The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1920: Loyalty

Chapter 1920, Loyalty and Honor

The night has been deep, Qin Qin with a full of doubts and confusion, once again entered the square inch mountain, since Bai Xiaosheng can not directly explore Zhong Rong and Qin Guangwang, then perhaps the land judgment will be a good entrance.

As long as you can determine the loyalty of this person, whether you betray Qin Guangwang, you can introduce some clues and get clues.

Qin Lan once again entered Fangcheng Mountain, which is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for the broom star and Shamo.

The broom star and Shamo, who originally lived in the style of the elegant room, have now moved into the slave house. Although they are still responsible for the management of the slaves, their treatment has not been as good as before. In particular, Gu Qing promoted a group of people such as Han Qing. Later, the influence of the princess, the influence of the slaves recruited by Shazi City, is rapidly declining.

"Moz, give Master a cup of tea." The broom star was lying on the wicker chair, lazily.

"Pour tea, pour the tea of ​​the fart, I used to recognize you as a master. I can still look a little face. Now you see, people have used me as a hoe." Shamo’s mouth was pouting and sitting on the side was very dissatisfied.

The broom star held the beard of the beggar, and did not say goodbye: "You are impatient, Master is not good, is there not you?"

"I have me?"

"What can I do, do you pour tea?"

Sha Moer is not so good.

"Yes, it’s the end of the tea. It’s a matter of course. Master carefully looked at it today. This is not what Liu Xiahui is. Since ancient times, the hero loves beauty, and your beauty is far above the ancient Qing. It is still hopeful to win him."

The broom star squinted.

"There is hope, people are not looking at me." Shamo screamed and poured tea, handed it to the broom star.

"That's your shelf is too high, you think about you before, but the princess, Hou Ye brought you in, you are still dissatisfied with him, can people like you?"

"You have a family of ancient Qing, the former public, after the main public, before entering, there may be no less warm beds."

"We are all the lords in this mountain, but the women are very few, and the long and beautiful are even less."

"Hou Ye may not live here afterwards. You have to take the initiative and take him down. Are you afraid that there is no chance?"

The broom star analyzes the road.

Sha Moer's eyelids turned upside down, and the show was a turn. It is also true that this is the reason. From the beginning, she was an antagonistic relationship with Qin Yu. It was because she was angry with Qin Lan and she did not have a good face. Now he is square. The main prince of the mountain has decided on the overall situation. If he does not take the initiative, he will later be afraid to end up with the slaves.

Thinking of this, she smiled and said: "It’s still time for Master to wake up. The next time he comes, I have to think about finding a chance to get along alone. If I take him down, the old lady will also get a general manager, when I look at the ancient How can you calm down?"

"No need to be next time, he is already here."

"Do not worry, even if it is not successful, Master will not let you suffer. Qin Hou, Gu Qing is now gaining momentum, nothing more than because Dan Buzi brothers are quite good to him. Hey, Fang Congshan is not a good place, will Someone came out to talk to them, and it’s almost time to estimate the touch."

The broom star sneer and laughed.

The reason why he is in heaven is also in the square inch, and he is scorned everywhere. In addition to the bad luck, there is another reason that there is nothing wrong with going anywhere, and Fang Congshan never lacks a thorn, as long as Dan Zi and others were suppressed, and Qin Hou’s rule was in jeopardy.

Even if he is the savior of Fang Congshan, it may not be as easy as it is now, and when he sweeps the star, he can rely on the opposition to seek a higher status.

"Master, you are so powerful, you know that you are following you, and you are not following the wrong person."

Shamo was very happy, and took a kiss on the broom star face, went inside, and dressed up.


Qin Lan came to the Qin Palace, and Bai Xiaosheng and Dan Bozi were already waiting.

The three entered the secret room, Qin Yu opened the door and saw the birth of the eight-character, and gave the hair to Bai Xiaosheng.

Bai Xiaosheng “touched” a turtle shell from his pocket. The turtle shell was made up of pieces of pieces. He first burned the incense three pillars and worshipped the ancestors. According to the birth of the eight characters, they read the words and then smashed the turtle shell. The shells are scattered all over the place.

Bai Xiaosheng squinted at the big eyes. According to the front and back of the turtle shell, he carefully studied it. He nodded in a moment, and he smiled and said: "Hou, this person's life has been broken."

"Quickly said." Qin Hao urged the road.

"The image shows that this life comes to be loyal, but it is the person who helps the great cause, and it is not hidden, and the heart is righteous, and the famous minister is a thousand years old."

Bai Xiaosheng said.

"Are you sure, do you think he will betray the Guangwang?"

Qin Hao asked.

"If this person is betrayed, unless the sun is out, I can also be jealous, and life is not counted."

Bai Xiaosheng smashed the railway.

"This is strange. Is he disguised as a traitor, but is he seeking to rescue the Guangwang?"

Qin Hao secretly snarled.

"Qin Emperor, what happened?" Dan said.

Qin Lan told the two people in detail about the meeting with Guangwang in the dry well today. The two listened to it with great surprise, and they could not break the true and false ones at a time.

"There is no such possibility, Guang Wang is being held inside, but talking to you, but another person."

"And in order to protect Guangwang, Lu Jue has set up a trap with the other side, and played a play in the play?"

"If this is the case, the other party gave the Qin Emperor a big seal, it is likely to be a plan to plant it. Of course, it is also possible that the other party has important plans to do it. Even if it is a big seal, you must also take it away. So they are still on Qin. The emperor has a jealous heart."

Danzizi analyzed.

"There is this possibility!"

"Just in front of me, I once let Qin Long feel the black dragon's breath, very weak, but it can be sensed. This shows that Black Dragon God and Zhong Rong are likely to be held elsewhere. If you can find them, you may have some clues."

"As for planting, piracy is a crime of death. If the other party wants to kill me, it is a good reason."

Qin Hao’s heart was shocked and agreed.

This is indeed what he did not expect. Dan and his sons are not disciples of Fang Congshan. They are well-informed and speak in a word.

"Dan's son Do you have any way to break that wall?" Bai Xiaosheng asked.

"It's very difficult, unless I personally see the wall and understand how it is constructed and what is constructed. Otherwise, according to Qin Di, forcing a wall to break the wall will only be counterproductive.

"At least Hou Ye should not go there again. Is there any way to make Qin Guangwang have to come out and see each other? At that time, no matter how true or false, there is at least one breakthrough."

"There is still a breakthrough. That is the madman. According to Peng’s method, as long as the madman is awake and confessed to the person behind him, Hou Ye can directly pull out the black hand behind him. Everything will come to an end."

Danzizi thought carefully and said again.

"You are right, then I will show up from the "forced" Guangwang, looking for a madman."

"As long as you can break these two points, everything will still have a chance."

Qin Yudao.

(End of this chapter)

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