The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2017: Change the heart of the dynasty

The two said goodbye, Bald went directly to the military camp from secret channels, and Qin Lan returned to the 79th.

On the street outside the 79th, there have already been guards at all levels, apparently wanting to wait for Qin Hao to be arrested.

However, these people are no different from Qin Wei for the decoration.

Into the house, the tassel is tearing, Qin Hao gently patted her shoulder, this screaming scared almost did not pick up.

"Hou, you, how come you are back, people are everywhere, they are catching you, you are going." The tassels are not worried.

"Nothing, they can't catch me. You go to find Qin's name. I have something to tell him."

Qin Yudao.

"Okay, Hou Ye, you are waiting here, I will go right away."

The tassels have no choice but to find an excuse to find a name for Qin.

After a while, Qin famously came to the room with a raging fire. When I met, I complained: "My God, Hou Ye, you are crazy, we are the crucial moment to transport the spar, how can you run to do this? The assassination."

It seems that Joseph was really saved with his acting, and this did not tell Qin that he was famous.

"Now I am not talking about this, I will find a way to remove the spar. You can help me with one thing at the moment." Qin said.

"What is it?" Qin famous is still ignorant of Qin Xiao's ignorance.

"You go to Joseph and say that I want to see him, just in the tavern on the edge of the city gate, let him meet me alone, tomorrow at 9 o'clock, expired." Qin said.

"What do you want to do, my Houye, please, we are partners now, friends, what do you have, shouldn't you discuss with me first?" Qin famously shouted.

"You will know when you get there, go do it."

Qin Hao waved.

"Good." Qin was famous and lazy to ask, and went straight to inform.

Complaining to complain, Qin Yu is the tree he relies on in the future, and this has never changed.

During the day during the day, Qin Lan meditated in a deserted old house outside the city. Since drinking the blood of Satan, this energy has remained in his body and has not dissipated.

This made Qin Qin realize that in fact, the dark power and the baptism of light can make him restore his power.

This is also the power of immortality. It can be integrated with any power, even in the West. This gives Qin Yu more choices. He realizes that this trip to the West is like a treasure. Travel, what surprises will be in the future, I still don't know.

What Qin Zhen can be sure of is that this is really worth it.

In the evening, Qin Lan went to the tavern.

The location of this pub is close to the military camp on the side of the gate. It seems to be dangerous. In fact, it is the safest. Because the military camp is big, once an accident occurs, Qin Lan will go inside and no one wants to find him.

As soon as he approached the tavern, Qin Lan smelled a dangerous smell. There were a lot of alcoholic people on this street. However, this evening, it was obviously calm. Even if there were occasional passengers, it was a rush, and it was extremely unnatural.

Not as he expected, Joseph is afraid that this guy is going to play with his heart.

Qin Xiao smiled, pulled down the cloak and walked into the tavern.

There are more than a dozen people in the pub who are drinking. These people have not raised their heads for the arrival of the Qin dynasty. Some are punching and some are telling jokes, but the murderous air that permeates the air is so clear.

For a moment, Joseph came to the corner as soon as he arrived, and he was covered in a black robe. His voice was very clear: "How dare you appear?"

"I didn't tell you, go hiding outside the city? After waiting for this gust of wind, you will come back, and when you are rich, you will be indispensable." Joseph was dissatisfied.

"If I am gone, will you still be able to do the next step?"

"Luke Lucifer, are you afraid that it is not just such ambition?"

Qin Xiao sneered.

"What do you mean?" Joseph asked with a frown.

"Bald is dead, shouldn't the next turn be Nile? Maybe, just after removing Bald, Nile is suspicious of you, making you uneasy, you are in a period of defensive turmoil."

"But I have never thought about it. When it is very important, I have to do something very, why not smash it, and all of it will be cleaned up."

“Directly come to a big cleansing to reach the peak of your life.”

"Don't forget, there is Lucifer behind you, but the only angel in **** today is long. After Satan is silent, your teacher is the first person. What are you afraid of?"

"The opportunity is fleeting. I believe that Lucifer's patience is limited. If you can't, it's time for someone else to come."

Qin Yu was directly in power.

Talking to someone like Joseph, only the key to the situation, so that he realizes the value, will fall into the trap of the Qin Dynasty.

Joseph did come to kill the Qin dynasty. He would never allow this living to stay in the world, and he would seize the handle for Nile. At the same time, it was necessary for him to take the head of Qin Qin to go to the angry generals of Bald.

But now he suddenly changed his mind, because Qin Yu’s words poked his heart.

This guy actually knows everything.

Yes, Lucifer wants to be the new demon of hell.

In the demon world of hell, Lucifer has almost fixed the old part of Satan, and those fallen angels, but he has no time to take care of all, can only be handed down to do, and Nile Hell is a breakthrough.

Joseph apparently did not meet the requirements of Lucifer, because he had been to Nile Hell for many years. Although he had drawn a large number of people, he still had to look at Nile's face.

Now that the shadow disappears, Nile loses the most loyal guard, which is a rare godsend for Joseph.

In fact, he was also prepared, and even secretly prepared a death squad that completely obeyed himself.

But perhaps it lacks courage. Perhaps it is the fear of Shadow, Nile, and Bald. It has never been put into reality. Now he is awakened by Qin Xiao and realizes that maybe it is time.

"Nile is the son of Satan, no one can kill him."

Joseph dignified.

"If I can't have a way, I won't be sitting here."

"This is called the immortal, it is a poison in the East. It may not kill Satan, but it should not be a problem to deal with Nile."

"Even if you can't kill him, Nile must be repaired as a total waste. Just look at whether you have the guts to try Qin Hao took out a few small bottles filled with a few drops of immortal, handed it to Joseph.

"Are you sure?" Joseph took the porcelain bottle and asked with pleasure.

"Of course, it depends on whether you have this ability. In my observation of Nile, his precautions are extremely serious. You are afraid that it is very difficult to get."

Qin Lan is very sure.

"This doesn't require you to worry, I have my own way."

"If you can kill Nile, I will build a new dynasty. You are the first one. Right, Qin is famous. You stare at it. This kid has been more swaying recently. This swan meat to the mouth can't fly. ”

Joseph was satisfied, the murder in his eyes faded and led the people away.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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