The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1981: Chaotic mirror

Fu Lanqing nodded and went on his own.

Gao Junfei stood by the bed, looking at the guy on the bed, his face was curious, no doubt he worshipped Qin.

He saw Qin Qin taking poison, and witnessed that he had lost his palms and died without death. Apart from God, he could no longer think of anything else.

Therefore, he now only regrets Qin Yu.


Qin Lanqing woke up.

Gao Junfei quickly squatted at the bedside, crying and crying: "Hou Ye, I had offended you before, sinned to death, but also ask you to ignore the villain, and bypass my life."

Qin Lan looked at him and smiled: "What is sinful, you can really poison me, then you are my greatest benefactor."

"Hou, do you want to die?" Gao Junfei asked some unbelievable.

I have seen that I want to live forever, but I am still the first to die.

"Yes, I want to die, but you have seen the consequences. Let Yan Dongyang hit three palms, or die."

"So, you don't have to blame yourself, you don't have to worry about the day's pleading for mercy, people can make mistakes, and shame is sometimes a kind of motivation."

"To tell the truth, I should admire you, at least you still have tomorrow, and I, in addition to drinking and sleeping, is living in the future."

"This kind of pain, you won't understand."

Qin Xiao smiled bitterly.

Yan Dongyang shook his head, this pain, he really did not understand.

However, Qin Hao can forgive him, and his heart will be stable, otherwise he will be a sinner who is plagued by the mountain benefactors.


Fu Lanqing walked into the secret room. Gao Ziqing was already awake. After taking the poison medicine, he was poisoned. However, due to the use of the broken true Dan, he was seriously injured. The upright door was repaired as lost. 90% is no different from ordinary people.

"Yu Qing, Junfei told me about Hou Ye. He is the great benefactor who left us from the mountain village."

"I want to hand over the stone to him, and then leave the mountain with the people in the night. What do you mean?"

Gao Ziqing asked.

"Why does the door owner suddenly have this idea?" Fu Yanqing asked.

"On that day, I also wanted to understand that nothing is more important than the lives of the villagers. This time, my grandfather saved us, the next time?"

"This stone is not a blessing, but a curse. We ordinary people seem to be untouchable. Hou Ye is very human. I can't give it to him."

"After a day, Xianzun and our contact with the mountains broke through, and I personally sinned against him."

Gao Ziqing sighed.

Fu Lanqing actually has this plan in his heart. If Qin Lan took the stone, he might be able to crack the secret, or he could cure his serious illness.

Although Fu Lanqing did not know what happened to Qin Zhen, why was it so weak, but she did not die, but she could not bear to watch Qin Qin suffer again.

"Since the door owner has decided, then do what you want." Fu Yan Qing.

Speaking of this, she looked awkward and said with sorrow: "There is a time when it is time to say it. The doorkeeper, in fact, I was a lover with Qin Hou very long ago. I have to separate for various reasons. It’s not easy, I decided to take him away, maybe I won’t leave the mountain again in the future, and I will ask the owner to allow it.”

Gao Ziqing glanced at her, but she couldn’t help but sigh. "I know that Junfei is not worthy of you. You are very human. If you want to come, I can’t stay with you. Let’s go. It’s not too far from the mountains. When the homeland left with Qinqin, it was time to destroy."

"Gatekeeper, thank you for your cultivation and love for Minqing, don't."

Fu Yuqing's eyes were red, and his majesty smashed three heads to Gao Zi. He took the stone and went away with tears.

It’s dark in the night.

Fu Lanqing supported Qin Lan, standing under the snow-capped mountains, looking at the distant mountains, faintly reluctant.

From the mountain is a rare land in the world, but why, this piece of pure land has finally reached the end of life.

"Hey, let's go. Where do you want to go?"

Fu Xiaoqing said.

"There are you, wherever you go, they have to move east, let's go west."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Fu Yuqing drove the deer carriage, and Qin Lan was half lying in the carriage, drinking wine, letting the body shake, and the two went aimlessly to the west.

The following days, for Qin Lan, it is perfect.

They just keep going.

From the mountain is the paradise, the more westward, the population is becoming scarcer, often thousands of miles down, no people, no one is snowing, the sky is big, only the two of them.

Until a secret, quiet canyon, Fu Lanqing decided to stay here for a leisurely and happy day.

Qin Lan and her set up a small bamboo house, usually eat some fruits and vegetables to spend the day, although the days are poor, but the two are extremely happy.

In the past month, Qin Biao's body has recovered 7788. Although there is still no infuriating, the meridians are damaged, but they can do some ordinary physical work. It is not a problem to catch fish in the mountain stream.

On a short and calm day, the two cherished it.

"Hey brother, there are things, I think I have to hand it over to you." Fu Yuqing relied on Qin Yu's arms, gentle.

"As long as it is not for us to separate, I can accept things that leave here." Qin Yi smelled her fragrance and smiled.

Fu Yuqing hesitated. "I don't know whether this thing is a blessing or a curse. It is called Shenshi. It is discovered by Gao Ziqing in accordance with the sacredness of Xianzun. It is not known in the heart of the lake. But from Yan Dongyang, To put it bluntly, Guangwang and Yan Lao Mo are urgently needed to get it."

Speaking of this, she took out a translucent stone from the space ring.

When the **** stone is present, Qin Lan can feel the aura of Haotian, just as he discovered the three boundaries of stone in the first place, no, accurately, it is more pure and powerful than the Sanjie stone.

Although Sanjieshi is an ancient **** stone, it is too long, and when it is reincarnation, it is often damaged, and the aura is greatly discounted.

When Shen Shiyi started, he suddenly felt a sense of closeness. The original milky white light turned white and holy like the moonlight.

"The runes above, even the Master can't understand, brother, can you crack?"

Fu Yuqing asked.

"If God said that giving you back to me is the biggest gift, then this is an unexpected surprise."

"Hey, I can really understand."

"This is a congenital instrument, called a chaotic mirror. It can see through the heavens and the earth. This is the which is widely used by the Dachengzi Daxian to the West Queen. It can be used to sneak into the Three Kingdoms. For the emperor to take charge of the three realms."

"Just don't know how such a magic weapon will flow to the world."

Qin Lan had more dealings with Peng An and Dan Bozi in Fang Congshan. The congenital spells of the congenital period were somewhat familiar, and they could be translated according to the stubbornness.

"So, isn't this an artifact?"

Fu Xiaoqing said.

"Okay." Qin Hao nodded.

"Too good, my brother has this thing, you can explore the Three Realms, anything can not beat you." Fu Yuqing overjoyed.

"I will recognize the Lord first, try its effect."

Qin Lan is also a rare joy.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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