The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1983: Helpless

"Hey, what are your plans for the next time? Your body is very strange. According to common sense, the average person has long been..." Fu Yanqing is quite worried.

She is very happy that Qin Hao has returned to the king's wind, but the physical cuddling is inevitable that nothing can be done, and then frustrated in the end, is it not worse?

"Yu Qing, a few months ago, I was defeated by Qin Guangwang in Dongmingshan. This person killed my parents, killed my two lover Qin Qin, and many loyalists. Unfortunately, I could not hand blade. The thief, on the contrary, he almost destroyed my body and mind, making me a walking dead."

"In order to torture me, in order not to let me die, he forced the immortal imprint into my body, let me live in his humiliation forever, and the pain is boundless."

"So, even if it is my head, even if it is broken, it will take only a few days to recover."

"I am not dead now."

Speaking of this, Qin Yu took Fu Yuqing's jade hand and smiled softly: "It's a pity that Qin Guangwang's wishful thinking is finally lost. I met you, I lived again. The real lonely person is him, now The initiative is already in my hands. He can't kill me, he can't even detect me, he has completely lost my message."

"That is to say, from the moment he taught you not to die, he actually lost." Fu Yanqing leaned in his arms and said with pleasure.

"No, it is from the moment I reunite with you." Qin Xiao smiled.

"But even if it is not dead, we can't deal with him." Fu Lanqing still has some concerns.

"I know that there is a way to break the physical imprisonment and re-enforce the golden body." Qin said.

"What method, brother, you tell me." Fu Yanqing can't wait.

Qin Hao paused, and there is no reservation: "Hell is the same. From our hell, there is a secret road leading to the Western Hell. There are also gods and gods. As long as I can find them, through the baptism of God, It can be purified and reborn."

"You mean God, Satan?"

Fu Yanqing screamed.

She is not without knowledge. In China, there are people from the Western Guangming Union, such as Raytheon and Edward, who have contacts with Qin Yu, and Qin Yu has also handed over the spirit of Lucifer.

Since there are fallen angels, it is not surprising that there is God and God.

"Oh, even if it is, I think the East and West gods must be defensive, with your current remnants, I am afraid it is very difficult."

Fu Lanqing is still worried.

"If things are artificial, try to have at least one in ten thousand chances. If you don't try, there is no hope."

"My luck has always been good, you know."

Qin Hao touched her hair and smiled confidently.

"Then I will accompany you."

Fu Yanqing firmly said.

"No, you are waiting for me here, don't go anywhere."

"There is my second home here. I hope that when I come back, you will stand at the door and wait for me."

Qin Hao holds her hand and is very affectionate.

He is not dead, an immortal, taking a risk of dying, this risk is too great, he does not want Fu Xiaoqing to suffer a little bit of damage.

After Fu Lanqing insisted on it, he finally had a helpless compromise.

He didn't understand the facts. Qin Hao was on the road alone, life and death, and she became a drag bottle with her.

The idea was settled. On the evening of the same day, Qin Yu and Fu Yuqing were warm and rainy, and while she was asleep, dragging her tired and weak body, she alone faced the blood and set foot on the road to the West.


Yan Dongyang was once again killed by Qin Yu, and he almost collapsed back to the Yan family.

After learning that he had killed a Qinhou, Yan Laomo was also angry. He immediately took the grandson who did not know how many generations, went straight to the Nether City, and met Guangwang.

Dongmingshan, the rebuilt palace, as in the past, as if the earth-shattering war a few months ago has never existed.

"Yan Zu, Guang Wang has please."

Li Xian respected the mountain pass.

Yan old demon does not look old, his figure is tall, close to two meters, the raw tiger's broad face, two coleoptera white eyebrows straight into the corner, looks extremely mighty, because of the cultivation, the face is ruddy, Yan old devil It looks like a middle-aged man in his forties.

But this is definitely a terrible existence for anyone, including Guang Wang.

There are a group of people in Hell, which were born together with the day after tomorrow. The Yan Lao Mo is the earliest group of people. If there is anyone in Hell who can barely talk to Guang Wang in the age group, Yan Lao Mo and Shang Guan Han are somewhat qualified. They are all people who have a life span of more than 13 million years. Even if they see him, they have to call their ancestors.

At least three million years have not been cleared, and if it is not a **** stone, he will not come to see Qin Guangwang, who is dead or dead, regardless of his age.

Li Xian led the two to the Dongmu Mountain, and Guangwang had already cooked the tea.

"Yan Laodi, I haven't seen you for millions of years. You are getting younger and younger. I think you have already entered the virtual state."

Guang Wang saw the Yan Lao Mo, but he nodded and smiled.

On the age of generations, even if it is the king of hell, the Yan Lao Mo is not enough to arrange with him. In the days after, Guang Wang has absolute qualifications to disdain anyone.

"Yan Yan has seen my king."

"Yan Dongyang sees Guangwang Emperor."

Yan Lao, the grandfather and the grandson, did not dare to care, and prayed.

Waiting to enter the pavilion, sit and sit, Guangwang gave them tea, and said: "Taste the snow tea from the mountains, this is my love that brought back Qin Zijian, the taste is unique, the world is the best."

Yan Dongyang met with Guangwang Cheng’s sincere fear. He was just ordered to taste tea. Yan’s old man raised his hand and stopped him. He smiled and said: “Guangwang’s tea, we are not accustomed to drinking, let’s talk about business.”

As an old man, the Yan Lao Mo is clearer than anything else. In the long river of history, I don’t know how many people were removed by this emperor’s hot hand. This is a king with a heart like a tiger and an unscrupulous, and Yan’s demon has to be wary.

"Brother, since I don't have this good fortune, I am not reluctant."

Guangwang made his own tea and smiled as usual.

"Guangwang, you told me that this grandson went to the mountains to capture the gods, and the result was a Qinhou, which made my grandson lose face. What is the solution?"

"If I remember correctly, Guang Wang has a mirror, you can look at the world ~ Who is away from the mountain village, you have no heart?"

Although the Yan Lao Devil does not dare to blame, but the tone is extremely bad.

Guang Wang smiled slightly: "I don't want to be a younger brother. I can see all the people in the world. I can't see this Qinhou. The **** stone is lost. It can only be said to be God's will."

Speaking of this, he is very serious, and his eyes are killing. "Don't think that I am joking. This is God's will. God is blocking our affairs. No one can do anything about it."

"God willing?"

Yan Lao Mo is obviously full of doubts about this answer.

The strength of Qin Guangwang, he knows, the Nether Mirror can see through the world, and Qin Hou's flesh is a child, and it is no longer possible to be stronger than Guangwang. How could it not be seen?

What's even worse is that Guang Wang seems to have some helplessness about this ending.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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