The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2018: Western

Joseph was satisfied with his departure. He was murderous to Qin Lan, but now it seems that this person is more valuable than he imagined.

Qin Xiao slowly finished the wine, and the diners in the tavern also checked out and left, because Joseph did not kill, they left no meaning.

Qin Lan looked at Joseph’s back, and there was a sneer in his mouth.

His biggest advantage now is that his strength is limited and he seems to kill Bald, but it does not necessarily make Joseph and Nile completely in mind.

In particular, Joseph even concluded that Qin Lan was only drinking the blood of Satan, and the power of temporary stimulation. Once the validity period expires, Qin Lan will become a waste.

This is why he feels that Qin Hao is still in control.

The plan is developing towards the place where Qin Yu hopes. Only when Nile is dead, Bald will go out of the army to attack the palace, and the entire Nile dynasty will be completely disintegrated.

Next, I will see Joseph's, and what Qin Lan wants to prepare is to summon his own army early. Only the army is in hand to truly control Nile Hell.

He went directly to the Royal Music Square.

Mrs. Yuya did not know who she was fooling with, just giving Qin Qin and the opportunity to be alone.

Since the appearance of the **** month, this woman's inner jealousy and inferiority has made her a little change and completely returned to the prototype, becoming a snake venom.

"Hey, what's okay on your side, is Balde back to the military camp?" When he met, God couldn't help but worry.

"Well, Bald has returned to the military camp, but the army will still make troubles, create opportunities for him to hide, and summon the army to advance?" Qin asked.

"It's very difficult. This must be conveyed to the gods through the angels of the neutral zone. Then the heavens will convey my grandfather, and then to the tens of thousands of legal arrangements, the fastest will be one month."

"But with the efficiency of your big Qin army, I think it might be faster."

"Nero summoned me last night. I feel that his wolf is too fast to be pressed. Is there any way to solve him as soon as possible?"

God asked.

In fact, last night, Shenyue was called into the palace by Nero. Although there was a bodyguard enchantment given by the Lord God, the strength of the Nile was far beyond her expectation. God Moon was lucky enough to have a good time, but she had a hunch. If Nero is really sincere to get her, the enchantment is likely to stop.

"Nile is looking for death. If Joseph can't do anything big, I will do it myself."

Qin Hao’s eyes sank and he was hot.

"I will do everything possible to fight for time. Let's try to get things done here. There is no light and neutral enchantment. I will spend one minute in **** and the power will drop by one point."

God Moon Road.

"Right, I accidentally heard Mrs. Yuya say yesterday, the Nile sent the shadow to the East, it is likely to go to see Qin Guangwang, you have to be careful." God reminded.

Qin Yi brows a lock, screaming bad, the person he is most afraid of now is not one of the Nile dynasty, afraid of Lucifer.

As the first person under the Hell of Hell, Qin Hao has not yet fully recovered, and has no absolute strength to challenge.

"I am in the same fire with Guangwang. Lucifer may not kill me, but if he is there, I will be very difficult. I will go to the shadows, maybe it is still too late." Qin said.

"The magic shadow is the personal guard of Satan in the past. If you want to repair it, you must be careful." God said.

Called a brother, Qin Hao will smile, the face of God's moon rises a group of red clouds, more and more charming and charming.

Qin took this opportunity to take her into her arms, kissed her, and stroked it. The goddess who got it was in full swing. If it was because of the inconsistency, both of them could not wait for the real knife. field.

After the farewell kiss, Qin Hao went straight to the border.

The beginning of the road to the East Hell, the shadow must not be able to go, Qin Hao speculated that he is likely to be from the waterway.

In the West, there is a black water cold current that communicates with the source of the East Nether River. Qin Yu calculated the time. At the speed of the magic shadow, it takes only seven days from the West to the East. It is reliable for half a month.

The time when he and Joseph poisoned Nile was exactly half a month. If he could block the shadow, Joseph could fix Nile on the other side, and the Nile dynasty basically smashed half.


The Shadows held the Nero Festival and stepped into the eastern boundary. After being contacted by secret channels, the capital city of Batu was immediately the fastest carriage to welcome the nobles from the West to Dongming Mountain.

"Guangwang, our old friend Devil's special envoy came, see you still see?" Li Xian asked in a small voice outside the Dongfu Gate.

"See, tea in the pavilion." A figure flew out of the cave, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Since he passed on to Qin Yu’s immortal seal, he completely lost control of this person. The only trace of fun that was originally turned into nothingness. Guangwang’s daily retreat was a long life, and there was no fun.

The arrival of the Shadows is undoubtedly a surprise for him.

Since the East has not played, maybe the West can bring a little fun to himself?

"The Shadow of the Shadows has seen the Supreme King." The Shadow is very pious.

For the only true God between heaven and earth, both the East and the West are the ultimate respect.

"Old friends are exempt, from the last time I saw Nile King, it has been nearly a million years, and the king of Nile is good." Guang Wang raised his hand to signal him to get up, asked with a smile.

"Hong Fu of the King of the King, everything is good for the Nile King."

"That's good, you have come to see me this time, what is it?" Guang Wang Han finished, directly asked to see the mountain.

The shadows bowed and said: "We have a strange man from the East recently in Nile City. This person is not only repaired, but also proficient in the temperament, and has already entered the upper circle of my Nile city, because he is playing Black Dragon. The flag of the old Qin family, we all know that it is the king of the king, so I would like to ask, does the king know that a person named Qin about his coming, can you tell me in detail, to eliminate My king's considerations."

"Qin Wei?"

When Guang Wang’s look changed, he laughed happily: “Okay, okay, the hand stretched long enough, all went to the West.”

Li Xian was also shocked. The East and West Hell had strict order and management. No one had thought of Qin Hou, but went to the West.

"Da Wang really knows this person, come quickly."

"It’s more than knowing that this person is the first evil in my Eastern Hell. I once conspired to reverse the three layers of hell. I went there to change the dynasty. Even the position of the king almost made him seek."

Guangwang lifted the teacup and took a sip, Xu Xudao.

"What?" The stunned spurt of the tea in his mouth, his eyes rolling round: "This person is so big, even the king's mind dare to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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