The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2019: Kill the shadow

"There is no such thing as he dare not do in the world. The key is that this person is extremely powerful and has a good reputation. Where is the evil? Where is the fear of fighting with him?"

Guang Wang is deep and thorough.

He does have hidden concerns. Qin Zhen will never run to the West for no reason. There must be a reason behind this. No matter what it is, it is definitely not good for himself.

"This, how can this be good? Please ask the king to teach me how to do it."

The shadow is not afraid.


Guangwang fell into silence.

Because he did the most stupid thing in the world, Qin Hao is now an undead body. With his understanding of the West, the group of wine bags and rice bags are in the sky and underground. I am afraid I can’t think of a way to really kill Qin.

If there is, he will not sit in this hairpin and want to die all day.

"There is only one way to inform you of Lucifer, to send out the magic guard, imprison him, torture him, and let him never show up, this is your only way out."

"And, your speed is fast, this person's repair is higher every day, and the later the day, the more damage you will have to you."


"Thank you for the King's advice, it is not too late, I immediately rushed back to let King Nile ask for help from Lucifer."

The shadow of the shadow knows that it matters, and he dares not stay for a long time.

"No hurry, come here, it’s okay to stay here for a day. Li Xian, you are called Qin Tonglai. Since Qin Hao is playing the banner of Heilongjiang, let him go and collaborate with his son to solve this burden."

Guang Wang is a veteran.

Li Xian immediately went to the notice.

On the next day, Guang Wang personally practiced the two in Dongmingshan.

"Special envoy, because it matters, for the sake of safety, I am determined that you will be divided into two ways. The special envoy will also go from the waterway. Qin Tong will turn into a stowaway and walk from the land. As a result, this trip will be completed."

Guangwang 嘱 嘱道.

"I want to follow the king's decree."

The two men led the death.


The shadow is the waterway. As an old man, he chooses a boat and dresses himself up as a lonely wilderness.

The ship sailed all the way, passing the fjord in front, the ferry of the Nile City, where there will be a large army and a carriage, and he can report this terrible news to the king.

At the fjord, there was heavy rain in the hell, a weird man in a robes, sitting next to a otter, fishing.

The shadow slowed down the speed of the ship. He was also worried at this time. He laughed loudly: "The fellow, you have no connection on this fishing rod, how to fish?"

"I am not fishing, but people."

The man made a very loud voice.

The shadow of the shadow is a smattering, the whole body is running, and only listening to the sound, he knows that the person coming is Qin.

"Sure enough, you."

There was a sharp blade in the shadow of the shadow, and the blood of the pupil was blooming in the pupil.

"Yes, it's me, you can't live back to Nile City, because that would upset my plan, so you must die."

Qin Lan untied and untied to get rid of the robes and fights, showing a cold face.

"Guangwang said that you are right, you really want to use the relationship between the king of God and Vald to cause civil strife, and then draw the dynasty, right?"

The shadow shouted.


"You are very smart, but unfortunately, you have no chance to inform Nile and Lucifer."

Qin Hao is ruthless.

"Oh, you thought you could tie with Bald, can you compete with me? Dreaming."


The shadow laughed.

He was only surprised by the emergence of Qin Lan, but it was still far from awe and fear. He was confident and he was very confident in dealing with Qin.

The shadow is the shadow, and the speed is naturally very fast.

I saw only a series of water marks on the water. The shadow of the shadow was almost the effort in the blink of an eye. It was stabbed to the chest of Qin Yu, and the blade of the war was mixed with powerful dark power.

In the long period of time, this power has been opened and shredded many times in the chest of the demon, so that everyone can hear the name and be frustrated.

Now, Magic Shadow believes that this oriental is definitely not an exception.

The same is true. In the face of his ghostly attack, Qin Hao did not dodge.

Can't hide, don't want to hide.

The strength of the magic shadow has reached an astonishing four-winged wing. The strength is far stronger than that of Bald. It is unrealistic to compete with a small amount of Satan's blood under the Qin dynasty.


The blade of the war pierced the chest of Qin Qin, and the dark energy was injected without reservation.


Qin Qin mouth spit a blood, smiled and looked at the shadow, the pupil of the cold in the pupil: "fast enough, accurate, strong enough, you are qualified to die under my hand."

The shadow of the shadow looked at Qin Hao, and it was awkward.

He did not understand why Qin Lan did not hide, and wanted to find death, but why dare to speak out.


The magic shadow burst into a burst, and the power bloomed completely in the body of Qin.

However, Qin Hao is only indifferent and laughs. His sword, his energy is like being absorbed by some strange power, such as mud into the sea, turning into nothingness.

"How is this going?"

"No, it's impossible."

The shadow can't believe that in this world, besides the demon Lord and the Lord God, he believes that even the archangels such as Lucifer and Michael do not dare to slap him.

"It seems that Qin Guangwang did not tell you, I am also an undead body." Qin Hao looked sympathetic.

"You, have you made an immortal seal?" screamed.

He wants to sneak away, but Qin Hao can be a white scorpion. In an instant, Qin Yu’s eyes fly out of two blood lotuses. Under such a close distance, the magic shadow is inevitable.

The blood lotus directly penetrated his body protection method and integrated into the eyebrow of the shadow.

everything is over.

The shadow only feels a burst of energy filled in the body, and the feeling of death that has not tasted for many years comes again. The loyal guard who follows Satan, after all, can't resist the fire of the reincarnation tunnel, in the screams, unwilling The turn of the ashes.

Qin Hao patted the dust on his body, shook his head boringly, and turned to go to The shadow of the movie was dead, and the news and secrets he brought were always silent.

At least for a short time, Lucifer would not know that his old enemy was in hell. He could still cooperate with Joseph to get rid of the Nile and continue the next step.

Qin Lan returned to the city of Nile.

Half a month passed, and the city was as calm as the autumn water. Qin Lan knew that Joseph’s 80% did not start.

Because as long as the immortal, there are only two possibilities left in the city, either Nile is dead, or Joseph is poisoned and killed.

Now neither of them has anything. It can only be said that he misunderstood the coward. Maybe the last assassination task would not work. He has to think about it again. Since Joseph is not enough to make a mistake, then in the Qin Dynasty, he also There is no value at all.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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