The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1953: Doomed

In order to cut the past, she was killing the madman while feeding the medicine, even if it had caused Qin Qi’s suspicion.

To make matters worse, Qin Qin can feel that Qin Hao already knows her true identity, otherwise he will not rush to marry himself.

He is helping her cut the past and is proclaiming that he is sincere and fearless about this emotion.

He does not want to pursue the past, he only cherish the present.

It is a pity that Qin Qin can't live by this. She is suffering and suffering day and night, and she doesn't even dare to close her eyes all night. She is afraid that when she closes her eyes, this man will disappear and everything will be a dream.

"I am, I have been there all the time."

Qin Lan did not ask why she was here, why she was so uneasy, but she kept her in her arms.

He can be sure that Qin Qin is his destiny, God gave him.

If it is happiness, he respects heaven.

If it is robbery, even if it is a tragedy, he still has no regrets.

Some people are destined to appear in life, and some are destined to leave. This is inevitable.

He picked up the hammer and walked back to the hut.

Qinqin relied on his warm, generous embrace, and the pain and unhappiness of the past disappeared.

There are always some pursuits in this life. Qinqin does not lack money, does not envy the right, and a warm embrace is exactly what he wants.

"Hou, actually, me, I..."

Qin Qin wanted to tell the truth, but when she got to her lips, she found that she was still brave enough to swallow.

Qin Lan looked at her and smiled. "You are too tired. You need to rest and sleep."

Qinqin nodded, lying in his arms, forgot all the troubles, and fell asleep.


For Qinqin, killing only takes a sip of tea.

Zhang Daling’s fleet, after a day, finally reached the half-step ferry outside the capital of the capital.

Half-step ferry is the largest water ferry in the world. It is a mixture of fish and dragons. The ghosts and devils from Hell gather, even if Qin Guangwang sent the most elite guards to maintain order here, and from time to time there are also various genital and other vicious inferior events. No.

"Zhang Daren, the front is a half-step ferry, on the ferry, I have already informed Yang Daren, he will meet us at the ferry." Qu channel.

"Well, ma'am, Mr. Qin, Hou Ye lives in this city. After an hour, you can see him and Miss Qin."

Zhang Daling turned to Qin Wenren and the couple rejoiced.


Qin Wenren took his wife's hand, both of them were overjoyed, and the heart was actually a feeling of waiting.

For Qin Lan, they may have come to **** for a year or two, but Qin Wenren has already had a son for 10 years. The mood is not something that ordinary people can understand.

"Let's get out, all my mother will roll away from Laozi."

Thousands of sergeants rushed into the dock, and the generals who took the lead were holding a whip, arrogantly drinking, and a little slower, they would slap him two whip.

After a while, the dock was cleared.

"Yang Daren, clean, adults can get off the sedan." Sergeant walked to a sedan chair, please make way.

Yang Zhongguo came out of the sedan chair without hesitation. He said with his hand: "General Li, this time is the family of Qinhou. You know that the voice of the city’s successor in the city is very high. If it is out, A little bit worse, the brain is not enough."

"The adults are relieved, I have arranged the inside and outside of the ferry, the defending weapon has been adjusted, and even the water can not be poured." General Li from the channel.

"Well, let me go with you."

Yang Zhongguo nodded and personally went to the ferry with General Li.

Qu Tong took the boat to the shore, Yang Zhongguo bowed his hand and said: "Yang Zhongwang Yang Zhongguo has seen two prisoners Qin!"

Yang Zhongguo and others only know that Zhang Daling is the father of Qin Hou. This is known to the hell, but he does not know that Qin Wenren and his wife are the parents of Qin Yu. Zhang Daling is nothing but a blind man.

"There are Lao Yang adults."

Zhang Daling arched his hand and personally led the Qin Wenren couple to the boat.

"What are these two?"

Yang Zhongguo was so savvy. When he saw that Qin Wenren’s couple were similar to Qin’s eyebrows, he asked quickly.

"They are Hou's uncles and uncles, and they came with me to join the big wedding."

Zhang Daling faintly said.

"It turned out that this is the case, two uncles, uncles, and my brother and I are brothers. I am asking myself to have some energy in Wangcheng. I have what I need in the future, even though I know Guozhong."

Yang Zhongguo took the opportunity to please.

He seems to be a peer with Qin Wenren, but in order to tie the Qinhou, the younger generation did not care. These behaviors made Qin Wenren feel a bit wrong, and his mouth was naturally polite.

Yang Zhongguo had already prepared the sedan chair. He had just got on the sedan chair. A white virtual shadow flew from the ferry wall. The wall with dozens of feet was just flying in a blink of an eye.

"There are assassins!"

Qu Tong screamed and hurriedly opened the line with General Li.

The heavy shackles in the hands of the soldiers are coming to the people.

The coming person is Qinqin. The life of Xianzun cannot be violated. The most important thing is that she does not feel that there is anything wrong with killing two heavenly people.

Far away, she saw the Qin Wenren couple, which is very similar to the fairy dreams of last night, and the gas field of these two people is obviously different from that of the hell, and this can be locked into the target of assassination.

Looking at the entire capital of Wangdu, she personally assassinated the people who could stop, except for Qin Guangwang and Qin Lan, I am afraid there is no one.

At least these shrimps and crabs at the foot will definitely not stop her.


When the weight was not close to her body, it was shattered by the body.


Qutong was shocked and burst into tears: "Shield, Mr. Qin, I dragged her, you are going."

The soldiers quickly set up a high shield. These shields were inlaid with six-pronged stone, and the shields were joined together to form a wall that was invincible.

"Three, follow me."

Yang Zhongguo had a heart that wanted to die. He originally wanted to invite merits. He did not expect to encounter this thing. At this time, there was no time to blame General Li. The group escorted the three men of Zhang Daling, under the traverse of the shield. Move quickly to the city.

"Want to go?"

There was a sneer in the corner of the piano.

Ten fingers and one Yang, ten embroidery needles fly out, the embroidery needle is connected with her colorful infuriating, seven-color shining, dazzling.


The needle head is broken in paper and easily penetrates the big shield.

The colorful infuriating, the shield is easily torn, the soldiers holding the shield, can not withstand this strong and infuriating, no one was shocked by a few feet, tragic death on the spot.

Qinqin fell to the ground, stepping on the blood, slowly approaching, the scorpion filled with God's indifference and killing.

She wants to die, whoever must die, no one can escape God's sanctions.

"Come on Qutong's eyes are round and round, and the long knife in his hand is enough to carry the magical power. The million-day power of the true period is set in one knife, and he squats to the piano.


The hammer is just a slight finger, and the long knife turns into pieces.

In the next second, she didn't even look at Qutong, and her fingers were elegant and picky. They could lick the colorful gas of the dragon veins and silently penetrated the throat of Qutong.

The loyal general, with his knees soft, squatted in the same place, his head sagged, and he hated and died.

"The rest don't ask, just look at these two!"

Qinqin slowly raised the right hand of God and pointed to the Qin Wenren couple.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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