years. I still remember your **** Weihe, and I am waiting for the wine to be happy. I still have a vivid look. I never thought about coming to Wangcheng this time." Guang Wang is here to meet me."

"Yeah, Qin Jun seems to have gotten the innate method, but I don't know if it comes from heaven."

Qin Guangwang asked.

"What do you think"

Qin Hao asked calmly.

He needs to use dialogue to determine whether the people inside are Qin Guangwang.

"Maybe, I know that you really want to know why this king is in this wall, why is it evil outside, and "the traitor" is the way."

"I can tell you the answer."

Qin Guangwang Xu Xudao.

His voice is as old as ever, but it is less of a kind of arrogance, a little more old, which is far from the mighty Qin Guangwang in Qin Min’s mind.

"The aura of the day after tomorrow is getting weaker and weaker. For the congenital creatures, it is like a fish struggling in a stream that is about to dry up. Although I am a god, I am leaving the congenital spirit field. Speed ​​up death and aging."

"Now, as long as I leave this wall, every time I stay outside for a minute, my cultivation will be reduced by one point. If I lose my cultivation, I lose control, including my own life and status."

"I said so, can you understand?"

Qin Guangwang explained.

Qin Lan certainly understands that the innate creatures and gods have not been left behind, precisely because they are like deep sea whales. The water needed is not comparable to the small shrimps of Lei Mo.

In other words, Qin Guangwang can only stay in this wall, and wait a little bit to die, and it will never be possible to come out again.

Of course, this is a hypothesis. If Qin Xiao remembers the mistake, the last time he was king, Guang Wang is still cultivated as a solid and despised all things. At that time, the aura is not much different from the present. According to the truth, there is no existence. The child has declined to such a degree.

Moreover, Qin Lan does not think that it must be Guangwang, even if it is, it is not necessarily the truth.

Because his opponent this time is a dark, incomparably powerful existence, behind this person is the support of the power of heaven, he must get accurate proof every step, before dare to make a decision.

"Oh, that's a pity. I came here to have something to do with your help. It seems that you are hard to protect yourself."

"Since it has already reached this kind of situation, I think the king has already thought about the people who passed the post. After all, the yin can't be without a day, you say it."

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

"Listen to Qin Jun's tone, even the disapproval is not called, and now it is a magical method, it seems that this time to come to Wangcheng, there is also this plan."

In the voice of Qin Guangwang, he was slightly angry with three points.

Through the wall, Qin Lan can feel the oppression of the king from the king, he is also full of vitality, and it is not against it.

He wants to see how much oil there is in this tank, the supreme emperor.

"The world has always been a capable person, Guangwang will not know, who will sit on this chair and say, at least I don't think you are still qualified to occupy this position." Qin Hao excited.

"Sure enough, the ambition is not small, I know Qinhou."

"Well, you don't want to spur the king, Qinhou, let's talk about it. You have something to do with the king, and I have a little bit of strength, and I have all the love of the year."

Qin Guang Wang Yinsen smiled a few times and asked.

"Ghost door is open I need you to open the yin and yang gate, put 20,000 heroes in, it is best to bring in the flesh together, please complete."

"Of course, I won't let you help me, if you open it."

Qin Lan said what he wanted.

"The condition of this king is that you immediately leave the capital city."

"Now the city of life and death is in danger. There are a pair of black hands in the dark to "control" the overall situation, Qin Zijian is dead, I don't want the next one to be you."

"I know that you have ambition and ability, but stay in the capital city, you will accomplish nothing, believe me, your strength is far from enough to stabilize the current situation, I can teach you the method of opening the door, then you You can do what you want by doing it when you open the door to the ghost gate."

Qin Guangwangdao.

End of this chapter

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