The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1937: Period of the war

When the wild clouds rained down, the violins were stuck in the arms of Qin Yu, and they relished the aftertaste of madness.

Qin Lan is also very satisfied, holding a gentle and ordinary jade in the arms, as if the whole world is in the hands.

"Madam, from now on, you are my woman." Qin Hao fiddled with the hair of the piano, and loved it all.

The hammer was buried in his chest and shouted: "From the first sight of seeing you, I know that I can't escape this life, and I am destined to be your woman."

"I only worry, if one day you find that I am not the woman you want, will you still love me?"

Qinqin sat up and looked at Qin's neck and asked very seriously.

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "You are not, my heart is clearer than anyone else, I can see your heart, my wife has me."

"Oh, if the years are stopped, you and I will never have to separate again. It is no longer necessary to disturb this worldly world. How wonderful."

In the eyes of Qinqin, there is a longing for the "color", and there are a few more scars in the speech.

"When I have finished the matter of hell, I will take you to the world, to the heavens, where there is more beauty than can be imagined in hell."

Qin Lan kissed her cheek and told her a little bit about the beauty of the mortal world.

Qinqin listened to all, the **** was dark, the beauty of the mortal world, and the depiction of the heavens were unimaginable in her life. It was like the most beautiful dream, rooted in her heart.

Holding the Qinqin, Qin Lan thought of the black rose. She wanted to leave her daughter country and go to see the sunset of the desert, Changbai Snow Mountain, but in the end it all became a phantom, this time he did not want to let the piano disappoint.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Qin Qindao.

The two men warmed for a while, and when the day was bright, Qin Hao dressed, and suddenly found a brilliant red in the bed!

To know that Qin Qin is the wife of Qin Zijian, how can it still be finished?

However, soon Qin Qin was covered with a quilt. Perhaps there was a past between her and Qin Zijian. There are still big things to do at the moment, and there is not much to do with it. Anyway, there is a chance to be with her. Keep it, not bad for this time.

"Right, last time the madman, he is okay."

Qin Hao asked a good belt.

"He is in the south side of the wing, there are special people to look after him, but it seems that he seems to be very sick, and then dragged on, I am afraid he will not hold back." Qin said.

"Do you want me to find a doctor in the capital city to give him?"

After thinking about it, Qin Qin said again.

"No, take care of him first, follow me to find a way."

Qin Lan pondered over the moment.

The madman's sorcerer's curse is solved, but because there is an unknown toxin in the body, the curse has caused him to be poisoned. Now he can't speak. The result of life and death is hard for Qin.

He plans to wait for Huang Quan to take a look and try it with Resident Dan.

The soul is also for the people who will die, but for the overall situation, Qin Hao does not mind the next hand.

Say goodbye to Qin Qin, Qin Yu left the mansion, the day has been white.

Going back to the palace and taking a rest is the time for the early morning.

Qin Lan is also lazy to go early, in fact, it is a form, he can not really do the complicated trivial things for Guangwang.

I tried it some time ago, but I wanted to see the **** as the Lord, the mechanism for handling things, and so on.

He found that this emperor is really not for everyone. The ministers and the prisoners are more like the cows. Every day, these broken things are big. It’s no wonder that Lu Ju said that Guangwang Rehabilitation practice, Li Xian does not believe.

This is really the case now. One person is too busy with government affairs. How can he have time to practice?

Qin Lan even had some sympathy for Guang Wang. How did he survive over the past 13 million years and how boring he was.

It is planned that God has a square inch, and the Ray Devil hastily walked in and said: "Hou, it’s time to go up."

Together with him, there are Qin Long, Li Xian, and Yang Zhongguo. When I saw a few people, the color of the gods was somewhat wrong. Qin Hao frowned: "What happened?"

"Someone has come to play, Hou Ye can't do it." Lei Mo said.

"Who?" Qin Hao's eyes murdered, and asked coldly.

"Ouyang Xiong!"

Ray Road.

They have already seen Ouyang Xiong, this guy is like a super spar that is about to explode, full of the danger of destroying "sex"!

That kind of momentum, that kind of power, is something that Lei Mo and others never dare to touch.

They are even deeply worried about Qin Yu, because no matter from which point, Ouyang Xiong seems to have two points better than Qin.

Qin Xiao didn't make a sound. After a few seconds of contemplation, he stood up and said, "Well, then I will go to meet him."

He really has forgotten this gamble!

Now is the time to uncover the truth. Ouyang Xiong jumped out and undoubtedly played his layout.

Ouyang Xiong and his hatred of killing, will certainly fight for life and death, in any case, this is a deadly battle that cannot be avoided.

Arrived at the main hall!

The door has already stood by an elder who wore a white robes.

Although it was a robe, it was still difficult to conceal his generous and majestic tiger body. He stood on the steps of the king city with his hands on his back, as if a mountain was stable and standing, unattainable, exuding an invisible majesty.

"Ouyang Gate Lord, the Lord is here!"

Lei Mo reminded.


A fragile sound, the face of the devil has already had a **** palm print, and he was beaten by the lungs, and a blood was sprayed on the spot.

"Lord, your beast seems to have forgotten who is your master."

"Don't forget, this seat grabbed you from the abyss. This slap is a reminder."

Ouyang Xiong did not move, and no one could see clearly. How did this slap come out? The long hair with black and white mixed with the micro-volume was cold and cold in the wind with the sound of cold knife.

"You!" Lei Mo double eyes round, next to Qin Long and others clenched their fists at the same time.

"Ray Devil, you step back!"

Qin Hao smiled slightly.

"Yes, the Lord." Qin Long helped the injured Lei Mo and others to retreat.

"You are Qinhou, my son Ouyang Rong is killing you."

Ouyang Xiong turned around and asked coldly.

Qin Lan, this is the third best in the four high schools. Ouyangxiong is ruddy, full of color, a sculptural outline full of arrogance, especially under The thick tiger cub makes him look like a lion, full of explosive power.

"Yeah." Qin Hao nodded faintly.

"Very good, can kill my son, you are qualified to let me shot." Ouyang Xiong is also looking at Qin.

In his view, Qin Lan is so young, and the sky is a quasi-holy, but when he meets, he realizes that he is underestimated. Qin Hao’s calmness is calm, and he can calmly calm down when he is murderous. He looks at the world and is four high. Old friends and gods, Yan old devil, Shangguan cold.

"I appreciate the confidence of the doorkeeper. There are a lot of people who pretend to be masters in front of me. As a result, they all go to hell. I don't mind sending you to see your idiot son."

Qin Hao proudly sneered.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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