The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1936: No regrets tonight

For Qin Lan, the only good news at the moment is that there are only a few people who know this news, otherwise his opponents will only be more.

The gods returned to the flesh, and Qin Hao opened his eyes and saw that the Thunder was still dozing off, and told him to go to sleep.

He did not feel sleepy. He looked at the moon and went to the Qinglong Street.

He hasn't been to the piano for some time. When he walked outside the government gate, he couldn't help but feel a feeling that he couldn't wait. It was like a wanderer who had been away from home for many years. He wanted to go in immediately. embrace.

"I don't see you in a day, like every three autumns!"

Perhaps it is the best realism of his mood at this time.

The enchantment outside the gate is not worth mentioning for him. He flew into the generals!

There is only one room in the house, only the dimly lit room has some dim light, and I don’t know if I am already asleep.

Qin Hao did not dare to be afraid of her good dreams, standing at the door, did not go in.

The night was as cold as water, and he tightened his cloak and sat on the steps, his heart calmed down.

Sometimes, the quiet place is not the Buddha's Gate, the Dojo, but also the belonging of the heart.

When there was this thought, Qin Lan was also pondering. Why did he sink into a woman and love?

In the secular world, 蒹葭, nightmare, ferrets, and babies also had some unforgettable love with him, but never let him be so obsessed.

This kind of thought is not possession, nor indifferent. It is a kind of emotion that is dreamy but difficult to ponder.

If you have to use a cheesy statement to describe it, it is like a secular world is being sentimental, of course, not so serious, but that kind of emotion, will be sent out at a certain point, not sent, it is It is flooding.

Logically speaking, this is a feeling that should not appear for a top-level master who is used to the red dust.

But it happened.

A widowed woman, a woman who only saw a few faces, is like knowing Sansheng III, too familiar!

Qin Lan even thought that if Qin Zijian was still alive, he would not win the game for the sake of the piano.

Of course, if Qin Zijian is still there, Qin Qin is not a widowed woman. Maybe Qin Xiao’s feelings for her will be different.

Sitting at the door and taking a cup of tea, Qin Xiao calmed the distracting thoughts of his heart, deeply sucked the fragrance of the air, and got up and ready to leave.


The door was gently opened, and the hammer was dressed in a white smock. The scalp was placed on the shoulders neatly behind the ear, and a green and shining spar lamp was placed in the hand. He asked: "Is it Hou Ye?"

Qin Lan stood up and looked at her with a slight smile and nodded.

The two looked at each other and the piano shyly bowed their heads. Both of them fell silent. The moment the piano screamed a mosquito-like voice: "It’s cold outside, Hou Ye still comes in and talks."

"No, I will come over and see." Qin Hao is ready to leave.

"Hou Ye, go in for a cup of tea. I know that you care about my famous festival. The dead have passed away. The rest are still alive. Although Qinqin is a weak woman, he knows that life is his own. How to choose, I know very well. ""

Qin Qin looked up at Qin Lan, and the eyes were full of determination.

She is not simple, she can't love this person.

But like Qin Lan, after seeing each other, it is like a demon, what secular, what rules, what taboos, all become clouds.

She felt that this person had been in the heart for a long time, and it has been blurred until now, but now it is so clear.

That is not the comparison of Qin Zijian.

"it is good."

Qinqin can be so straightforward to sing the "exposed" heart, if Qin Hao is tweaked, and become a man, smiled slightly, he no longer worried, went into the room.

This is the room of Qinqin.

Inside is very simple, one table, one bed and two chairs, there are several pieces of quaint furniture in the house, and the rest are not decorated with any fancy.

Qinqin draped a thin cloak, ordered the stove, a moment, a pot of fragrant fine tea, it exudes a strong aroma.

“Do Hou Ye have something to worry about?” Qin Qin asked while giving Qin tea.

"Qin is not a man of creation, I will just say it. Although the wife is the widow of General Qin, the name of Gao Jie, I should not have any thoughts, but since I saw my wife on the street that day, this I remember it in my heart."

"I think I have fallen in love with my wife. It is like you and I have been a couple of years ago. I was a couple of years ago. I can’t say this, but it is very real."

Qin Yan took the teacup with both hands and looked at the eyes of Qinqin.

Qin Qin Jiao body trembled, under the fire, the face is red like the sunset glow, she is looking forward to Qin Lan, but when he really confession, it is still a little panic.

There is nothing in this world that can control her, but she is alone. Only Qin is like her natural nemesis, so she has nowhere to escape, completely unable to guard.

"Hou, your heart, Qin Qin hearted. Maybe you and I have a fate, but I know that you are a big man, Qin Qin is a widowed woman, I am afraid that will bring you unknown luck... ”

Qinqin took a deep breath, and reason still beat the impulse.

Qin Lan slammed down the teacup and held her hands. She was excited and excited: "Mrs, are you interested in Qin Lan? I don't care what to avoid, as long as the ladies really follow, I don't care what the "women" are jealous. I don't care much about anyone blocking it."

"No one can stop us, no one... please believe me."

Qin Lan took her soft and tender body into her arms and held it tightly. For fear of releasing her hand, this moving woman would fly.

"Hou Ye, your heart knows the piano, but everyone in the world knows that you are coming to the king city to make a plan, you can..."

Qinqin can feel the warm power between Qin and Liang's arms. She finally reached out and wrapped around Qin's waist to express her own thoughts.

"Jiangshan and his wife, at least at this moment, I chose the lady!"

"Whether I can leave Wangcheng alive this time, knowing my wife is my greatest fortune, even if I only have a happy night, there is no regret in this life."

Qin Lan lowered her head and smashed her red lips.

"Maybe it's a Maybe it's unfortunate, is Qinqin worthy of treating him like this?"

In the eyes of Qinqin, the tears were crystal clear, and the waist of Qin Qin was tightly held, and he looked up and asked seriously.

"It's worth it, no regrets, my heart tells me that you have always belonged to me, I have always been mine, we have never separated, just reunited." Qin Hao is very emotionally sent from the lungs.

In the face of his fiery kiss, the piano fell.

She did not resist, nor could she resist!

Qin Lan was like a fierce, wild tiger, and she immediately ate her clean.

When her smooth, graceful body was wildly attacked, Qin Qin was completely immersed in the silent happiness and happiness.

What will happen tomorrow, who she is, everything is not important.

As long as this moment is his woman, it is enough.

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