The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1926: I was serious

"Hou Ye?" Qinqin blinked a glimpse of "color", stood up and looked bright, and looked at the man, but it was not Qin. .

"Madam, are you still not sleeping so late?"

Qin Xiao smiled and walked over to the table. When he saw the piano, he was doing a robes. When he saw the style was a man's style, he picked up and stroked it. "Is the lady doing it for me?"

Qinqin suddenly red cheeks, she did do to Qin Yu, just as a widowed woman, this is not easy to say, this is now a bit of a teasing of "sex" by Qin Lan, it is even more shy .


Qinqin nodded.

"Thank you, Madam, the job is so good. I have been in Hell for so many years. It is the first time that a woman has given me a robe."

Qin Lan is quite a martyrdom.

This is the truth, everyone wants to have a warm home, wants to have a warm and caring person, and Qinqin is such an exciting woman.

She does not need to deliberately decapitate to attract men's attention, just a soft warm sound, a very ordinary little thing, can melt the heart of the world's hardest man.

"It’s time for the horse to open the gate, and the yin is in this season, and the sky will be cooler. Hou Ye has great grace for me, but Qin Qin is just a little bit of heart."

Qinqin avoids Qin's eyes and bows his head.

She is a widowed woman, but she is also a flesh-and-blood person. Since she met with Qin Qin in Long Street, it seems like a long grass, and I always want to see him again.

Especially in the middle of the night, when the night is quiet, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

Widowhood is nothing but a statement. It is not the shackles of her heart and desire. The only thing she can't pass is her own.

Because this is not a man who suits you, at least in the number of lives!

"Madam, do you like me right?" Qin Lan took a step forward and almost immediately took her into her arms. The piano was like a faint scent of orchids, and it penetrated into every "Mao" hole. It is a feeling that he gave birth to a first love.

Qinqin blushes more powerfully, like a lotus flower that contains cockroaches to be released.

She wants to tell Qin Hao, yes, it's all true.

But she did not say anything. This sentence is still far from the time. She does not know what would happen if she really wants to invest in this man's arms. Will the deeper the love, the deeper the pain?

"What about you?" Qin Qin looked up, and the bright voice looked at him and asked.

"I am sure that you are the woman I want."

"From the first glance, that's it!"

Qin Lan answered very resolutely.

He didn't lie to himself. He felt that there was a destined relationship with Qinqin. It was the first time to see it. It was a strong emotion that had never been seen before, like a separation of three. Sheng San, once again gathered.

The eyes of the piano screamed, her heart was shaking, her lips were slightly open, and she tried to spit out the words "I am the same" several times, but in the end she just took a breath and smiled as usual: "Hou Ye Are you coming to me for something?"

"Well, I have a very difficult thing at the moment, I need to solve it urgently, and ask my wife for help."

Without her exact answer, Qin Xiao was somewhat disappointed, but he quickly pulled away from this sentiment and broke the embarrassing atmosphere.

After that, he took the madman out of the corner and put it in the chair. "This person is very important to me. I have to leave for a few days and hope that my wife can help me take care of him."

Qin Qin saw the madman, Qin Yu paid attention to her eyes, she showed only normal surprise, it is the reaction of the instinct of the madman.

"Who is this person?" Qin Qin asked.

"I don't know, but he is very important to me. He is very poisonous. I will detoxify him, but after I left, I hope he is good." Qin said.

"I understand, you can rest assured." Qin Qin did not ask more, nodded, and promised Qin Qin's request.

Qin Lan got up and walked to the door. Qinqin took a step forward and said: "Be careful, I will wait for you... come back."

Qin Lan turned and smirked at him and smiled in the darkness.

Strolling in the street, he suddenly laughed at himself.

Maybe there are some things, it is really too much doubt.

There is such a woman in his heart, silent, like a past love, there are some things in this world, there is no reason, such as love.

Even if it is as strong as him, he is used to the world, red dust and life, when the time comes, it is difficult to restrain.

The love with Qinqin came too fast, too suddenly, which was never seen before with any woman.

Qin Lan did not understand, but also lazy thinking, maybe this is destined.


A remote old house in Xuanwu City.

A black and white figure almost plunged into the hall at the same time. Both of them were covered in a cloak and could not see their faces. They were carrying their bodies.

"The temple outside was destroyed. It was Qinhou's handwriting. Your plan is probably a joke. Even if he handed over the big seal, he did not plan to leave."

"Get started, get rid of him!"

The black robe made a cold voice.

"It’s rare to meet this kind of opponent. I want to play it again. This is not a big deal."

The white robe made an old voice.

"You really take yourself as a god? This year's July 15th horse is coming. This is the **** of hell. The meaning of Tianzun is very clear. Open Huang Quan's eyes and take the opportunity to release the Luo Luo."

"This Qin Houji broke the plan of Tianzun in the mortal world, and now he has come to the capital city. It is a curse to not remove it in one day."

"If you are not moving forward, you will break the plan, and you will know the punishment of Tianzun."

The black robe is cold and cold.

"You take the heavens to suppress me, and the heavens and the earth are different. Although I have been taught by him, it is not his slave."

"And you, are you not the messenger of heaven, the disciple of Heavenly worship? If you have such a skill, will you kill Qinhou in person?"

The white robe was issued this time by an old woman's vague sneer.

The black robe turned suddenly, but there was no physical body. The face was empty, only to see a pair of green I was a remnant of the soul that Tianzun forcedly sent from the gap between heaven and earth. If my body is here, why do you need to kill anyone in **** with only one finger. ”

The black robe is awkward.

"Well, Qin Hou's business, I have my own ideas. Listen well, hell, I have the final say!"

"You still have to think about how to strengthen the seal of Qin Guangwang."

"Until now, you can't think of the way to completely destroy him. Can you sleep him until July and a half? You can do it yourself!"

The white robe waved his hand and interrupted his complaint, and his body flashed and vanished.

"Oh, if it is not a remnant, I am the first to kill you, you are a disobedient dog!"

The black robe population issued a hateful curse.

(End of this chapter)

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