The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2020: Fallen angel

Qin's famous anomaly has given Qin Qin a trace of dangerous information.

He was never a person waiting to be jealous. Qin Lan decided to take some action and he decided to go to Liu Jin.

This guy is a well-known relative of Qin, maybe knowing something.

Liu Jin has a problem, that is gambling.

However, in Qin's famous eyes, this is an advantage, because a person is very easy to control as long as there is demand, Qin is famous for never lacking money, as long as Liu Jin is loyal, money is not a problem.

But it is precisely this point. When Joseph opened a bigger bargaining chip, the gambler did not hesitate to betray Qin’s name and started a two-faced party.

Liu Jin is killing the Quartet in the casino at the moment. He gambles, not entirely because of money, but completely likes this stimulating atmosphere.

"General Manager Liu, it looks like a good luck." Qin Hao patted Liu Jin's shoulder.

Liu Jin looked back and saw Qin Hao. He almost didn't scare the soul away. He quickly put up his chips and pulled Qin Hao to the side: "Mr. Qin, now you are all over the place, what are you doing here?" ”

"Of course I am looking for you. This is not the place to talk. Come with me."

Qin Hao told the road.

Although Liu Jin was somewhat reluctant, he followed the Qin dynasty and walked into an alley. Qin Hao asked: "Where is Qin famous?"

"Mr. Qin, Qin has a name that is closer to you than I am, you don't know, how can I know." Liu Jin was dissatisfied.

Qin Lan sneered aloud: "If I tell Qin that it is famous, you are a traitor to betrayed, a person of Joseph, will he kill you?"

Liu Jin’s face changed and he was shocked: “Mr. Qin, you, you can’t talk nonsense, you’ll die.”

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I ask, if you dare to hide it, I can let you disappear forever." Qin Dao said that he was so cold, quite impatient: "I am again Once again, where did Qin go, what happened in the past half month?"

After Liu Jin was silent for a while, he was still recruited. He could not bear the momentum of Qin Yu’s monks. Under the pressure, any lies were taken from his death.

"He went to the Dark City, which was a hundred miles east of the Heilongjiang City. It was originally Satan's palace, and later became the base camp of the fallen Angels." Liu Jindao.

"What is he going to do?" Qin Yan frowned.

"Of course, I am going to see Lucifer. Don't you know that Qin's famous father Qin Tong is here?"

"It’s weird, you are all Qin family, you won’t even be staring at you.”

Liu Jin did not understand.

"You can roll." Qin Hao waved.

"Oh, Mr. Qin, we are our own people, some things you know..." Liu Jin smiled and re-drilled into the casino.

Of course, Qin Hao will not be bored to tell him the secret, he urgently needs to adjust his ideas.

Thousands of defenses, I did not expect Qin Guangwang to be a high move, sent a Qin Tong.

Qin Tong is the famous father of Qin, the owner of the old Qin family in Heilongjiang. The speech is extremely authoritative. Since he has not followed the magic shadow, it shows that Qin Tong is a sharp knife sent by Guang Wang to deal with himself.

At this time, others are already in the Dark Royal Palace, and it is too late to chase.

Unsurprisingly, Lucifer had already known that he was in the Nile City, and the next step would be to give instructions to Joseph, so that the whole game was completely disrupted.

To make matters worse, Lucifer's cultivation is too high, and he is in control of countless well-known fallen angels. Qin Hao alone faces the top layer of the demon in Western Hell, which is not cheap, and may even be inadvertently All are lost.

Leaving is perhaps the best choice!

However, Qin Zhen has always been seeking for wealth and danger. He has not withdrawn his hand and is not his style.

Maybe there will be some ways in the month of God. After all, the demon **** is in the West and it is something that has existed since the creation of the world. She knows more about the shortcomings of the devil.


Inside the dark royal palace.

The entire palace is immersed in the rich darkness, which is extremely gloomy.

At the top is the throne of Satan, which has been vacant. This demon Lord does not know that he suddenly fell asleep with the Lord God of Heaven in one day, and never woke up.

But even if Satan is gone, this chair is still empty, no one dares to sit.

Even if it is as strong as Lucifer, it has been a long time, and I dare not sit up publicly.

Lucifer's position is on the left side. As a battle with the demon Lord Satan, the archangel of the fallen angel is the most noble. His position on the left side of the Satan throne is a throne of black crystal. For his participation in politics.

In Hell, there were seven **** kings, and Satan's most powerful subordinates. These people either annihilated in the battle of the gods, or followed Satan to sleep, and now only three are left.

One is Lucifer and the other is Bellier. Bellier is always in the same voice as Lucifer. The last one is Mamen. He is a demon born in hell. Because he is dissatisfied with Lucifer, he has already returned to himself. Territory.

As a result, Lucifer became the actual speaker of the Dark Royal Palace.

At this moment, the angel grew up, sitting on his throne, drinking tea slowly.

He has only been exposed to this oriental drink these years. The practice is simple and the entrance is pure. The key is that drinking tea can make him more stable and more space for thinking.

Since the last time a soul nucleus was destroyed by the Qin dynasty in the mortal world, Lucifer realized that he was not perfect. Therefore, these days worked hard to repair the laws of light and darkness, and practiced a peerless technique. Mamen, who is in charge.

"Adult, the two Orientals came to see you again. You have been hanging out for a few days. After all, see you still see?" Bellier came over, poured a cup of tea and took a drink~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ felt very bitter, and quickly put it back, he couldn't understand why Lucifer was so interested in this kind of something that the East couldn't drink.

"See, of course, see, man, do you know why I am going to hang them?" Lucifer gave himself a cup and asked slowly.

"Why?" Bellier, as an old man, actually understood, but he deliberately pretended to be somewhat puzzled, so that he was a good partner of qualified loyalty.

Lucifer enjoyed this feeling very much, and paused, a deep mysterious saying: "I want him to know that the juniors of Nero and Galo feared him Qin Guangwang, but I really didn't put him in my eyes. ”

"Well, you and I are also on an equal footing with the Lord of the Lord. With a banner of Guangwang, I can’t help it, oh."

Lucifer is not shy.

Like all the devils in the West, they are repelling from the minds of the East, especially when Satan is still there. These devils once thought that they are the strongest gods in the world.

Even if the day after tomorrow, Guang Wang is enough to crush them, these angels are always dissatisfied.

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