The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1948: Shangdong brother

Originally thought that the long road of life, these two accompanied him to witness the countless old friends, old brothers, will continue to live with him, will accompany him to stand in the three realms, but who can think that everything has just begun, they have already advanced Leaved.

Lamenting its dullness, mourning its dissatisfaction, mourning its infidelity!

It’s even more hateful!

"Go back, the show hasn't finished yet." Qin Guangwang was indifferent, as if the death of the old black dragon and Zhong Rong was just a gust of wind, and it was blown away, no matter how heavy.


When the Holy Ghost woke up, it was already the third day.

God always has a way to make people alive. If you don't want him to die, you can naturally let him live.

"A terrible axe, almost, I will fly away." The Holy Ghost was drinking, and he was still worried.

"I said that Qin Hou is not easy to provoke." God sat aside and calmed down as usual.

"Oh, it’s not you, you have to kill him early, why is it that there is danger today?"

"Does the flames come to the hand?" asked the ambassador.

"Get it, this flower can't be taken by ordinary people, I am in the bag, you can go back and cross." Shinto.

After that, the flame flower was taken out of the space pocket and thrown to the ambassador.

The Holy Ghost did not fully trust him. He opened the bag and watched it carefully. He just had to touch it. A nameless heat wave rushed out of his pocket. The powerful fire seemed to burn him to ashes. .

The Holy Ghost was shocked, and finally he resisted the idea of ​​distinguishing between true and false.

If it is true, he can ask for help in the presence of the Taiqing lord. If it is false, it can be planted on the head of God and Qin. For him, there is still nothing wrong with him.

He collected the flame flower, lazy and said: "You will find some replenishment of the soul and give me food. I will return to the sect of the house tomorrow."

"Why not tonight, you still don't give up on immortality?" God asked frowning.

"Don't die, it is the real law of longevity. Xianzun will be old and die, but Qin Guangwang will not."

"Don't you want it? Now that Guangwang is in control of our hands, as long as we get it, we can become the second and third god."

"When there is nothing to bind you and me, even if there is no immortal, you and I can still traverse the world."

The Holy Spirit is a fanatic.

"I am not interested in longevity, you like to go find him."

"But I remind you that Qin Guangwang is only an old fox, even if he gave it to you, it may not be true."

"And the fairy goddess is vast, he wants to know that you have two hearts, it is not a good thing for you."

God shook his head and sneered.

"Oh, so you can only be in hell."

"You really think of yourself as a god, but you don't know the cruelty of the heavens. Forget it, don't understand it with you. Go on, I have to rest."

The ambassador failed to speak of him, and his heart was very unhappy and waved.

God smiled and walked quickly.


Qin Lan returned to the Hall of Life and Death for the first time. Li Xian was holding a pile of official documents. Qin Hao shouted at him. Li Xian was shocked. "Hey, Hou Ye is back."

"These documents, where are you going?"

Qin Hao asked.

"No, I just saw Hou Ye approved, and sent it to you on behalf of you." Li Xian slightly slightly confused.

When Qin Hao glanced at his eyes, Li Xianping would not be so active. Without his own call, he would hardly enter the hall. It seems strange today.

However, he still has more important things to do, but he did not delve into it. Anyway, the flames were lost, and the gods were stunned. It is estimated that they will leave soon. This throne is still to be returned to Guangwang.

"You go to the Ministry of Industry and let him keep an eye on the 18 prisons and rivers, beware of floods and other visions." Qin said.

"Yes." Li Xian casually responded.

Qin Hao waved his hand and motioned that he could go on.

When Li Xian went down, he took the picture of Jiuyou Huangquan. Sure enough, this figure of God took effect with the curse, and Huang Quan’s eyes automatically disappeared from the map. That is to say, after a few years, if Qin and Guangwang, God has retired and died. The people in the world don't even know that there is still the existence of Huang Quan's eyes in this world.

Fortunately, the dragon veins and the water phase of the prisons are still stable, and there is no such thing as a collapse.

In this way, the curse has sank the eyes of Huang Quan, but the dragon veins in the eyes of Huang Quan are still intact.

So good, no one can take the 18 prisons to threaten the world.

Putting down the stone hanging in my heart, Qin Lan walked out of the palace alone and went to the general of Qinqin.

The light in the house is bright, Qin Long and Lei Mo are drinking wine in the west side of the room. Qin Hao did not go to join in the fun, but went to the south side of the wing, the madman has fallen asleep, from his temperament, it has not been able to last for a long time. .

However, Qin Lan has no desire to ask who God is.

This play has come to an end.

Who is God, it seems that it is no longer important.

"came back."

Qin Lan looked back and saw Qin Qin.

"came back."

Qin Xiao smiled and took her into her arms.

"Let me see, have you been injured?" Qin Qin explored a lot of Qin Qin's body, this is assured.


"Hey, the matter of Wangcheng will soon be solved. I will stay in Wangcheng and I will accompany you for a while."

Qin Hao suddenly had an inexplicable tiredness.

In addition to being from the body, more is in the heart.

Fighting for life, bleeding, but nothing in the end, this is not the result he wants.

"Then don't think about anything, go, go to sleep."

Qin Qin took his hand and entered the wing.

The two are naturally wild and snowy, and they are exhausted until they are exhausted.

The next day, Qin Hao did not want to do anything, but sat cross-legged and stepped into the square inch.

Drinking the ancient clear bubble of the fairy tea, smelling a touch of sandalwood, his lost, tired heart is like being washed by the spring, and then regained peace.

"Imperial, the flame flower is lost?" Dan disciple gave him a cup of tea, asked with a smile.

"Do you seem to know everything early?" Qin asked with a bitter smile.

"Yes, this flower is destined to be yours, and others can't take it. It's not yours, others can't keep it."

"Imperial drink two teas here, maybe go back, and people have sent you back?"

Dan disciple comforted.

"I hope so." Qin Dao, immediately asked: "Right, detoxification of the medicinal herbs refining it?"

"The blessing of Todi Zun, after the study of several of my brothers, finally found the method of cracking, this detoxification Dan, can break the world's strange poison, should be able to resolve the poison in that person, the emperor can but one test."

Dan's son.

" Tea is almost gone, I should go."

Qin Yudao.

The two got up, just out of the bamboo pavilion, a white guest with black and soft beard, coming along the mountain road, passing by the two, even the eyelids did not lift, leaning up the high head, straight through .

"Yao brother!"

Danzizi saw Qin Yiyi frowning and shouted at the man.

The man turned around, arrogant, and still did not look at people.

"How can the Emperor be so rude?" Dan Zezi pulled his face and shouted.

"Imperial? Fang Congshan only has a ancestor, I don't know any emperor."

"Hey, I remind you, I am the brother of the hole, not a disciple of you."

The man sneered, and his sleeves drifted away.

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