The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2016: Resent

"Man, where have people gone?" Nero yelled.

"Da Wang, this kid must have sneaked away, and hurry to the city to pass him." Joseph ran back and proposed.

"Come on, arrest the Qin Dynasty in the whole city!"

"Uncle Wang, you, how are you?"

Nile supported Bald and asked in a panic.

Bald has been vomiting blood, and the poison is far more than he expected. The sword of Qin Lan certainly will not stab his heart, but wear it from the side, but the toxins are too fast.

"Da Wang, do you want to kill me?" Bald decided to ask Nero for the last time.

"Of course I won't kill you. This is an accident. It's the **** oriental." Nile said.

"No, it is Joseph, Joseph, the traitor. Everything is his arrangement. He is a Lucifer. Lucifer wants to replace the status of the Lord. The King can't take his traits." Bald was heartbroken.

"The general, I just want you to compare with the sword, how can this kid be sterilized on the sword, my teacher Lucifer is loyal to the Lord, everyone knows the world, I am more loyal to the king. ""

"People will die, their words are also good, why do you bite me, do you want to be reassured by the Nile Dynasty?"

Joseph yelled at the side of the arrogance, and it seemed to be aggrieved.

"The King, Joseph is a traitor. If you want Nero to be chaotic, you will kill this person."

"I, I have no way to protect the dynasty. The king will not be able to hold this person in the future and kill him."

Bald vomited blood and died.

Nero took a look at Joseph, and after a few seconds of silence, he said coldly: "Wang Shuxian is well wounded, and the national teacher is a pillar of Nantian. Everything is going to catch the Qin dynasty. After the result, he will conduct a detailed investigation. Will give Wang Shu a satisfactory answer."

Bald closed his eyes and sighed long. Joseph pleaded with Qin to fight against him. This is a very obvious frame, and Niro still protects him, showing that this uncle Wang is in his heart. The status is far worse than Joseph.

He was completely disappointed in his heart, Nile, Nile, but this forced you to blame others.

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unfaithful and unjust.

However, before leaving the palace, the most unbearable thing in his heart is the **** month.

Thinking of this, he supported it, raised his finger to the moon, and trembled: "Miss Shenyue, I, I..."

Shenyue calmly came over and looked at Bald. The tone was as usual, but there was a bit of sadness in the scorpion: "Adult, you are safe and hurt, there will be nothing."

"I, I am going to die, Miss, the last regret of Bald's life is not to kill the god, to force you to marry me, to make you sad, let me be the wicked in your heart." There was a bit of pain in the face of Germany, and she regretted it sincerely.

Shenyue said: "Adult, if you are in the light, you will have no sin and be with me."

A sentence with me, so that Bald's heart is warm, all the obsessions are gone, he is more like this girl, and vowed to save him from the palace in any case, because Nile is not worthy of this she was.

Bald closed his eyes and was carried by a group of guards.

A grand ceremony, because the sword of Qin Yu was completely destroyed.

Nile returned to the palace at the fastest speed, and Joseph and others naturally filled with joy.

As soon as he entered the palace, Nero snarled: "Joseph, is it a good thing for you?"

"Dawang, I really want to let Qin and Baldby swords, frustrating his prestige, but I did not expect Qin Yu to quench the sword, this person is really a sinister villain, he must kill Bald because Miss Shenyue has changed her mind."

"Da Wang, this is a very obvious love kill."

Joseph had a sharp mouth and was very recognizable. He directly poured all the dirty water onto the escaped Qin.

"Da Wang, the national teacher said in his right, he let the sword, but also for the king, this happened, no one can predict."

"The most important thing at the moment is to find the Qin dynasty and smash his corpse to the anger of the three armed forces."

Mrs. Yuya attached to the side.

Although Nero was just using it for herself, she couldn’t hold the air of two people. It seems that this is indeed the case.

"Immediately arrest the Qin dynasty, and always pay attention to Wang Shu's injury, and do everything possible, must not let him die." Nero commanded.


The Qin dynasty did not escape and continued to sway in the city. He did not want people to catch it. No one could catch him.

After only one day, Bald was poisoned and died.

Of course it is a fake death, and his blood is in, Joseph’s poison, completely absent.

Bald’s funeral was held very grandly. His death was indeed very unfavorable for Nile, and the border forces have been restless.

In order to stabilize the needs of the three armed forces, Charles of the Joseph system temporarily led the three armed forces, and greatly improved the welfare of the soldiers, but only temporarily stabilized the situation.

After the funeral, Qin Lan saw Bald in a tavern on the west side of the city.

After a "death", the Nile Dongliang was obviously a lot older, and there was a resentment between the eyebrows, apparently being hurt by Nile.

"Hey, I have already prepared for you. Even if Nero and Joseph dig up the grave, they will never doubt it. You can only go back with confidence." Qin Hao poured him a drink and lowered his voice.

Bald sighed for a long time: "You are really nothing, but unfortunately my Nile dynasty fell into the hands of the traitor, hate."

"No, the Nile Dynasty has been yours since the moment you died. You are a smart person. Some words don't need to be transparent."

"Up to a week, Joseph will die, and all you have to do is raise your troops and fight against Nile."

"Of course, before this, Joseph will madly ruin your old department, the sooner you prepare, the better for you."

"It's not early, go on the road."

Qin Yudao.

"Actually, I don't understand very well. You have done so much, what good is it for you?"

"You know Even if I come back, you can't get anything, including Shenyue, I will never give up."

"Or is your purpose just to disturb and divide my Nile dynasty?"

Bald asked.

"Who will be with God, it doesn't make sense to say this now."

"If you really need a reason, that is, I want to borrow your hand and monopolize all the rights of Eastern Hell in the West. Qin's famous collaborator is Joseph, I can only rely on you."

"Helping you is also helping me. You don't have to be controlled by people. I don't need it. Isn't this a good move?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

Bald nodded and said: "I have to admit that your embarrassment is as powerful as your sword. I believe in you and trust you. You can rest assured that when you come back, you will satisfy all your wishes."

(End of this chapter)

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