The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1940: Avalanche, ground fissure, death

At this time, Qin Yu and Ouyang Xiong were both bloody. They fought down all day. The two men were fighting and fighting, and they were all five or five. They were not hurt.

At this moment, the true gas in Ouyangxiong has lost nearly half of it, and Qin Qin has lost 70% of the total. The only difference between the two is the final blow, which can determine the final result.

Ouyang Xiong’s eyes shot the flames of anger. This battle was originally without suspense. His repairs were to regulate the Qin dynasty. However, now that the gas has consumed nearly 60%, it is still equally divided. This is undoubtedly A shame.

"Do you know? Your son Ouyang Rong is kneeling at my feet that day, begging for mercy like a dog, it is really pitiful."

"I originally wanted to give him a way to live, but unfortunately, he is your son."

"I can't kill you if I don't kill him."

"So I was doomed from the beginning, you can only die in my hands."

Qin Yan wiped off the blood of his mouth, and he sneered, and the wind blew his dark hair at the corner of his eyebrows, showing a scorpion that was extremely cold and chilling.


Ouyang Xiong is like an angered lion. Qin Lan’s words poked the pain in his heart. He has only one thought at this moment, which is to destroy this abominable guy.

"The surname Qin, I will not kill you, swear not to be human!"

Ouyang Xiongqiang held back the blood of the chest and pointed to the Qin dynasty.

"Well, the doorkeeper, it’s not as good as you and I have made the stunts at the bottom of the box. Let’s make a final blow. Who is born and who is dead, and what is it?"

Qin Hao held his arms, so he was squatting.

"Well, this door is the best for you."

When he was angry, he forcibly transported the remaining infuriating. With his screaming sound, Ouyang Xiong's momentum grew like a mountain. At the end, he was full of gold and light, like a god, illuminating the already dark night sky.

"The ninth day of the gods, the heavens and the earth without me!"

Ouyang Xiong held up his hands and used it as a sword. He was in the hollow of Kowloon. He went away from the sky, calling for the rain, and holding the clouds and mines. All the auras between the heavens and the earth were all cited for them.

"It's not good. The doorkeeper has just broken through the ninth weight. If you try your best to make this move, you can try it. Now only half of the repairs are done. This is undoubtedly killing one thousand and killing one hundred."

The elders of the Tianzong dynasty watched their chests and sighed.

Yes, Ouyang Xiong is already on the verge of collapse, not just Wufa, but also a mentality.

He clearly has the upper hand, but he has been unable to get the Qin dynasty, and because the lover has been degraded, all kinds of pain, irritability, and exhaustion are condensed in the heart, so that the **** master has finally lost his sense of proportion.

He has not taken care of this, and his mind has only one thought, killing Qin.

Heaven and earth without me!

As the name suggests, destroy the heavens and the earth, destroy the self, and die with the enemy.

With the traction of the air, the mountains of the Galuo Mountain are shaken, and the hard-boiled students are split from the middle, and the mountains and rivers are long, and they are also counter-current!

The power of the four highs, the power of Kowloon, actually makes the world change, the mountain collapses!

The gravel around it has become a stone rain, slamming like a cannonball!

Qin Lan was in it, and when he transported the Nether's longevity armor, he felt a good time and knew the timing of the decisive battle. He made the magic in the fourth volume of the next fairy tale, Xuan Tu Shen Bing!

The Xuan Tu Shen Bing is based on local conditions, using the soil of the Yin and Yang Five Elements, and condensing the three gods to fight side by side. The Xuan Tu Shen Bing who is summoned has the courage of Wan Fu, who can burn and gold diamonds.

In the congenital period, this kind of Xuan Tu Shen Bing, which is used to work hard, or to contain the little demon mobs, is similar to the protection of the big demon.

But in the days after, it is definitely the existence of the gods!

As the Qin dynasty recited the curse, a piece of broken soil quickly condensed in the void, standing behind him, and quickly formed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ouyang Xiong saw that his fairy tales were weird. Although he was shocked inside, he was not afraid. The power of Tianzhu was strong and strong. If Qin Hao was trying to make a hard battle with him, it would be a dead end.

Thinking of this, he showed a very sly smile, and laughed at Qin Xiao, as if Qin Xiao was already a dead person in his eyes.


A huge gas-shaped golden sword with a length of a kilometer, finally formed in the void.

"Kowloon is one, there is no me in the sky."

Ouyang Xiong raised his arms and made a violent roar.


The circling of Kowloon, gathered in the sword, is not only free, and the sword of the gods is filled with the air of heaven and earth.

Unbreakable, can't break, no one is not!

This is the power of the Holy Spirit!

Even if Ouyang Xiong just stepped into the realm of sacredness, it is enough to take pride in the world.

The onlookers, many were photographed by the knife, vomiting blood on the spot, the skill is slightly lower, directly on the soul of the body, the life was taken away by the sword to kill the soul.

The sword has not yet been killed, and it has already had two or three hundred people dead and a knife.

This is the case, everyone is still the best possible, strong support at the foot of the mountain, and strive to witness the peerless blow of the two masters.

Ouyang Xiong’s knife has become a success, and Qin’s three Xuan Tu Shenbings have basically taken shape, but in fact, Qin Yu’s secretly complained that he overestimated his although he secretly swallowed it An medicinal herb supplements the vitality, but still cannot summon the technique.

The three great soldiers are dead and heavy, like a beggar. They can't open their eyes and psychic. At most, they are a shield, and they have no offensive power.

At this time, he has no room for manoeuvre. He can hold one second for a second, because this is a strategy. He never thought about really fighting with Ouyang Xiong.


The earth-shattering smashed down, the Galuo Mountain was like a tofu block, neatly divided, and the sky showed a golden thin line. At that moment, the life seemed to be split into two halves.

In the midst of the wind and lightning, Kowloon took the mad knife and headed down!

At that moment, everyone’s soul and breathing were all deprived, leaving only a blank in their minds.

The sky is going to collapse, the land is going to be cracked, and people are going to die!

This is their last consciousness!

Avoid it!


The Qin dynasty burst into a loud voice, using both hands to transport the law, forcibly lifting three unspirited **** soldiers and blocking them in front of them.

Three high-definition soldiers, such as the same high wall, were blocked in front of Qin.


The mad knife fell, under the loud noise, the hard and incomparable Shenbing really couldn't resist it, and it was shattered by the sound. The huge anti-phagic force of Ouyangxiong spurted blood.

The Qin dynasty was shocked by the knife. It flew dozens of feet in the airflow and squatted on the ground. The longevity was broken and the pain was on the ground. It was only an instant, and it was buried by the shattered soil of the gods.

"Oh, you didn't smash you!"

"Qin Hou, if you think you can die like this, it is too cheap."

"I can't allow it!"

Ouyang Xiong rushed over, and even three punches were broken. The stone layer was broken and the Qin dynasty was given out with one hand.


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