The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1919: Printing and giving

. . Mobile phone reading.. Qin Guangwang said that it was done, a big seal was flying in the black wall, and then a volume of the book was thrown out, and the above was suddenly printed with the door of the ghost gate.

Printing is a true print, at least it looks like this.

The law is also traceable.

"Go, leave the capital city, if you hear the news of Wangcheng Yizhu in the future, don't panic, kill millions of soldiers, all this is still yours."

Qin Guangwang’s weak voice came again, and then there was no more movement.

In the black wall, there is silence, and it is clear that Guangwang has cut off contact with the outside world.

Qin Lan collected the seal and the law and got up.

When I arrived at the temple, Lu Jue met Qin Lan, but nodded coldly.

Qin Lan walked out of two steps and went back to the land to judge the land. "Lar Daren, your birthday is coming soon. I have a heart of drought and drought. After taking it, I can grow for at least three thousand years. I want to borrow flowers to offer Buddha. I don't know." Can you catch up with this good opportunity?"

Lu Juyi heard it, his eyes were straight and bright, but this kind of **** "color" just flashed past. He touched the black whisker on his mouth and smiled coldly. "Hou Ye made me joke, I am a little judge. Give the Guangwang Duan tea a handful of water, and where it is so valuable. Besides, this sentence has passed, and I will not know if I can see Hou Ye next year, so this flower is still unsuccessful. Ok?"

"This is also true, then according to the judge's meaning, this flower is not worth mentioning, all when I have no such opportunity." Qin Hao sandy "shoot" shadow.

Lu Jue’s words conveyed the opposite emotions very straightly, especially if the sentence could not be seen next year. This means that he does not think Qin Qin can live away from Wangcheng.

Qin Lan was naturally able to hear it. When he spoke, he raised his hand and patted it on the shoulder of Lu Jue. Lu Jun suddenly stunned and said, "Hou Ye, what does this mean?"

"Nothing, I saw a white hair on your shoulders. It’s too hard to think of an adult."

Qin Qi started a white hair, smiled and turned away.

Lu Ju face is not happy with the color, it is helpless.

Qin Lan can touch him under his eyelids, and he can see that it is deep in repairing. Lu Jue did not dare to really worry about it on the spot. Only by forbearing this tone, he sent Qin to the temple.

"Lu Jue, there is a sentence I don't know if I should say it?" Qin Hao's figure was hidden in the darkness, sighed.

"There is something but it is no problem." Lu Jue was cold and cold.

"You are the embodiment of justice in the people, and it is the righteousness of the people who are just as good as they are.

Qin Hao is awe-inspiring.

"Where the world is, no matter who is the king, no matter who is going to take care of this hell, the order will not change. How come the "fun" way, what is the righteousness and evil?"

The land penalty means deep and long.

"If you think so, you are already a demon!"

"The world is not right, there is no second choice."

"Good self-respect."

Qin Xiao smiled and disappeared into the darkness.

"Good luck to you." Lu Jiu's cold voice passed far.

When Qin Lan came out of the dry well, Li Xian was waiting outside, met Qin Lan, and readily asked "Hou Ye, have you seen Guang Wang?"

"Yeah." Qin Hao nodded.

"He, is his old man okay?" Li Xian asked quickly.

"Speak in another place." Qin said.

Li Xian quickly led the way into the palace and prepared the tea ceremony. "How does the father-in-law look?"

"Look, what?"

Li Xian is a little embarrassed. Qin Hao holds a cup and looks at him. He is now trusting Li Xian because he has no access to the core things, and he has to deal with some of the minister’s orders. Right, but with the secret behind it, it’s not worth mentioning.

Li Xian is a dispensable piece of chess.

For Qin Lan, this piece is very easy to use and very important.

Li Xian was speechless by his eyes, and he said, "In fact, Guang Wang has never been to the DPRK since the death of General Qin. The last time Yang Zhongguo handed you a document, it is said to have met. On the one hand, it was also a matter of more than a month ago. I don’t know how many years I have been waiting for him, and this is the first thing."

"I have also doubted it, but I can't see him. Some things are all passed on to the land. All the documents are sent to the bottom of the hole. Then they are sent out. Who is it? Dare to say."

Li Xian is downcast.

"You have this suspicion, it is good, don't say this first, when was the last time Lu Ju died?"

"Give me his birth notes."

Qin Hao asked.

"Lu Ju Shouchen is the first month of the 17th. As for the specific time, the family really does not know, except for himself, I am afraid that no one knows about hell." Li Xiandao.

"Time is no longer, Li Gonggong, I ask you, if Guangwang is there, you take it with him for granted, if Guangwang is gone?" Qin Hao waved his hand.

"I, I don't know, I would rather go on this and don't want to hear any bad news."

Li Xian’s body trembled and panicked.

"This kind of thing, you show me, is it true or false?"

Qin Lan took out Da Yin and handed it to Li Xian.

Li Xian took over the big seal, went to the light, and carefully identified it. He was surprised. "This is really a big seal. It is absolutely impossible. How can Hou received it."

"He gave it to me, just like this, I will find you again."

Qin Xiao smiled and took back the big seal and turned away.

Back to the house, Lei Mo and Qin Long saw him return, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hou, what happened, Guang Wang, he..."

Lei Mo could not wait to ask.

Qin Lan took out the big seal and threw it on the table. He looked at the moment and said, "I can't guess my opponent, and I can't see their game."

The key is on this big print!

He once suspected that Qin Guangwang was not inside, but before the departure of the other party, he gave the printing and opening the door to Dafa. It was like a matter of waiting for the future. It was indeed beneficial to him and the majesty it was emanating. And it’s true that Guangwang is not fake.

If the inside is a fake, the other party will definitely guard the big seal and take the opportunity to do things. It is impossible to give the royal power to Qin.

The attitude of Lu Jue also shows that this person is not as honest and just as the legend, and what is in the stomach, Qin Zhen can not guess.

The truth is behind the wall, **** it, he can't open the wall.

"Pack up ready to leave tomorrow morning."

Qin Hao told the road.

For a time, he couldn't think of the method of cracking. He asked for "sex" to come back first, obey the words of Qin Guangwang, and see if there will be any turning point in the follow-up.

"What, let's leave now?"

The Thunder is somewhat puzzled.

"Well, you have to protect me, I have to do something."

Qin Lan took out the white "color" hair from his pocket, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

He leaned back against a group of gods in the square inch, and he did not believe that the people and things in the three realms of the future.

Ps updated today, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

End of this chapter

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