The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1949: The madman is dead

"Who is this person?" Qin Yu saw his face, and he was so arrogant, and asked coldly.

"His name is Yao Sheng. He is the brother of Shangdong. He has just awakened recently. He is a master of refining. In the whole congenital period, there are few masters of refining, so the temper is mad, and the emperor should not read more."

Danzizi explained quickly.

"A good madman, I will be able to meet him for the next time."

Qin Xiao smiled.

He knows that Fang Inch Mountain is a fairy world, a fairy, and it is inevitable that there will be a temperamental generation. The more people who have the ability, the more character they have, there is nothing to be angry about.

"I heard that the broom is screaming at the door of Yao’s brother every day. This guy likes to ignite the hurricane. If the emperor can’t make Yao’s brother convinced earlier, Fang Xiangshan is afraid that he will not fly.”

Dan's son.

This world is strong, and Yao Sheng is arrogant. Naturally, he will not serve the management of Danzizi and Guqing. As a result, Fangxinshan’s people will be divided.

It seems that I have to find a way to subdue this Yao Sheng.

God knows the homage, Qin 羿 to understand the poison dan, just Qinqin is also, went to the South wing room together.

"Hou, can this remedy really solve his poison?"

"Don't look back and..."

Qinqin stood aside and was somewhat worried.

Qin Xiao confidently smiled and said: "No, this is the **** Dan, the custody works."

"That's okay." Qinqin took warm water, reconciled the medicinal herbs, melted into syrup, and handed it to Qin.

"Maniac, it is time to take medicine. If this medicine goes down, you will be poisoned and recovered." Qin Hao helped the madman.

The madman shook his head desperately, watching Qin's eyes full of fear and pleading.

"Don't be afraid, if I am there, everything will be fine."

"Trust me."

Qin Lan grabbed his hands and was a madman's eyes.

The madman struggled to struggle, and it was tears to see the two faces.

" Obedient, this is the **** Dan who Hou You asked for, drink this bowl of medicine, you will be fine." Qin Qin gentle.

The soup spoon came to the mouth of the madman.

The madman looked at her, tears dripping in the soup, and finally trembled and opened his lips, taking the potion.

A bowl of soup is under the belly.

The madman was hot, his face turned red and hot, and he started to shake.

"Hou, this is not a problem with the soup? You see him..." Qin Qin saw the situation is wrong, asked with a big shock.

"No, Dan's method of alchemy is super-existent, and it has always been rigorous. It is impossible for this to happen."

Qin Yu explores the pulse.

From the pulse point of view, the poison in the madman's body was indeed suppressed, but there was an inexplicable fiery motion in his body, which was really weird.

However, the only good news is that the eyes of the madman become clearer.

His fingers turned to the side, and the mouth whispered something vaguely. Because it was too embarrassing, Qin Hao could not hear a word clearly.

"Maniac, do you want to say something?"

"Tell me, tell me."

Qin Lan shook the madman.

The madman shed tears, and the big stocks in the mouth rushed out of the blood, and the body twitched. After a few mouthfuls, the gas was not picked up.

He used his last strength to reach out a finger. He didn't wait for the Qin dynasty to continue his life. Even the soul Dan didn't have time to use it. The madman didn't come up in a hurry and died on the spot.

The madman is dead!

Until he died, Qin Hao did not set any favorable clues.

"Hou, you have tried your best, this is life." Qinqin lamented.

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

Qin Hao shook his head.

"What should not?" Qin Qin asked.

"Dan medicine should not be a problem."

Qin Yu was painful.

"You are too tired, take a rest."

"Thunder, Qin Long, you have to deal with the body."

Qinqin helped Qin Lan out of the South wing, and Qin Long and Lei Mo both led the way.

Throughout the day, Qin Hao was thinking about where the problem lies.

What does the madman's gesture mean?

There is no clue, and there is no favorable clue.

He went to Fangcunshan in the evening, and Danzizi re-examined the medicinal ingredients and even took one of them personally without any adverse reactions.

This proves that there is no problem with the drug.

Is it the poison of God, and it is repulsive to the drug? Initiating another toxin?

But it seems to be unreasonable, because at that time he could clearly feel that the madman was awake and the poison was solved.

Is it...

No, no!

Even if it is, everything should be over.

The night is deep.

Qin Lan sat at the window and wrote an invitation with a pen.

"Do you really want to marry me? Not afraid that I am an ominous woman?" Qinqin held his side face, staring at Qin Hao, very happy smile.

"will not."

"I want to do this earlier, so that I can be practical in my heart."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"If there is anything that is not practical, I will not fly with my wings." Qin Qin said softly.

"Then I don't want to wait anymore. My thought is that in the past few days, I will take time to see a wide-ranging king to see if he can go to the DPRK. If you can, let him be our witness. Can you see it?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Not very good, he is the emperor, but I am..." Qin Qin is somewhat reluctant.

"You are afraid that he blames, you turned away from his former love, chose me?" Qin asked.

"I have seen him before. I don't think he is a king who will bless others." Qin Qin said truthfully.

"Okay, let's change the individual and let the Master Lingpu come." Qin said.

"Master De Gao Gaozhong, if you can move him, it is naturally the best." Qin Qin nodded.

The next day, Qin Lan sent someone to send an invitation.

His marriage with Qin Qin was set after seven days, that is, July 22 of the lunar calendar.

The method of opening the gate of the ghost gate, now he is completely in control, and is not in a hurry to summon the army into hell. He wants to use this marriage to completely tell the incident and leave the city with Qinqin.


Inside the secluded wall.

Lu Jue affixed to the wall, whispered: "Emperor, Li Xian sent an invitation, saying that he was married to Qin Qin seven days later and would like to invite you to attend."

"Oh, a Qinhou, he counted that the king could not die, it is time to regain control."

"He wants to fall back, impossible."

"Is it easy for a lonely king to meet a fun opponent who can play, can he be as he wishes?"

"You tell Li Xian that the Lone King will definitely go to his wedding."

Guang Wang sneered Changsheng Emperor, Qin Hou, if I play but you, how can I be the only **** in the world. ”

"Qin Hou, I want you to be alone in this life, are you not a long-lived? I want you to taste the taste of the lonely king!"

"At that time, you will know that God is actually not fun at all, haha!"

There was a big laughter from the wall.

Everything is under his control. Whether it is the so-called **** or Qin Qin, it is under his palm. Qin Guangwang will not let them down. He wants to give this play a wonderful and most Stimulating, the most memorable ending.

Let those people live forever in his shadows and fears.

Why worry, only death, only loneliness!

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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