The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1954: Heaven and earth

The strong murder spread in the square, and every soldier did not consciously take a step back. God walked in front of them indifferently, and everyone could not lift the force of the knife.

At this moment, what meritorious deeds and protection of adults are all shit, they just want to live.

In the face of such a terrible opponent, even a trace of killing will be sin.

"You, who are you, dare to scatter at the feet of the emperor?" Yang Zhongguo snorted.

"Emperor? The mud bodhisattva crosses the river, it is difficult to protect itself!"

"Don't want to die, give me a roll."

God knows that Yang Zhongguo is a good dog raised by Qin Yu. She does not want to kill this person, otherwise she will not have to talk nonsense with him.

"Do you know who they are? They are..."

Yang Zhongguo screamed.

The voice did not fall, God flexed a finger, and the finger was passing by his face. Yang Zhongguo only felt a hot face, and he reached out and found that there was no half ear, and the painful screams.

He was originally a small person who fought for power, and the usual follow-up of Qin Hou was nothing but a glory. Nowadays, in the face of God's murder, in front of Xiao Ming, there is no loyalty.

He can see it, the other party is directed at Qin Hou!

Yang Zhongguo still couldn’t do it for the sake of wealth, and put his life into it, and he lost one ear, which is already done right.

The best way at the moment is to immediately report to Qin Hou, who will come forward to solve it.


God is cold and cold.

Yang Zhongguo shook his head and sighed. He was helpless to Zhang Daling. "I can't help it, Yang is powerless."

"Yang Daren, it has nothing to do with you, let's go."

Zhang Daling is calm.

Life and death have a life, wealth is in the sky.

Zhang Daling is a person who is used to life and death. Although he is unwilling and fearful in his heart, he does not want to bring innocent people to back.

Yang Zhongguo worshipped the three people and bowed with a long sigh. He waved his hand and led the crowd.

No way, there are many people in **** that are beyond the rights and the military. That is the master at the top. These talents are the real masters of everything.

Strong as Guangwang, this time did not eat a big loss?

God looked at the three indifferently.

All three people exude a gas field far from hell, is the soul? Still else, she could not conclude, but there is no doubt that she has never found the wrong person.

"Wen Ren..."

Song Rujun looked at his husband.

"This adult, I don't know what kind of enmity we have with you, not killing us."

Qin Wenren took the hand of his wife and asked awkwardly.

"Where do you know that there is something different, this is what you are looking for."

God is cold and cold.

"Qin did not understand, but also advise adults."

Qin Wenren was a bit wrong, but he couldn’t say why.

"Hey, ants, ants, die."

God lazy and Qin Wenren said that the eyes are cold, and the **** are running through the chest of Qin Wenren and Song Rujun.

To her surprise, these two foreign guests turned out to be unresisting, and she lost 70%.


Qin Wenren and Song Rujun were the mortals of the district. Where they could withstand the fatal blow of God, the two of them even had no idea of ​​coming, and they had already been pierced by the eyebrows and fell heavily on the ground.

The **** are interlocked, and at the same time, looking at the city of Wangdu, which is close to the eyes, there is endless resentment in the heart.

It’s just a little bit worse. If you have a wall, you can see the son who has been away for ten years. They can attend his wedding and see their new daughter-in-law.

He wants to tell his son that they have had a good time in the past ten years, but they have had a loneliness and thoughts.

He wants to ask his son, when will he return to his hometown, and the family will never be separated.

Unfortunately, everything was too late, and God pressed an insurmountable pause button between their father and son.

This wall is hard to live in.

This greeting is destined to be difficult.

"Mr. Qin!"


"Ah, ah!"

Zhang Daling rushed to the side of the two people, and explored the souls of the two people scattered, no breath, no pain and despair.

He has been so painful that he can't breathe.

Already hurt to forget how to cry.

He didn't know how to take revenge. He only had pains in the ground and only hated himself for blindness. He had to present a surprise to Hou Ye. Otherwise, he would know Qin Hou earlier, and he could have a disaster today.

"The spirit is guilty, the spirit is guilty!"

"Mr., madam, you taught me how to explain to Qinhou."

Zhang Daling was extremely painful and madly licking his body.

"what did you say?"

God vaguely heard a name, and his heart was shocked. He raised his hand and buckled Zhang Daling’s collar, asking coldly.

"Kill me, kill me."

"Kill me this sinner!"

Zhang Daling closed his eyes, his face was like white paper, and he was as dead as a dead man.

"What have you just said, tell me again."

God's hand is shaking.

Her eyes stared at Zhang Daling's pupil, and an urgent need for an answer.

"Why are you killing them, they are good people, there is no dispute with people, they just want to see their son, what is it?"

"why why?"

Zhang Daling's eyes are filled with hatred, and cold resentment is drawn from his teeth.

"Yes, they are Qinhou's parents. They come from the mortal world, but they have a head and a debt, and they can't beat their families. Why do you want to kill them?"

Zhang Daling finally cried out, tears fell like rain.

"You said who they are, who is who..."

God only felt a whirlwind, unable to loosen the collar of Zhang Daling, and even took a few steps to stabilize the figure.

Her eyes slowly moved to the body!

On the outline of these two people, there are too many similar traces with Qinhou.

Who is worthy of Yang Zhongguo personally to pick up?

Everything is clear.

She personally killed her lover's parents and ended her happiness.

She could not imagine that if Qin Xiao knew that she had killed his parents personally, how sad he would be, he gave her all tolerance, all love, and she made such a wrong thing.

For a moment, remorse and pain poured into her mind. "No!" God held his head and gave a hysterical scream. The strong earth was so strong that it was along her body like a spider web~www.wuxiaspot .com~ All cracked.

Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

She urgently needs an answer. They come from the mortal world, not the heavens. Why Tianzun will lie to kill the loved ones of Qinhou.

She slowly walked towards the cold body.

In the eyes, full of sorrow.

She is a god, as long as she is wearing this skin, she can't shed tears.

She really wants to die for her death, but she still can't.

She has to figure out everything, even if she wants to die, she must find the singer, and after he has broken his body, he will plead guilty again.


God screamed at the sky, his body shape showed, and he plunged into the Nether River and disappeared.

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