The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1973: Sacred stone

"How come you?" Seeing this person, Gao Junfei did not have any good looks.

The morbid youth is named Gao Junwen, who is his half-brother. Gao Junwen’s mother was killed by Gao Ziqing because of adultery with the disciples in the door. He was naturally afflicted and unhappy for Gao Ziqing.

In addition, he was born with a weak constitution, not a good material for cultivation, and he was even more unseen.

In Gaojia, it is a shameful existence to be away from the mountains.

Gao Junwen is also interested in learning. He is a simple student. He is only reading and painting every day. He rarely interacts with people. Now he suddenly appears, and it is inevitable that Gao Junfei is very unhappy.

In his view, this guy who has lost his father's face should be like a dog, nesting at home, instead of running out of shame.

"Big Brother, I know that you have never liked me. Now I am out of the mountain crisis. As a father's son, people from the mountains should also come out to do something."

Gao Junwen coughed.

"I am not your big brother, what are you, give me a roll!"

Gao Junfei has no mercy.

Gao Junwen is not annoyed, his face is still smiling, but he is very interested in letting go.

"Jun Wen, you are in poor health, killing and killing things, you don't need to worry about it, go back and have a rest."

Gao Ziqi is not salty and not faint.

In the mountains, no one would like Gao Junwen, including Fu Lanqing.

Fu Lanqing does not like this person because she does not like anyone other than Qin Yu, and Gao Junwen seems to be weak, but Fu Xiaoqing always feels that this person is very extraordinary.

Of course, she will not deliberately reject Gao Junwen. On the contrary, she sympathizes with this young man. Because she is also a person who suffers from her life and is not seen by her father. She has been away from the mountains for some years, and she has spoken between them. countable.

But even so, Fu Lanqing is still one of the few people who are willing to talk to Gao Junwen and look at him without prejudice.

"婉清姐, who is this person."

Gao Junwen shouted Fu Xiaoqing and looked at Qin Hao on her back.

"One of my friends."

Fu Yuqing faintly said.

After that, carrying the Qin dynasty into the village.


Gao Junwen frowned and his heart slammed.

It is not big from the mountain village. Like ordinary villages in the region, there are hundreds of families and thousands of people.

The village is located in the snow valley, bright as spring, snowy, revealing a spirit of vitality, because of the high altitude, the mountain village is like a land of heaven near the sky, it is no wonder that you can hear the gods of the heavens.

It is also for various reasons that this village has become the megaphone of the heavens.

First, Yan Dao found God, that is, Qin Qin, and the secret became his own messenger.

On the other hand, Fu Lanqing suddenly received another decree.

The difference is that this immortal name is Ziqing Xianzun, which is the celestial emperor of the Tianqing Emperor, and is known as the Tianjie two avenues.

For various reasons, outsiders are not allowed in the village.

Especially when Qin Zijian led the army, went out to conquer, inadvertently passed by here, met Qinqin, and forcibly took away their sacred Qinqin, this matter is a huge shame and loss for the village.

If it was not Fu Xiaoqing's awakening, they almost lost the ability to communicate with God.

Since then, it has been particularly repugnant to foreigners in the mountains.

Now Fu Xiaoqing has introduced an outsider, which has undoubtedly caused a sensation from the mountain village.

In the Upper Qing Dynasties, Gao Ziqing sat, but he seems to be in his early fifties this year. His face is white, with a slender and supple beard. His hair is neatly covered behind his head. It looks clear and floating. It is not a common generation.

"Jun Fei, Yan Qing brought an outsider back, what is going on in the end?" Gao Ziqing asked coldly.

"Father, there is a clear opinion in the Qing dynasty. In addition to the patriarch's words, others can't say that she can't move her. This is really a strange thing to fly." Gao Ziqi explained on the side.

“Do you know how difficult it is to cultivate a saint who can communicate with God? I have lost a vip and I don’t want to lose my mind.”

Gao Ziqing's sleeves are not pleasing.

"The father is relieved, clear her... The one who brought in is a dead person." Gao Junfei whispered.

"Dead, what do you mean?" Gao Ziqing is dissatisfied.

"My son knows the importance of Qing Qing. On the way back, the outsider named Qin Yu has been fed by Snow Mountain."

"He won't wake up again."

Gao Junfei was careful and did not dare to look up at his father's eyes.

"What, you..."

Gao Ziqing's thick eyebrows sink, very shocking.

"The patriarch, Junfei is also no problem, and Qing Qing seems to have an affair with the man. If he does not, she will become the next piano."

Gao Ziqi knows the rules of leaving the mountain and quickly joins the road.

"Don't say him, this thing can't let you know."

"Now the valley outside, the masters gathered, they will step into the mountain village tomorrow, to ask for the **** stone, you quickly call Qi Qing, let her immediately contact the Qing Xianzun, listen to the next step."

Gao Ziqing told the road.

After Fu Yuqing was bathed, he put on a white, holy robes and stepped into the secret room of the Shangqing Hall.

This secret room has a focus on heavy enchantment. The only people who can step into it are the patriarch and the saint.

In the secret room, it is enshrined in the Qingtian respect.

In front of the Fa, there is a diamond-shaped white spar.

The spar blooms with pure white light.

The purity of light white is whiter than snow, but it is not glaring. Even if it is a glance, it will make people feel peace of mind and exhaustion.

There is a rune on the stone, but no one can understand it.

Including the upper fairy fairy!

This piece of **** stone was originally discovered by Gao Ziqing in the mountain lake. When it was born, it attracted the strange and horror of the dragon and the phoenix. Then the fairy goddess of the Qing dynasty came to the decree, saying that it was the **** of heaven, and it was related to the three worlds. Safety, secretly Gao Ziqing guardian, waiting for the lower bounds of the messenger to take.

"Yu Qing, now the crisis from the mountains, the **** stone is afraid to keep it, you immediately contact Xianzun, urged to send God to the next, quickly take away." Gao Ziqing looked at the **** stone, Fu must sigh.

Fu Lanqing nodded ~ ~ sitting cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes, God knows outside.

Compared with Qinqin, the mountain is the place where the immortal sages of the Qing dynasty. Fu Yuqing has the initiative to contact the sages of Xianzun. Of course, this process is not easy. After all, the gods must cross the heavens and the enchantments and stagger at a certain point. It is a very difficult thing.

However, unlike the past, this time Fu Xiaoqing encountered setbacks.

No matter how she tries, when God recognizes a certain node, it will be cut off by some mysterious force, as if the bridge of communication between heaven and earth is cut off.

This has never been seen before.

"The patriarch, the situation is not good, my sensory ability was cut off by external forces, and I can't contact Xianzun." Fu Yan Qing.

"How could this be?" Gao Ziqing never encountered this situation, and could not help but panic.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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