The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1939: The heart of the sea

The saints and the gods walked into the secluded wall. This wall can block the Qin dynasty, and it can block the Zhong dynasty, but it is unimpeded for them.

Just because they cracked the supernatural power of Guangwang, this is why they have the ability to imprison the only **** in the world.

There is a dark wall outside, but the inside is bright, and a few spar is enough to make the hole in this empty sky white.

In the position against the wall, there is a big cockroach, and Weng is full of dense runes. These are the innate techniques, and the secrets that Xianzun taught them to imprison the Guangwang.

Weng uses ninety-nine kinds of things from the world to the hustle and bustle. Even if the Buddha's buddha and Bodhisattva come in person, they must be smeared and smashed away from the golden body.

At this time, Guangwang was just a head now and just outside. Although it was devastated, the yin poisonous insects and evils kept biting his body and eroding his spirit, but the high-ranking emperor still had his head. The high, **** long hair on the face has already been completely integrated into the face of the sullen, arrogant face, making him look more and more gloomy.

Guangwang was tied to God for the Holy Spirit when he was robbing.

The longer he lived in the days after his death, the faster his mana dissipated, and the mere hard work and the genius treasure will not make up for the natural loss.

Moreover, Guang Wang is also fascinated by the kingship, and he does everything in his own hands. As a result, the time he practices is less.

He was wrong to be too conceited, thinking that there is no death, no one in the world dared to beat his idea, but did not know that there are still congenital Dafa in the heavens, and more horrible existence, this has been planted.

After a **** battle, he was finally sealed in this slogan, suffering, the golden body gradually ruined, the soul is increasingly broken, so continued to develop, even if it does not die, it must be badly hurt.

"Guangwang, want to understand?" The Holy Sergeant sat down in front of Weng and asked coldly.

"You want flames? Haha, you can't open Huangquan's eyes." Qin Guangwang opened his **** eyes and laughed.

"No, I am not interested in the flame flower. I just want to know the imprint of immortality. As long as you pass him to me, I can keep you from dying."

The light of God's eyes flashed. Obviously, the sacred ambassador violated the sacred intentions. The purpose of their trip was to blaze, not to imprint.

However, he did not say anything against it, because even if the flame flower is used, ordinary people can't make it into a Dan, but the imprint of the immortality can really make the flesh not die.

"Since you know that the lonely king is not dead, do you think your threat is still useful?" Guang Wang sneered.

"If it is not indefinite, just endless suffering, then maybe it is not a good thing? I have time to accompany you, watching you suffer, being born again in destruction, destroying in rebirth, I think it will be interesting. ""

The Holy Messenger.

"Let's talk about something else. You don't ask Huang Quan's eyes, I want to come to know the opening method of Huang Quan's eyes." Qin Guangwang cold and cold.

"Yes, I am afraid you can't think of it. In the past, the Tibetan Bodhisattva sealed the flame flower in the eyes of Huang Quan. The heavenly court sent a supervisor. This person is just a fire boy who is too honorable. He is not famous in the Three Realms. However, he is The secret was left behind and passed to the next day, which was mastered by us."

"So, the only thing you can bargain with me is not to die, I hope your mind can be clear."

The Holy Messenger.

"It's awesome, but the Lonely King underestimated you. I didn't expect the group of small cockroaches left in the heavens, but some means."

"However, I heard that Qin Hou has already replaced me in politics. If there is such a person, you will not be able to do anything."

Qin Guangwang calmly said.

"Oh, Qin Hou is now difficult to protect himself. Ouyang Xiong is fighting with him in Wangcheng. The weather is dark and dark. If you expect him to save you, I can bring his body to you tomorrow morning."

The saints dismissed the Tao. In his opinion, Qin Houxiu is certainly there, but now he does not say that he can pass the Ouyangxiong. Even if he has passed, it is easy for him to kill Qinhou.

"Well, if you can bring his body in the morning, the lonely king will pass you the immortal seal." Qin Guangwang laughed deeply.

"Okay, then wait."

"But before that, I have to try a new method of processing, otherwise how can I be worthy of your undead?"

The singer sneered, with a wave of hands, the red, yellow and green flames wrapped the entire poisonous animal.

"Three corpse fire!"

Guangwang God "color" moved, shocked.

"Yes, between heaven and earth, even if it is congenital, the most difficult thing to get rid of is the suffering of the three bodies of the flesh!"

"It is rumored that the Buddha's shackles are the three corpses. This fire is in the heavens. It is also a big fire for the self-cultivator. I don't know if you are the only **** in heaven and earth. Can you hold it?"

"Okay, tomorrow morning, let's meet again."

The sergeant smiled and left the wall with God.

In the face of the suffering of the three corpses, Guangwang’s cheeks were shaking in pain, but he did not worry about going out. He was so important and trustful that Qin was the embodiment of Tiandao. The congenital longevity emperor.

The Emperor of the Longevity is in the same place as the heavens and the earth. It is not in the Three Realms and Five Elements. In the Nether Mountain where the Bodhisattva was conceived in the past, Bodhisattva once asked the Emperor to come to **** to open up thousands of hungry ghosts. Guangwang was fortunate enough to see one side.

When he saw the Qin dynasty at the first sight in his later days, he looked at it with great enthusiasm. It was precisely because of the appearance of the Qin Emperor and the Emperor of that day.

Rao is so, he still can't be sure, until the East Waiting Zhao Cheng personally told him that this person actually went to the mortal, and from the mortal through the reincarnation tunnel, can survive in the vortex of the fire, Guangwang I have to believe that this is no coincidence.

Especially in recent years, the two prisoners, the four dragon kings, and other means, one by one defeated the hands of Qin Hou, all speculation, Guang Wang inferred with great wisdom, perhaps this person is the incarnation of the longevity emperor that he saw in the congenital period.

This person is not to save the Three Realms, or to destroy the Three Realms.

No matter what, before Qin Qin has not returned to his place, Guang Wang wants to make the most of him and get everything he wants.

The Three Realms can only have one god, only him, not the longevity emperor who can be compared with Sanqing, not even Qinhou.

And the flame flower is just a beginning!

He is confident that he will fight a little brother who is not Still not in China, as for what kind of heaven and earth to protect, this is a comforting ghost, really have a heavenly blessing, Jade Emperor, Buddha, Sanqing Will not die.


The battle between Qin Yu and Ouyang Xiong is nearing the end. From the capital city of Batu, it has hit the Pro Mountain, the southernmost part of the prison. The half of the mountain has been flattened. At this time, there are still some repairs. High good deeds, watching the battle.

At the time of the final decision on the top of the mountain, at least a thousand people were watching the battle. Among them, there were no elders who came to watch the battle in Tianzhu Mountain, and the black impermanence shrouded in the cloak, as well as the new king from the Dangyang Wangcheng, the 18 prisoners Luo Tianxiang, etc. .

Of course, there are still some people who are hidden in the dark and have been paying attention to Qin.

This battle is not only the life and death of the two masters, but also determines the future direction of hell, and now all this is to be unveiled.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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