The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1972: thank you

Gao Ziqi is silent.

From the Qing dynasty in the mountains, adhering to the purpose of the Qing dynasty on the heavens, there is no precedent for killing innocent people.

However, no matter which one, this person has violated the absolute interests of leaving the mountain, especially Fu Lanqing is determined to go, which is a devastating blow to the mountain.

Gao Ziqi didn't want to ask the relationship between this madman and Fu Lanqing, but now it seems that Gao Junfei is right. It is definitely a curse to be a drunkard.

Thinking of this, he turned his back and sighed long.

Gao Junfei saw him acquiesced, and was pleased to be overjoyed. He got into the carriage and grabbed the Qin dynasty who was sleeping and screaming, shaking him.

Qin Lan saw Gao Junfei's murderous light. At first glance, he was not kind, but for him, his head was cut off, and he didn't care what this person would do to him.

The wandering of these days, he has longed for the arrival of death countless times, but only once and for all disappointment.

He had already been obsessed with life and death, so he just looked at Gao Junfei very numbly and smiled at him.

"Maniac, what is your relationship with Minqing?"

"Why, will she become like this when she sees you?"

Gao Junfei asked for a big drink.

"She is my woman, we have loved, hated, separated, and now reunited, nothing more." Qin Yu's weak cough.

"Damn, how is this possible? Minqing is the saint who gave me the mountain from the Qing Dynasty. You, you are a common man, how could it be better with her."

"Impossible, you must lie to me, right?"

Gao Junfei asked madly.

"Give me wine." Qin said.


"Dead alcoholic, drink you."

Gao Junfei turned and went out and took two cans of wine to Qin.

"I didn't lie to you, as long as I am alive, she won't like you, you still die this heart."

Qin Hao is indifferent.

"So, I only killed you?" Gao Junfei said.

"You can try." Qin Hao was bored and laughed.

"it is good!"

"The surname Qin is that you forced me. I never hurt the innocent, but I will never allow someone to take away the Qing, whether it is a person or her heart."

"You must die, you know, right?"

Gao Junfei affixed to Qin's face and gritted his teeth.

"I understand." Qin Hao nodded.


"This is my poison from the mountains. It is a strange poison in the world. You want to come by yourself, or I am coming."

Gao Junfei hates it.

"Get a few more altars." Qin said.

Gao Junfei went out and took the three jars of wine.

He has never killed an unarmed ordinary person. He is not a wicked person. He is going to kill Qin Qin at this moment. He is also extremely nervous.

Qin Lan took the drink, and it was quite calm to fill a few altars. Gao Junfei did not urge him to wait. He waited patiently for him to finish drinking.

"Get it." The wine went down, and Qin Hao reached out.

Gao Junfei trembled and took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket and handed it to Qin Xiao: "This is poison. After taking it, I will keep you sleeping and never wake up again, and there will be no pain." ""

"I really want to sleep, I won't wake up, I thank you."

"You don't have to be nervous. You gave me the wine and gave me poison. You are not a bad person, you don't need conscience."

Qin Xiao smiled and opened the porcelain bottle cap and drank it.

Gao Junfei’s eyes rolled round, which he did not expect. Qin Hao was so calm in life and death that he was not used to it.

Qin Lan drank this way and fell asleep.

"Go all the way, brother."

Gao Junfei recited a sentence and jumped out of the carriage.

"Get it?" asked Gao Ziqi.

Gao Junfei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and nodded hard.

"Hey..." Gao Ziqi shook his head and sighed.

For a moment, Fu Lanqing came back, and he said that she really caught a slap in the face.

"This person has been visiting our situation around, Gao brother, I will give you an interrogation." Fu Yanqing threw the spy on the ground and went to the carriage.


Gao Junfei was inexplicably nervous in his heart and shouted Fu Xiaoqing.

"What's wrong?" Fu Yanqing asked.

"No, nothing." Gao Junfei did not know how to open, slipped to his mouth and swallowed.

Fu Yuqing entered the carriage, and Qin Hao was in a state of suspended animation.

Whenever he was fatally wounded, this coma-like suspended animation would appear. Before he died, his body was strictly a dead person.

This made him a deadly absolute harm. In the process of recovery, Qin Qin did not have any pain. On the contrary, some fires, knife cuts, etc. were not the lightest injuries, which made him the most difficult.

He enjoys this ignorance, does not know when he will wake up, and may be quiet forever.

"Qin Hao, are you okay?" Fu Xiaoqing screamed twice, seeing his wine and alcohol, knowing that he was drinking again. It is estimated that he must have fallen asleep at this moment, and he did not think much.

Gao Junfei asked the spy in the interrogation of a ride, and saw that Fu Xiaoqing came out, his face was angry, and he could not help but feel a little guilty.

"Yu Qing, he, he has already recruited." Gao Junfei made a calm smile.

"Is the wine you gave him. Do you want to kill him?"

"Higher brother, I hope that there will be no more drinks in the hands of Qin Yu."

Fu Yuqing is cold and cold.

"I, I don't see him uncomfortable? So..." Gao Junfei secretly sighed in his heart, it seems that Fu Xiaoqing did not find the clue.

"What happened?" Fu Yanqing asked again.

"The spies said that he is a Yan family. This time Yan family is said to have sent a new peerless genius, which is heavily used by Yan Lao Mo, vowing to win the **** stone. This roadman has already arrived at the mountain. valley."

"And it is reported that in addition to the Yan family, the **** palace, the demon gate, the hidden door, etc., all gathered away from the valley, and looked at it."

"Yu Qing, this time for us to leave the mountain ~ ~ is probably a life and death war."

Gao Junfei looks pale and condensed.

"How do they know the way to the mountains? Is there really a traitor inside the Qing dynasty?" Fu Yanqing frowned.

"It’s too late, we have to go back to the village from the speed of the secret road. Otherwise, I am afraid that the patriarch will not support it."

Gao Ziqi.

It is not too late, Gao Junfei shot the dead spy in one palm, and the pedestrians rushed.

When you are outside the valley, you can see the tents hidden in the woods and the occasional bonfires.

It was all the masters who came from all over the country to conspire to win the **** stone. Several people from Fu Xiaoqing returned directly from the secret road to the village.

At the entrance to the village, a young man with a thin body and a green shirt has already waited.

The young face is sallow and looks like a sick one. The eyebrows are similar to Gao Junfei.

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