The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1982: Throughout hell

The Qin dynasty dripped blood on the stone.

In fact, he is also gambling. The general artifacts, especially those directly enshrined in the Three Realms, are extremely honorable. Even if they are left behind, they are not arbitrarily claimed by mortals.

I don't know if his identity as a long-lived emperor is good.

The blood is free in the stone of the gods, as if it is a **** dragon, it is clear and visible.

Both the Qin dynasty and Fu Yuqing's heart mentioned the eyes of the scorpion, and suddenly with a burst of white light, Qin dynasty felt a sigh in the heart, and the soul sea exploded the general pain.

The feeling is like using a rig to drill a well. The roaring sounds, the shock of his mind is overwhelming, and I can’t help but retire.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, don't scare me."

Seeing Qin Yu’s painful shackles, Fu Yuqing was in a hurry.

Qin Yu knows that this is the **** stone to recognize the Lord. He believes that the Lord has always been linked to the Yuanshen and the soul. His Yuanshen has already been sealed by Qin Guangwang, and it is a dilemma. This may be an opportunity to open the seal.

Sure enough, with the burst of light in the soul sea.

The seal of Guangwang’s bunker collapsed, and the long-lost **** of the gods, under the perfusion of Shenguang, is like a long dry and sunny, so comfortable.

Then, he felt that there was a white light in the sea of ​​souls, swaying like a candle, and the innate sign of the present.


Qin Hao spit out a black blood and woke up.

"羿哥." Fu Yanqing loved the pity and wiped the blood of his mouth and asked softly.

"God did not give up on me, he is still looking after me!"

"Ming Qing, thank you."

Qin Lan slammed Fu Xiaoqing violently, and it was so innocent that two lines of tears flowed out.

Since being sealed by Guangwang, he has been in desperation all the time, in pain. He once thought that he would continue to suffer as much as he walked away.

However, the appearance of Fu Lanqing, let him re-recognize the meaning of being alive, he has something to guard, and his life is meaningful.

The **** stone broke the embarrassment of the god, but let him know that the sky does not give up, he still has the opportunity to defeat Guangwang.

Moreover, he has an advantage over Guangwang. Since Qin Guangwang taught him not to die, the Qin dynasty found that he had got rid of the death. Guangwang seems to be unable to penetrate and break through the imprint. .

From the point of view of his whereabouts, he has completely got rid of Guangwang.

Moreover, he also became undead.

In this way, even if he fails again, he will not die. He can only be disgusted with Guangwang.

In this game, who wins and who loses is really unimportant.

"Hey brother, the person who thanked me is me. I always thought that I would hate you for a lifetime. However, once I met again, I discovered that I have only loved you from beginning to end, just like I have never been apart."

"Do you know? This kind of love and love, Qing Qing thought that there would be no more, but now, I discovered that the happiest person in the world is me."

Fu Lanqing is also deeply affectionate.


Qin Lan’s low call called her, and the two warmly kissed together, indulging in the green valley.

Although the loss of cultivation and physical strength, the time of joy is far less than before, but the two people feel the real truth.

After all, they are ordinary people, not gods.

They are the most ordinary loving lovers, exactly the same as the thousands of people in this world.

This kind of mundane is the most authentic and most gratifying.

After the rain, the strength of Qin’s tiredness was gone. Fu Xiaoqing was a strange high. After kissing him, he got up and cooked for him.

In order to replenish Qin Qin, she also deliberately went to the mountains to hunt a spirit beast and stewed a large pot of broth.

Perhaps because the mood is good, my heart has come over. Qin Xiao rarely drank a large bowl of soup. Although the five internal organs have not been stained for a long time, it is still a mess, but it is always a good start.

Qin Hao only needs to slowly start from adaptation and re-do a real person.

In the days that followed, Qin Lan studied the use of the **** stone every day. Of course, there was a big beauty in the Qing Dynasty. During this period, he always had to move some of his heart and wanted to roll the sheets several times, but they were all rejected.

Fu Lanqing is really worried about his body. Qin Yu is now fragile like a piece of glass. When he is slightly careless, Fu Lanqing is afraid that he can't eat it and directly reimbursed it. After all, that kind of thing is very expensive and physical. I have to look back, and I have passed the wounded body.

In fact, it was originally a dragon and a phoenix, but the Qin dynasty was broken, and any practice method was in vain, so everything can only be done.

Qin Lan uses the **** of the gods every day to practice the curse, trying to see the three illusions through the **** stone, but even if it is the recognition of the Lord, there is no congenital support, he is difficult to image.

Huang Tian did not pay attention to it. Three days later, Qin Hao finally saw the first picture in his life.

"Lingshi imaging, get up!"

As he screamed, the light of the **** stone emerged, and a scene emerged in the void.

It was a scene of relocation from the mountain village people. The industrious, courageous and kind-hearted mountain people, under the leadership of the new patriarch Gao Junfei, finally found a more hidden and quiet place to live outside the mountains and miles away.

Qin Lan took out the **** map of Qin Guangwang, and spread it out. The gods fell into the picture. The map immediately showed a specific black icon, clearly showing the current location of the mountain people.

"God, it’s amazing, my brother, so to speak, no one in the Three Realms can avoid your sight?"

Fu Lanqing surprised.

"The Three Realms are still too far away, but the people in **** should not have much problems. Of course, there must be preconditions. Like Guangwang, there are Yan Lao Mo, I still can't wear them, maybe I have to wait for me. After the restoration, the magical effect of the **** stone can be fully exerted."

Qin Yudao羿哥, with this piece of **** stone, as long as your cultivation can reach the level of Ziqing Xianzun, the three worlds will not be spoken, even some of the relics of the innate period, you also can see. ”

"This means that you will be the only one in the Three Realms who is not a prophet. Everyone is in your control."

Fu Xiaoqing said.

Qin Hao nodded. In fact, he now controls the flame flower, coupled with the chaotic mirror and the square inch mountain, he has become the condition of the supreme god.

With the development of Shenshi, it may be impossible to find a way to crack the undead seal and kill the king of Guangwang in the future.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu’s confidence burned, and finally it was the shadow of the nightmare that dispelled the heart. He couldn’t help but clench his fists and drink long.

He waited for a long time, waiting for this moment to wait too hard, the emperor did not lose, the opportunity came again.

It’s time to rise and it’s time to fight again.

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