The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1964: the truth

Lu Xuan never thought about betraying Guangwang.

In his heart, it is a high God, an indescribable existence.

He admires and admires Guang Wang, just like his own life.

But today, he must make this decision.

Because Guang Wang’s actions subverted his imagination, he finally understood why loyalty such as Zhong Tianshi and Black Dragon God chose to leave and abandon.

Guangwang was no longer the wise **** of the past, and the emperor of the world was the public.

He has become a slave and madman of selfish desires.

Choosing to be a whistle-blower, that is, betraying Guangwang, Lu Jun knows that the outcome is likely to be a death.

Death is terrible.

But he does not want a hero, a **** person to suffer such humiliation and suffering.

Everything Qin Zhen has done in Wangcheng has already conquered the heart of Lu Ju.

He is upright, he is righteous, this is a long time no see.

He should not suffer from this pain.

After the land decision made the idea, he slowly walked to the face of Qin Hou, who was lost, and raised his hand to stop him.

"Hou Ye!"

Lu Juyi bowed his hand.

Qin Hao nodded slightly.

"The Master of Lingpu told me about the story of longevity and colorful!"

"That is really a good story." Qin Xiao smiled bitterly.

"But it shouldn't be that ending, isn't it?" Lu said.

"Lu Daren came to send me, is it to discuss the story?" Qin Hao frowned.

"The story is over, but there are too many unsolved mysteries in the story. Doesn't Houye want to know?" Lu said.

"what do you mean……"

Qin Yu frowned.

"Yes, if Hou Ye doesn't mind, take a step."

Lu Jue lifted the road.

Qin Hao paused and shook his head and said: "Forget it, no matter how many unsolved things it has, I am tired of it."

Lu Jue is still not arrogant: "Yes, Hou Ye is not willing to talk about Qin Qin, but this is related to the death of your parents. The death of Qin Qin can be said to be God, fate, but your parents are Innocent, does Houye not want to figure it out?"

Qin Hao's face was cold, and the original dead scorpion, with a wild beast-like edge, cold and cold: "Lu Daren, please."

Lu Jue led Qin Yu to a quiet place. This is the way: "Hou, the next thing, maybe you can't accept it, maybe it will make you crazy. Lu willing to swear with life, I will say the next sentence. It’s all true.”

"The character of Lu Daren is known all over the world. I will not make fun of my parents' life and death. Please tell me." Qin said.

"Hou Ye did not think about it, who put your parents into hell?" Lu Xu asked.

"It is God, only she has such strength to open up the two worlds, let people enter." Qin said.

"Wrong, how strong the enchantment of the two worlds is, such as the celestial body of Zhong Tianshi, also requires countless cumbersome procedures. The people who can really let the souls walk in the two circles can only be Guangwang."

"God is very powerful, but she is just a **** master, within the scope of your imagination. And Guang Wang, this real god, his supernatural power, has already exceeded the imagination of **** and even the heavens."

"Because you have never seen a true god, he is far more powerful than you think. It is complicated. One emperor is four highs. One emperor is high and never reachable. It is not comparable to the four highs."

"People who put your parents into **** are Guangwang."

The land decision is slow.

The face of the Qin dynasty changed greatly, and he trembled: "No, it is impossible. Guang Wang has been seriously injured. There are more than 1,300 kinds of peerless poisons in his body. He has his own meridians, and how does he come to open the ghost door?"

"And, at the time, the two Masters of Lingpu and Lingdu personally checked, how could it be wrong?"

Lu Jue shook his head and sighed: "The space we are in is destined to have limited imagination. Just as mortals do not believe that we can live for a million years, it is the same to fly to the ground. The two masters and you. He was also in the dark, he was already crazy, he played all of you, he put your parents into the customs, and then gave God a assassination order in the name of the derivation, Qin Qin did not know the inside, committed It’s a big mistake.”

"As a result, you and Qin Qin have undoubtedly become the biggest enemy. Guang Wang, with your hand, easily killed the violin with its colorful phoenix and removed a big affliction."

"And the so-called nine-round drawings, the drawings are true, but this is the cruel, the Qin Zhen has no stolen maps. She came to the hall that day, just want to discuss a fair and ask an answer."

"Don't you think about it, why, Li Xian will not let you into the temple? Because Guangwang is directing this bitterness, so that the knot of you and Qin Qin can no longer be solved."

"At the same time, Guangwang can also take care of himself, stay out of the way, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

"This is the play, I know everything."

Lu Juyi gave his analysis and what he heard, and gave it to Qin.

"no no!"

Qin Hao shook his head hard, and this answer completely subverted the heart that he was almost dead.

He is even painful to breathe.

If all this is the bureau under Guangwang, then he is the No. 1 stupid person in the world. He has taken up his own parents, and even the two lost money.

At this time, Qinqin was on the castle floor, desperate eyes, and a sly face, finally emerged clearly in his mind, like a knife, his head hurts.

"Hou Ye, Guang Wang is already crazy. He is too lonely. He is lonely. He regards you as a prey and becomes the only pleasure."

"I don't know if this is a kind of sorrow. There is no doubt that you are strong, but it is far from reaching the point where you can be with the gods."

The land rule is faint.

Ah, Qin Yu Yang Tian’s painful misery.

He lost, he lost, and he has never failed like this, so he has fallen behind.

He does not complain to anyone.

He and Guangwang are both strong players in the world. He also used the idea of ​​the emperor's throne, and he sat in that chair. Guangwang had to deal with him, and he was reasonable.

It’s just that he didn’t think he would lose so badly!

Complete defeat!


Qin Hao, who was in a hurry, couldn’t help but feel the pain in his heart and spurted a blood.

"Hou, you, you are fine."

"You must fight Because Guangwang is likely to continue to work for you!"

Lu Jue quickly helped Qin Lan, anxiously advised.

"I am fine, thank you Lu Daren."

Qin Hao wiped off the blood of the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

"Hou Ye, Lumou admires you, but today I don't know what day I can meet again. I only hope that one day when Hou Ye is in charge of the universe, he can look after Lu's family and thank you."

Lu Jue knew that there was nothing in the king's ability to hold him. He came to inform this trip, and he must die. The only thing he can't worry about is his mother and wife.

"Lu Daren, who cares who cares, maybe you can. But I promise you, as long as I am alive, I will think of everything to protect your family."

Qin Hao nodded and promised.

(End of this chapter)

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