The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2015: You lost

The shadow of the old is one of Satan's personal guards. After the demon of Satan was silenced, the four magic guards continued to protect the son of Satan, according to Satan's wishes.

In the long river of history, the sons of Satan, Satan, fought each other. Today, Hell is divided into three points: Heilongjiang, Galois, and Nile. The three princes are in charge of each other. When Satan is not asleep, Satan in Heilongjiang. In the Dark Royal Palace, the Shadows are close to Nile. In private, there is no lesser teaching of the Nile. The two have formed a deep master servant.

For Nile, the shadow is not only a guard, but also a teacher, a relative, and even a closer relationship than the distant relatives of Valdeziya.

If you say that in the Nile dynasty, who can really influence the idea of ​​Nile, this person is not Joseph, not Bald, it is the shadow.

"I can't see this oriental." The shadow is low.

"What?" Nile was shocked.

The shadow sighed slightly: "The last time I was in the palace, I have carefully observed him. His body is broken, and Dantian is cracked. It is like a waste person. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to do so."

"And he has a scent of the Lord, and he has Satan's blood in his body."

"The father has been sleeping for thousands of years, where is the blood of Satan?" Nile was shocked.

"This is not unusual. Don't forget that Joseph is a pro-disciple of Lucifer. Lucifer was the archangel of the devil's master. He must have received a gift. I am curious that the blood of Satan is seamless in this person's body. The fusion, the energy of the eruption, is even above the king."

"This is the strangest thing."

The shadow is frowning.

Nile stunned. As the son of Satan, he was among the many sons of the sons, and he was only second to the black sin. But even so, he only had the dark blood of his father Satan 60%, which means he took the blood of Satan. Can only play 60% of the power.

And Qin Lan can be completely integrated, is it not the Lord Satan regeneration?

"But he is an oriental." Nero tightened her face.

The shadow of the shadows said: "This is a puzzling thing. When the demon Lord, the Lord God, and the gods of the heavens and the earth were together, my West and the East still have the same momentum. But the Lord, After the Lord God and others have fallen and fell asleep, now, our Western gods and devils are far behind the East, especially if they have an immortal Qin Guangwang sitting in the town."

"This Qin dynasty must have been a bad character in the East. There must be many secrets hidden in this person. The King, can't help it."

Magic shadow.

"How is it?" Nile was a little panicked.

"If you want to get rid of him, it's better to do more than one thing. In addition, you will send a special envoy to the East to hell, and ask Guangwang to make a clear inspection."

Magic shadow.

"In the beginning of the channel, except for me, people who don't have the blood of Satan will be broken into pieces. I am sure I can't leave now. If you don't want to be an uncle, you will take a trip to see the Guangwang. I am afraid that others will not go. Can see him." Nile said.

"The King is relieved, I will immediately set off for the East."

"In the days when I didn't come back, you must be careful, you can't conflict with Qin Yu, and everything will be decided when I come back." The shadow is dignified.

"Well, let's go." Nile said.

His heart is disdainful, even if Qin Xiao drank the blood of Satan, the power of Satan's blood is still a waste.

And his cultivation, huh, huh, is not something that others can imagine. He is the son of Satan. Isn’t it easy to kill a waste?

Qin Jian’s sword trick can be described as shocking the world.

Even if it is as strong as Bald is to see the thrilling, there is a fear of nowhere to stop, but he is a famous master in the world, together with the giant sword, slammed into the ground.

"Dark magic shield."


The sword is united, and the glory flows, turning into an anti-10,000 character firmly in the body.


Qin Yu’s swordsmanship is as stabbed as raindrops from all sides, and every sprint will have a strong impact on the shield.

The power of Satan is indeed unparalleled, and almost all the dark forces will be weak in front of it.

Bald secretly complained.

His darkness is above the Qin dynasty, but somehow, the dark power of Qin dynasty has a devouring attribute, not only strong impact, but also constantly corrodes and fuses his energy.

After this change, he actually fell to the bottom.

He finally understood that Joseph would choose Qin Lan as his opponent. Qin Zhen did have this capital.


"The generals can't help it."

Qin Xiaolang smiled, the whole man spiraled in the air, and the hilt was rotated in his hand at high speed. The whole person, like a black dragon, slammed into Bald.


Jianfeng wiped out a splendid spark on the shield, and the surrounding wind and air were also dragged into a whirlwind and whistling. The blowing field was a flying sand.

Bald has no way to change his mind. At this time, even if one of his ideas is not concentrated, he will be pierced by powerful forces.

The only thing I can do is to die.

"A good Qin Qin, I have not read you wrong, haha." Joseph smiled in excitement with a fist.

The energy erupted by Qin Lan is far beyond his expectations. Joseph admits that even if he is against the enemy, he is absolutely difficult to win. This time, the blood of Satan is finally given.

Of course, as long as you can get rid of Bald, as for Qin Hao, it is a foreigner. After Joseph wants to start with him, it is still easy.

And the blood of Satan has sequelae, and this is enough for Qin Hao to dare to play tricks.

And Joseph, he will be the only winner tonight.


In the face of the constant force of the Qin dynasty, Bald finally could not support the big shield, and the position of the chest was broken by Qin.

Qin Yu’s sword did not have the slightest mercy, and instantly penetrated Bald’s chest.


Bald spurted blood on the spot.

He lost!

The dead silence in the field, the nobles have not been able to return to the war in the battle, no one thought of their Optimus, but actually lost under the sword of the East.

"You lost."

Qin Lan pulled out the sword and threw it on the ground.

"Good swordsmanship, I am convinced."

Bald's eyes sparkled with pain, not because of the toxins, not because he was defeated, but because everything that was damned was previewed in the direction set by Qin, and he was finally leaving this sad place.

"Bald adults."

The first thing that came back to God was Chris, who stepped forward to hold Bald.

"Wang Shu."

Nile is also a little panicked.

He didn't want Bald to die, Bald died, and the army would be chaotic.

"The big sword is poisonous."

Chris saw the blood flowing out of the wound was black, and the chest quickly rotted rushed to the Qin dynasty to make a terrible roar.

This shouting, the field was completely chaotic.


"Give me the guy."

Nile took a table and roared.

At this time, the garrison was dispatched, the riots of the dignitaries, and the riots in the field. Joseph was afraid that Qin couldn’t hold him on the spot, and quickly screamed and pushed over, pushing the Qin dynasty’s already prepared exports. And go.

"Give me the catch and grab him."

The Nile is like a lion, pointing to the roar of the crowd.

However, in the inciting head, he quickly lost the sight of Qin Yu. When he opened the flustered aristocrats and rushed to the front, where is the shadow of Qin Yu?

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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