The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1963: Lonely leave

"Hou Ye, don't go, the colorful phoenix will kill you." Lingpu brothers and sisters tied the Qin dynasty, and glared at him.

In this way, in the pain of Qin Yu, Qin Qin and the colorful gods and phoenix were swallowed up by the flames, and finally turned into nothingness, and disappeared forever in the heavens and the earth.


In the violent pain, Qin Hao finally could not support, completely fainted in the past.


In the hall of life and death, Li Xian hurried into the inner palace and wanted to report this terrible event to the seriously injured Guangwang.

When I first entered, I found that Guangwang was practicing calligraphy with flying eyes. The pen went to the dragon snake and was refreshed. Where is the half-death?

"Li Xian, come see the word of the lonely king?" Qin Guangwang looked very good, and asked Li Xian, who was intrigued.

"Emperor, this, this..." Li Xian did not understand the emperor who was almost dead last night. How did the night's effort become the same as that of nothing?

"What is this, lonely king let you see the word, how is this word?" Guang Wang pulled his face, not happy.

Li Xian returned to God and quickly nodded: "Good words, the king's calligraphy is a must, no one knows."

"At first glance, it is flattery. Do you know the meaning of these four words?" Qin Guangwang pointed to the meaning of the words "only me alone" on paper.

"I know that this was originally from Buddhism, meaning that only if you become a Buddha, you can only be a sentient being." Li Xiandao.

Guang Wang shot his shoulder and laughed happily. "Why there are so many reasons, it is his mother. This is the only king in the world. The rest are ants."

Li Xian’s body was cold, and he found that since Guang Wang was imprisoned in the wall, his actions became more and more quirky and completely confusing.

"I am a monk, I know what words, I still tell you something right."

"Last night Qin Hou, Ling Pu, Ling Du three masters teamed up to kill the demon goddess, you guess who God is?"

"It’s actually the lady of the Grand Master’s house. I really didn’t think that this woman would hide so deeply.”

Li Xian sighed.

"It’s not her that is deep in Tibet. It’s Qinhou, Lingpu, and Hey. These two are wearing a pair of trousers. I think it’s time to think about it.” Guangwang was dissatisfied with cold.

"Is Emperor already knowing?"

Li Xian was surprised.

"Of course, the lonely king estimated that a few days, Qinhou will come to me, when you will make him to Dongmingshan, I will have a good time with him." Guangwangdao.

"No, the emperor is to be a master of Hou Ye and Ling Pu..." Li Xian could not believe it.

He is naturally the heart of the master, but these days Qin Qin and Lingpu masters are trying to rescue the Guangwang. It can be said that they are doing their best and how can they be so envious?

"This is not something you can ask. You are a dog. You can just obey the dog. Let's go." Guang Wang waved his hand impatiently.

Li Xianxin was like a cold ice, bowed his head and bowed back.


On the third day after Qinqin’s death, Qin Hao woke up.

Inside the Zen Room.

Qin Lan quietly listened to the story of the longevity emperor and colorful.

This is the first time he has heard that the story is beautiful and moving, but it is extremely cruel.

Qin Lan finally understood that Qin Qin’s life came, and it was supposed to kill him with his colorful hatred.

However, this woman eventually chose to die.

"Hou, I have something unclear. Why does Miss Qin Zhen would rather destroy myself than kill you?"

"In fact, if she wants to kill you, it will be simple, and there will be opportunities all the time."

Lingpu said the doubts in his heart.

"Because I am the one who wants to live forever, for the avenue, to cut off the longevity of love."

Lingpu was shocked, and immediately recited the voice of the Buddha: "No wonder Hou Ye is upright and dares to take the world as his own responsibility."

"Do not!"

"I am not alive."

Qin Hao said again.

He is always in love and puts too many people down.

"When God went to assassinate Guangwang last night, she said, we are all played by Guangwang."

"Master, what is this?"

Qin Shantou still hurts, rubbing his head and asking.

"The inside story, except Guang Wang, no one will have an answer."

"I went to see Guangwang today. He has already woken up, but he is still very hurt. He said that he is going to the Dongming Mountain Palace."

"No matter what Miss Qin, Wang Cheng’s business has finally come to an end, and Hou Ye’s next plan."

Ling Pu asked.

"I want to take my parents' relics and leave this. Where are you going? I haven't thought about it yet."

"I need time to think, quiet."

"Now, I just want to leave."

Qin Xiao smiled bitterly.

"Well, my brother and I should leave. I think it’s better to hit the sun than to hit the sun. Let’s say goodbye." Lingpu stood up.

Qin Lan got up and said goodbye.

After Lingpu left, Qin Lan walked in the courtyard of the General's House. After only three days, he found that he actually couldn't remember the look of the hammer. Every time he seriously thought, his head would hurt.

The yard has already been cleaned up and I can't find anything related to Qinqin.

The parents’ big enemies were reported, but Qin Hao was not happy at all.

Qin Long came over and saw Qin Hao’s lost soul. He handed over a pile of broken pieces in his hand. “Hou, this is the guqin left by the lady. Although it is broken, it is also a thought. I wanted to burn it, but maybe teach It is more suitable for you."

"Know it, let go."

Qin Yudao.

"Right, pack up, after half an hour, let's leave and leave." Qin said.

"Yes." Qin Long answered.

Wang Cheng is not suitable for them to stay.

Whether it is the death of the old black dragon, the **** feud of the Qin Wenren couple, or the death of Qin Qin, everything is filled with the atmosphere of sadness, and the people who are pressing are unable to breathe.

Qin Long and others can clearly feel that Qin Hao’s state of mind has gone wrong, just like losing half of his anger.

If you don't leave, in the long run, the king is afraid that it will be abolished.

After Qin Long left, Qin Hao stroked the broken strings, even if it was a headache, he still broke the string on the broken string. The match was played on the

The person's appearance still can't remember, but this thing at least proves that this woman walked through his heart.

Packing up things, Qin Lan greeted the lonely sunset and slowly walked out of the capital city.

When I walked out of the city gate, Qin Xin’s heart was empty.

Go to his mother's princely domineering, go to **** love.

The sun sets and the road has already stood alone.

A person who will die, a conscience still, Lu Jun.

He can choose silence, but he can't do it. He thinks that a hero should not suffer this cruel treatment.

He chose to die and chose the truth.

It's time to let all the truth come out!

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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