The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1927: Baishan

Three generations of Qin and his entourage went to the Zongshanmen in the Tibetan area two days later.

The Tibetan Buddhism is the first major gate of Hell. Its founder, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, is the supreme **** of the two worlds of mortal hell. The status is far away from the Guangwang.

Only Guangwang is a heavenly fairy class, and the Tibetan Bodhisattva is a western Tianling Mountain school. However, there are appointments in the Three Realms. The Tibetan Bodhisattva is also the **** of prison. Although it is not responsible for specific matters, Qin Guangwang is still a teacher and protector. Treat him to the Buddha and worship him.

The Tibetan ancestral sect is not only the bottom of the mountain, but the other gates of Hell are more than twice as large. The half-mountain secluded mountain is hollowed out and built this hell.

There are countless temples in the mountains, and they are even into pieces.

At the gate of the mountain, all kinds of birds flew in an orderly manner under the leadership of a fiery phoenix, like a loyal guardian, guarding the last pure land of this hell.

Still outside the mountain gate, I heard the bells coming from the temple. It was simple and magnificent, and it was pressed against the heart of the people. There was an invisible pressure.

"The donor, the Buddha is heavy, please stop."

A little shame came out and bowed to the road.

Qin Haolang said: "The Eighteen Prisoners of Qin Dynasty, come to see the old Master Lingpu."

"Mr. Qin, he is retreating, please come to visit him."

Xiao Shami’s image was that he had come to visit Qin Qin, and he calmly replied.

"Is there a mistake, my husband and family came to visit him personally, and the vultures dared to disappear. I waited for a thunderbolt to burn this broken temple door." The thunderbolt blew up and snarled with a rough thunder. .

His lord's fierceness was wicked, and the scorpion went down. Xiaosha was so scared that he sat down on the ground and even ran to the mountain gate and ran over.

"Old Ray, you scared people, I think we are closed this time."

Qin Long stood by and shrugged and smiled.

"Which place is the Tibetan ancestor, the most annoying thing for Laozi is this group of monks. I eat the dinosaurs and sleep all day, and do not do business. Guangwang is in trouble. My family is coming to the public. They are still so rude, what is the world first. Zongmen, I think it’s not as good as shit."

The Ray Devil did not care about this, and he was greatly embarrassed.

Qin Xiao smiled, this time things are all about the world, the opponents are big and big, and the Tibetans are not willing to marry this water, it is also reasonable.

However, the Lei Mo is right, the Tibetans and Tibetans do not shoot today, but when?

A moment of hard work, but heard the bells in the mountain gate, a man wearing a golden color, holding a Zen stick, led a large group of monks.

"The barren abbots of the poor Tibetans have suffered hardships and have seen Qinhou." The white beards and heads of the heads are respectful and respectful, and the other monks are a fierce god.

"I want to see Master Ling." Qin said.

"Hou, my brother has been closed for a long time, and he has long since disappeared from the world. When he goes out of the country, the poor will pass the Houye again?"

"Is it really a closed retreat, or a false retreat, and I have to take a few words to fool my family."

The devil shouted.

"The monks don't swear."

"In any case, I must see the Master of Lingpu today, saying that there is a big event in hell, and I also asked the abbot to pass it." Qin Hao calmly said.

"Hey, who do you want to see my brother can pass it on? You pass it through, he has a pass, how to clean it."

"I advise you to take less trouble here, otherwise I will not be able to accommodate you in the land of Tibetan Buddhism."

A black martial arts martial arts finger Qin Hao, roaring.

"So the master is determined to refuse to pass it?" Qin Hao face "color" is cold, his eyes become sharp.

"Amitabha, Hou Ye, please come back."

Worried in worship.

"If I must see him today?" Qin Hao raised his face and sneered.

The hardships are quite embarrassing, but they only continually recite the Buddha’s number and do not answer it positively.

In fact, these days, the Tibetan ancestors want to see the celebrities of the masters, countless daily, the 18 prisons Qin Hou in the world of heroes, not the top, no matter which prison ghost king, are located in an emperor Under.

In the status of Master Lingpu, in addition to the three highs of the emperor, the official cold, it is difficult to see others.

"Oh, eighteen prisons, Qin Hou, a great prestige, no one in the world dares to scatter in my land."

The monk screamed and apparently did not put Qin Hao in his eyes.

"I knew that the Tibetan ancestral hall was the first in the world, and the spectrum was very large. It was so true today."

"That let me see what the masters of the Tibetan ancestral lords have to do, and dare to despise the world."

Qin Lan smiled and knew that these people were slowing him down. Today, he did not come up with some skills. He was afraid that this mountain gate could not enter.

"Look at the palm, the prajna is just palm!"

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"This vulture is a bit of a skill. This little palm is also close to the strength of the quasi-holy, and it is almost the same as the ones." Qin Long praised.

"Yeah, next to a few big monks, I am afraid that there is also the power of quasi-holy, especially the master of the spirit, afraid that it is reached in the late period of the quasi-sacred, not far from the saint." Lei Mo nodded.

However, they are not worried about Qin Yu, although until now, neither of them knows what kind of realm Qin Sheng has reached in the end, but after several battles, and the practice of Qin Yu is innate, saints Underneath, there should be no rivals.

"Bodhi refers!"

Like a meteorite, the Qin dynasty did not move, and the right hand lifted it, and the fingers pointed at the Buddha’s palm.


The big Buddha was broken, but the monk only felt a huge pain in the right arm. A white light walked through the palm of his hand and passed through the entire right arm.

Wu Yidun felt that his strength was instantly exhausted, and his right arm was swaying down. It was actually a little bit of strength that could not be made.

"Lingwu brother, you are fine!"

Several others were shocked.

We must know that Lingwu is a method of practicing the King Kong Law. It is like a diamond, and the water and fire are not invincible. I know that Qin Hao only broke his law with a random blow.

What kind of repair is this?

The spirit has read Amitabha, knowing that this is Qin Xi’s mercy, if this finger hits the chest, or Yintang, Soul Sea, Lingwu fear is directly killed.

The quasi-holy level, known as the first place in the ancestral hall of the Tibetan ancestors, was defeated by a move.

This repair is has already reached the ranks of top experts.

"I said that Qin and Lingpu masters are old, not to come to the door to make trouble, the abbot please pass immediately, otherwise I don't mind stepping on your body and going to the master."

Qin Hao took the cold road.

The hardships are all sorts of hardships. Before the retreat of the Lingpu, I was swayed by it. At this time, it is an eventful autumn. No matter who it is, it cannot be put into the mountain gate.

However, Qin Hou was invincible and it was really that he did not know how to be good.

"Hou Ye, the teacher is not seeing the guests, why are you hard to be strong?"

"I am really hard today."

Qin Lan took a step forward and slammed "human".

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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