The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1935: 3th 1st **** flower

He quits the name of his son Qin Yu, so that no matter whether he can return to the mortal world in the future, Qin can pass on the incense of the old Qin family, and at the same time take good care of the worldly women.

In fact, he can make a big stroke and draw a few more names, but this is against the heavens. He is not sure whether this will bring terrible luck to Qin Lan, so he dare not be too casual.

When Li Xian retired, Qin Hao slammed the sun's "hole" and shouted a headache.

It seems that this life and death book was rebuilt in the days after it. The congenital life and death book is only afraid of being destroyed.

However, if it is destroyed, there is no worries, why should we tear down that page in the solemn ban?

I don't want to understand when I rack my brains. He is too lazy to think about it again. God knows directly into Fangcun Mountain. Maybe those guys can understand something?

When he came to Fang Ing Shan, he directly asked the ancient Qing to call Dan Buzi, and he said his doubts and asked the well-informed Danzi to analyze it.

Danzizi’s caress must go back and forth, slowly saying: “I’m really aware of the inside story of the life and death book you said. In fact, this has something to do with the battle of the Buddha’s brother, who was in the middle of the battle. Tick ​​off several pages of the book of life and death."

"Is this really true?" Qin Yu was surprised.

"Well, when Guang Wang was still in the Yunxiao Hall, Master secretly found Sanqing Taishang Tianzun to come forward to mediate, and let the disciple disciples for the Sun brothers."

"To say that this grandson's "sex" feelings are arrogant, the ones he smashed are not only the monkey family tens of thousands of monkey demon, but also a "chaos" painting, among which there are many other mortal demon names. ”

"Where the mortal creatures are not cultivated into the immortals, they have not entered the wild repairs under the name of Xianshan, and they are unified into the rules of life and death!"

"We Bodhi went around and secretly arrested the monkey demon who had been dug out of the name, as well as the mountain monsters. It took a full five hundred years to completely slap the number, killing with the celestial gods, and ridiculing the grandson of Sun. The same family prospered, but it was destroyed.

"Of course, these demon ghosts are basically killed except for the six-eared fish that are missing the net, but some of the treasures of the gods are not killing."

"This includes flames!"

Danzizi sighed.

"Flame flower?"

Qin Lan has obviously not heard of it.

"Well, this kind of flower is a kind of core thing that is too much for the gods to rectify the system. It is a natural destruction of the king."

"He once kicked the Dan furnace of Tianzun, and there was a flame flower. With the fire of the Dan furnace, it fell into the mortal world. It was the flame flower."

"It is he who also hooked off the flame flower, which causes the flame flower not to be in the four seasons, not to be cold and cold, not to die."

"How can Taishang Tianzun allow this kind of precious fairy to fall into the mortal world, and then personally drop a natural disaster and destroy the flames of the world. However, there are always people who know the good things under the sun, quietly taking the king of the year. After the secret of **** was cultivated, the Tibetan Bodhisattva discovered it, and then he joined the Kao together with the Kao Wang into the nine secluded Huangquan, which completely eliminated the kind of flame flower."

Danzizi remembered the past events of the past and still was invincible.

"What is the purpose of Wandan Dan, who can make people violate the law of Taishang, who is this person?"

Qin Hao asked.

"After being cultivated to the Taiyi Jinxian, it is almost indestructible, but every 100,000 years, there will be a catastrophe in the heavens. It is very difficult for the gods to smash. This requires some fairy objects to help them robbery. Such as Jade Emperor, Queen Mother's Xiantao, Zhenyuanzi's ginseng fruit, Taishang Tianzun's Wandan Dan, this is the three mainstream, symbolizing the three mainstream forces, precisely because of the existence of these three things, the gods are big More points are attached to these three forces."

"While the flame flower is the most important kind of "medicine" material for refining Wandan Dan. It is said that it can withstand the fire robbery of 100,000 years, and there are several kinds of "medicine" that can withstand the robbery of 100,000 years. Fire robbery is the most difficult."

"Even if the flame flower is a separate Dan, it is also a sinless thing. It is called the first flower of the Three Realms."

"It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who gets a flame flower will have half the chance to live forever, and the emperor, this is a treasure."

Dan's son.

Qin Lan seems to be a little bit faint.

Will it be that someone knows this secret in the day after tomorrow, such as a big man in the sky, they want to look at the weakness of Qin Guangwang, open the eyes of Huang Quan, steal the flames?

It is because of the preciousness of the flame flower that someone has tore off the page of the ban, so this explanation is justified.

"Emperor, how does the flame flower reappear in hell?"

When Danzizi saw Qin Xiaomo silently, he was shocked and excited, and then he vetoed his own ridiculous thought: "Impossible, the Tibetan Buddhism ordered the sealing of the flame flower in the past. The two masters of the Tao, these people have long since died, except for Qin Guangwang, there should be no second person to know."

Qin Yimo squatted on his chin and did not express his opinion.

The words of Danzizi are justified. Even if people like Lei Mo may know the flame flower, it is estimated that the "touch" only knows that it is too much to kill the flower. The execution of the banned flame is in the eyes of Huang Quan. And the special envoy of Dao Tianzun sent by the gods!

These people have long since died in the congenital period and it is difficult to survive.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it would be possible for Taishang Zun to save his own dojo as a sacred mountain like Bodhi's ancestors. It is also possible to do so.

No matter what, Huang Quan’s eyes are definitely worth exploring. If God and Qin Guangwang are really the idea of ​​playing the flame flower, Qin Yi does not believe that they can still sit.

"I still don't say it right now, but maybe what you worry about is true." Qin said.

"Emperor, I must try my best to win the flame flower. As long as there is a flame flower, you may be able to master the robbing of the gods. In the future, all the gods in the world will be honored."

"Once it falls into the hand of the demon, it is the end of God, and the world is only evil."

Danzizi was too excited to take care of etiquette, grabbed Qin's hand and solemnly said.

"If the flame is still there, it has only two results, belongs to me, or destroys with me." Qin Hao nodded.

"The Three Realms are pleased to respect the Dan's son is deeply stunned.

Qin Lan got up and his footsteps were extremely heavy.

This is definitely not a good news!

The advent of the flame flower represents that the power of the innate phase is slowly recovering, and the power of the heavens is insanely infiltrating into hell.

The Qin Guangwang, currently the highest in hell, has been weakened, and no one else has broken through the holy realm, and it has truly become a god.

Qin Zhen will never doubt that if the heavenly world breaks through the battle between heaven and earth, it will definitely kill him.

This does not rule out whether there will be some innate powers like Dan Zezi, who are already active in the Three Realms. Suddenly, Qin Hao never felt that the burden on his shoulders was so heavy, and he was about to breathe.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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